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11-24-2007, 07:53 AM
Just wanting to get to know you...

*note* If you celebrate another tradition at this time of year...let us know about that one.

1. Where does Christmas rank, as far as your favorite holidays?

2. What's your most memorable Christmas?

3. Have you ever had a sad Christmas? If so Why?

4. If money were no object, what 5 Christmas gifts would you LOVE to give?

5.. What gift would you LOVE to give to that special someone?

6. How many Christmas celebrations do you normally attend?

7. Ideal Christmas temp....30 degrees, or 70 degrees?

8. Ideal Christmas conditions....snow or sunshine?

9. Would you call yourself a Scrooge, or a jolly elf?

10. Okay, now, what would those who love you call you...Scrooge or elf?

11. Favorite Christmas song?

12. Favorite Christmas movie?

13. Favorite Christmas food?

14. What does Christmas mean to you?

15. What does it take to get you in the Christmas spirit?

11-24-2007, 10:03 AM
1. Where does Christmas rank, as far as your favorite holidays?

Right behind Valentine's and st. Patrick's Day

2. What's your most memorable Christmas?

The one where my dad broke his arm riding my brother's new skateboard and the last Christmas with my grandma. She had lost most of her sight but we drove to her town and brought her back up to our house. We went to look at the lights on Xmas eve and she could see those very well. We drove around singing carols and ooooo-ing and ahhhh-ing over peoples' dedication.

3. Have you ever had a sad Christmas? If so Why?

Yes, I missed a few people who had died that year

4. If money were no object, what 5 Christmas gifts would you LOVE to give?

A tour around the world for 3-6 month's.

Breakfast in Italy

A new house to someone who needs one

An additional wing on my school

Unlimited airline miles

5.. What gift would you LOVE to give to that special someone?

Breakfast in Italy

6. How many Christmas celebrations do you normally attend?

Parties?? about 3

7. Ideal Christmas temp....30 degrees, or 70 degrees?

high 40's

8. Ideal Christmas conditions....snow or sunshine?

Snow with sunshine

9. Would you call yourself a Scrooge, or a jolly elf?

Mrs. Claus- the one who makes it happen

10. Okay, now, what would those who love you call you...Scrooge or elf?


11. Favorite Christmas song?

Angels We Have Heard on High or Good King Wenceslas (sp?)

12. Favorite Christmas movie?

A Christmas Story

13. Favorite Christmas food?

Candy Canes

14. What does Christmas mean to you?

2 weeks off with my peeps

15. What does it take to get you in the Christmas spirit?


11-24-2007, 08:23 PM
1. Where does Christmas rank, as far as your favorite holidays?

Number 1- hands down

2. What's your most memorable Christmas?

So far, the first Christmas my wife and I spent together.

3. Have you ever had a sad Christmas? If so Why?

The Christmas after my dad died was tough.

4. If money were no object, what 5 Christmas gifts would you LOVE to give?

-mansion for my wife
-luxury townhouse for my mom
-sprawling new house for my brother and his family
-full ride to a good school for a friend's son
-the whole fertility specialist, consultations, artificial insemination process for another friend and her husband

5.. What gift would you LOVE to give to that special someone?

HUGE plasma TV for my TV addict wife

6. How many Christmas celebrations do you normally attend?

counting family and work, around 4

7. Ideal Christmas temp....30 degrees, or 70 degrees?

Maybe about 20 degrees with about two feet of snow

8. Ideal Christmas conditions....snow or sunshine?


9. Would you call yourself a Scrooge, or a jolly elf?

jolly elf

10. Okay, now, what would those who love you call you...Scrooge or elf?

jolly, somewhat inappropriate elf

11. Favorite Christmas song?

Christmastime by Michael W. Smith

12. Favorite Christmas movie?

tie: Christmas Vacation and Christmas Story

13. Favorite Christmas food?

White chocolate covered pretzels

14. What does Christmas mean to you?

Even though I haven't figured it all out, I still view the Baby in the manger as the the whole point of the holiday.

15. What does it take to get you in the Christmas spirit?[/QUOTE]

Putting up the tree, which we did today!

11-25-2007, 12:16 AM
1. Where does Christmas rank, as far as your favorite holidays?
Used to be my favorite, now I can do without a bunch of holidays.

2. What's your most memorable Christmas?
Either 1965, my first guitar, or maybe 1969 when I got my 1st amp to go with the electric I bought with my lawnmowing money.

3. Have you ever had a sad Christmas? If so Why?
The year I lost my brother & my job about a month before. Spent most of my time consoling my mama while not letting her know I was unemployed.

