View Full Version : *plays Rocky theme loudly*

11-16-2007, 05:49 AM
What kinds of things do you do to psyche yourself up to deal with life's little unpleasantries??????

Do you have an inspirational song that you play aloud or in your head?

Do you give yourself a pep-talk?

How do you get yourself prepared??

11-16-2007, 05:53 AM
Usually i just either think to myself or say "Fuck here we go again" and get on and deal with it

11-16-2007, 06:10 AM
I have a little "daily affirmation" that I say out loud every day when I wake up. It's something has never failed to put me in a good frame of mind and helps me to get through some tough times. I've been saying it for probably about 30 years now:

Someday I will see Charlie Brown kick that football.
Someday I will see the Cubs win the World Series.
Someday I will see them find a cure for cystic fibrosis.

Not really any particular music that I listen to for inspiration. It's usually one of those things that I may just happen to hear a song and it really gets me going.

I've found that talking to a friend about pretty much absolutely nothing helps get me in a good frame of mind to deal with life's problems many times. I did that last night actually. I've also found that pets help me deal with things quite a bit. Been spending a lot of time the last couple of weeks with a purring furball in my lap and I've been able to feel a lot better about things each and every time I done that.

11-16-2007, 06:21 AM
I just do it.

11-16-2007, 07:57 AM
First I pray for strength and ability and if that don't work I beg. :) I take a deep breath and do what I have to do.

11-16-2007, 02:25 PM
I visualize me being successful, and all the better stuff I'll get to do when the bad task is over.

11-16-2007, 05:13 PM
I tell myself that it is only going to take up just a portion of my hour, week, year, decade, life - depending of course how long the 'whatever' is going to take. I have decided that there isn't anything that I can't handle, do, etc because there is so much more than that 'thing' I have to face, deal with, do.

11-17-2007, 01:12 AM
I just assume the position & hope I get a kiss this time :rolleyes2

11-19-2007, 02:57 PM
I usually try to get a really bad night's sleep the night before...an hour or two tops.

Then, about an hour or so prior to the occurance taking place, I convince myself to start feeling stomach cramps.

The most effective thing by far is the hyperventilating I do just after my event begins.

Other than that, no.

11-21-2007, 11:04 PM
OK. I thought of this thread today at work.

I found myself ta-da'ing the Rocky theme as I went to fix this idiot secretary's computer. Every time she calls, the "issue" is the end-user, not the network, equipment, software. And no matter how I try to educate her on simple troubleshooting to do prior to demanding that I see her in person rather than remote into the computer she still INSISTS that it is a network problem. I typically spend at least 30 minutes with her because once I am there, she demands that I check out EVERYTHING to make sure she won't have the problem again. She should be banned from using a computer....

This time the reason her computer wasn't working was because she didn't turn the monitor on....

11-21-2007, 11:34 PM
In the past, I procrastinated until I had to act, and then gritted my teeth and did the job.

My attitude now, since OTP passed, is that nothing unpleasant could possibly measure up to that, and I survived that, so whatever else that comes up is not worthy of the worry, and I just do it.

11-22-2007, 06:35 AM
OK. I thought of this thread today at work.

I found myself ta-da'ing the Rocky theme as I went to fix this idiot secretary's computer. Every time she calls, the "issue" is the end-user, not the network, equipment, software. And no matter how I try to educate her on simple troubleshooting to do prior to demanding that I see her in person rather than remote into the computer she still INSISTS that it is a network problem. I typically spend at least 30 minutes with her because once I am there, she demands that I check out EVERYTHING to make sure she won't have the problem again. She should be banned from using a computer....

This time the reason her computer wasn't working was because she didn't turn the monitor on....
OMG................I'd tell her she owes you $25 everytime she has to have you come save her stupidity.

11-24-2007, 01:12 PM
I just do it.
