View Full Version : The Shift From Hell

11-23-2007, 04:33 AM
Im sorry i just need a rant here about last nights shift

All started fairly well, took over on time (for once) and started off well but then i hit the bus drivers nightmare. TRAFFIC. It took me 25 minutes to do a part of my trip that usually takes….2. Thats how bad it was. It then got worse. I ended up being 25 mins late so everyone was asking me where the bus infront was supposed to be. When I told them it was me they went insanly mad at me. Like I could do anything about it. So then they start swearing and yelling abuse at me. I just ended up getting later and later and being yelled at more and more. I eventually end up getting put back on time only to hit the last part of the traffic jam that I got stuck in 2 hours before!!

Finally managing to get free of that I end up going balls to the wall to keep on time and just to add more stress to this I catch problems at the worst time. I hit yet another traffic jam on my last run.

Out of a possible 40 mins break i get 10 in 7 hours of driving… 6 hours 50 mins behind the wheel. Is it any wonder my legs are aching this morning?

Thanks for reading

11-23-2007, 04:35 AM
((((mayhem)))) - not every day is this bad....sorry people had to be so crappy to you!

11-23-2007, 06:29 AM
Compounding shitty effects. When shifts go wrong, they don't fuck around.

11-23-2007, 06:37 AM

Tough one, for sure, Let us hope you do not have another for a long, long time!