4. If money were no object, what 5 Christmas gifts would you LOVE to give?
A new house in the country for Mrs Zoid, a home for #1 son (to get him the hell outta my house), & a vintage Mustang in need of reconditioning for #2 son (something that he won't be able to drive fast until he's mature enough)...don't have any other people important enough to me to merit expensive gifts...aw hell, Peace on Earth for everybody :tongue:

5.. What gift would you LOVE to give to that special someone?
See above.

6. How many Christmas celebrations do you normally attend?
Not so many anymore.

7. Ideal Christmas temp....30 degrees, or 70 degrees?

8. Ideal Christmas conditions....snow or sunshine?
A light dusting of snow on the ground, & none on the streets.

9. Would you call yourself a Scrooge, or a jolly elf?

10. Okay, now, what would those who love you call you...Scrooge or elf?
Bah! Humbug!

11. Favorite Christmas song?
Manheim Streamroller - Carol of the Bells

12. Favorite Christmas movie?
Scrooge, with Alistar Sim

13. Favorite Christmas food?
Honey Baked Ham, or my homemade saugage balls

14. What does Christmas mean to you?
Not as much fun since the kids got older. Maybe when I get some grandchildren...but let's not rush things, ok?

15. What does it take to get you in the Christmas spirit?
Getting a live tree up.

11-25-2007, 08:57 AM
Just figured out that I didn't answer any of these questions...so here is mine...

1. Where does Christmas rank, as far as your favorite holidays? #1

2. What's your most memorable Christmas? it is hard to pick one...i'll have to think about it.

3. Have you ever had a sad Christmas? If so Why? Yes, it was just after my divorce...my daughter was 3 and my son was 6 months. I only had 25 dollars extra for gifts. It broke my heart that i couldn't get much for the babies. So I got my daughter a fancy night gown w/matching robe and a tierra and nathan a bunch of diapers and a box. They loved it all.

4. If money were no object, what 5 Christmas gifts would you LOVE to give?a house for my mom, one each for both my sisters, a college fund for both my kids and whatever there heart desires just this one time.

5.. What gift would you LOVE to give to that special someone? A life he can walk right into if he just chooses to.

6. How many Christmas celebrations do you normally attend? i would say 3

7. Ideal Christmas temp....30 degrees, or 70 degrees? 40's

8. Ideal Christmas conditions....snow or sunshine? Snow with sunshine

9. Would you call yourself a Scrooge, or a jolly elf? i am somewhere in between

10. Okay, now, what would those who love you call you...Scrooge or elf? elf

11. Favorite Christmas song? All I want for Christmas is You by Vince Vance and the Valients

12. Favorite Christmas movie? The one with James Stewart and the angle named Clarence....oh what what that movie...it comes on every year?

13. Favorite Christmas food? Honey glazed ham

14. What does Christmas mean to you? Over the years it is becoming more and more about the spirit of christmas than the giving of gifts..

15. What does it take to get you in the Christmas spirit?The songs and the Christmas decorations.

11-25-2007, 11:00 PM
1. Where does Christmas rank, as far as your favorite holidays? First

2. What's your most memorable Christmas? When my mom told my one sister and I that we had another sister.

3. Have you ever had a sad Christmas? If so Why? Can't remember one.

4. If money were no object, what 5 Christmas gifts would you LOVE to give? New house for my sis, trip for my mom to visit relatives, shopping spree for the child, donations for all the charities and a Vegas trip.

5.. What gift would you LOVE to give to that special someone? Money

6. How many Christmas celebrations do you normally attend? 2

7. Ideal Christmas temp....30 degrees, or 70 degrees? 30 and no wind

8. Ideal Christmas conditions....snow or sunshine? snow

9. Would you call yourself a Scrooge, or a jolly elf? elf

10. Okay, now, what would those who love you call you...Scrooge or elf? elf

11. Favorite Christmas song? song from the Santa Clause movies but I can't seem to be able to name it right now.

12. Favorite Christmas movie? Holiday Inn

13. Favorite Christmas food? frosted cookies

14. What does Christmas mean to you? Church, family and friends

15. What does it take to get you in the Christmas spirit? Start with decorating and see where it goes from there.

11-25-2007, 11:15 PM
1. Where does Christmas rank, as far as your favorite holidays? -- Probably second to Thanksgiving

2. What's your most memorable Christmas? -- not really any one particular one but more of the memories of getting up really early when I was a kid and getting the parents up so we could open presents.

3. Have you ever had a sad Christmas? If so Why? -- yeah, my stepgrandma passed away two days before Christmas in '93. It turned out to be a very nice gathering of that side of the family but just not for the reason we would've liked.

4. If money were no object, what 5 Christmas gifts would you LOVE to give? -- There's so many, I guess I'd buy my mom a place in Hawaii, I'd get a friend of mine completely set up with a business they want to start, hmmm.... have to think more and come back to this one.

5.. What gift would you LOVE to give to that special someone? -- well, I don't have that someone special right now so can't really answer that one. :(

6. How many Christmas celebrations do you normally attend? -- one

7. Ideal Christmas temp....30 degrees, or 70 degrees? -- I've spent a Christmas with my folks in Los Angeles and it seemed really odd for it to be warm so I'll go with 30 degrees.

8. Ideal Christmas conditions....snow or sunshine? -- sunshine but there would be a bit of snow on the ground.

9. Would you call yourself a Scrooge, or a jolly elf? -- more of a Scrooge anymore I hate to say. :(

10. Okay, now, what would those who love you call you...Scrooge or elf? -- elf

11. Favorite Christmas song? -- either Holly, Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives or any good rendition of O'Holy Night.

12. Favorite Christmas movie? -- A Christmas Story (watched it tonight actually)

13. Favorite Christmas food? -- Peanut Brittle. Oh, and I just can't get enough egg nog! :slurp:

14. What does Christmas mean to you? -- a time to be with loved ones and just enjoy things. Let them know that you love them.

15. What does it take to get you in the Christmas spirit? -- usually the music does it for me.

11-26-2007, 08:40 PM
1. Where does Christmas rank, as far as your favorite holidays?

I put it right at the very top.

2. What's your most memorable Christmas?

I think it would have to be the year my daughter was almost 4. She got so many presents and really got into the whole season of Christmas. It was a joy to watch her.

3. Have you ever had a sad Christmas? If so Why?

Yes, for various reasons.

4. If money were no object, what 5 Christmas gifts would you LOVE to give?

1.The dream home that my Joe and I are planning and wishing for.
2.Anything and everything that girl of mine would want from Hot Topics.
3.A home for my sister and her family.
4.Financial security for my parents.
5.The Porsche of his dreams.

5.. What gift would you LOVE to give to that special someone?

A get-a-way trip where the bed is big and the hot tub jets intense

6. How many Christmas celebrations do you normally attend?

This year I'm attending two parties, hosting a party of my own, and will be going to the musical of The Scrooge being performed by my daughter along with her high school drama club.

7. Ideal Christmas temp....30 degrees, or 70 degrees?

70 degrees. I hate the cold and having to wear a coat.

8. Ideal Christmas conditions....snow or sunshine?

See above. Although I would love to see a little snow on Christmas morning.

9. Would you call yourself a Scrooge, or a jolly elf?

Jolly elf, but with better shoes.

10. Okay, now, what would those who love you call you...Scrooge or elf?

Elf, unless you speak to the kid. ;)

11. Favorite Christmas song?

O Holy Night

12. Favorite Christmas movie?

It's a Wonderful Life

13. Favorite Christmas food?

Egg Nog

14. What does Christmas mean to you?

Christmas for me is remembering that Jesus really is the reason for the season. It is also a time to give to those you love and to share a little peace and love with the world around you. And it is a very special time where I see how many glittery objects I can cram into my home.

15. What does it take to get you in the Christmas spirit?

Christmas carols on the radio, money in my pocket, and a Starbucks Peppermint Mocha.

11-26-2007, 10:18 PM
1. Where does Christmas rank, as far as your favorite holidays? Used to be pretty high, now it's kind of depressing...working on getting back into it for the kids sakes.

2. What's your most memorable Christmas? Um...not sure.

3. Have you ever had a sad Christmas? If so Why? Will this year. No $$ and lost my dad back in May.

4. If money were no object, what 5 Christmas gifts would you LOVE to give? hubby a PS3 or XBOX 360 (or both!), Son--any toy he wanted, Niece--tix to Hannah Montana, Baby Sis--new wardrobe & Wedding dress of her choice

5.. What gift would you LOVE to give to that special someone? hubby--either of the 2 above or a new car

6. How many Christmas celebrations do you normally attend? 3

7. Ideal Christmas temp....30 degrees, or 70 degrees? 30

8. Ideal Christmas conditions....snow or sunshine? snow

9. Would you call yourself a Scrooge, or a jolly elf? neither

10. Okay, now, what would those who love you call you...Scrooge or elf? NO IDEA

11. Favorite Christmas song? Transsiberian Orchestra's Carol of the Bells or anything from the Bob Rivers' Twisted Christmas Album

12. Favorite Christmas movie? umm...animated story of Rudolph & the one about Frosty the Snowman

13. Favorite Christmas food? The COOKIES

14. What does Christmas mean to you? family

15. What does it take to get you in the Christmas spirit? not real sure any more.