View Full Version : Menopause?

11-15-2007, 01:45 PM
Guys read at ya own risk *L*....Girlie subject ahead

I'm starting to think i am heading this way.

Symptoms i've had include: Periods 3 times in 6 weeks, and they've ranged from 2 days to 6, mood swings, the sweats and flushes, nausea & very little interest in sex.

I've got a doctors appointment for Monday to try to get this sorted, cause i'm over it *L* If it aint menopause i wanna know what the hell is going on. Also booked in for the ohhhh so dreaded PAP smear (been way overdue for one...like hmmmm 10 yrs or so :sad: )

Just interested: Is anyone here going through it or already gone through it?

11-15-2007, 02:27 PM
I HAVE BEEN regular like a clock and then ihavenn't had a cycle in 9 months..
sweats adn such i have been having. had to buy cottony jammmies for the sweats

11-15-2007, 07:01 PM
Where to start?

Yes, been there done that.. still dealing.

Actually - I started perimenopause - which is premopause when I was in my early 30s. Typically women can experience this up to 10 years prior to every entering menopause. Hormonal fluctuations, unexplained weight gain, night sweats, hot flashes during the day, weird periods, etc.


My hormones were way out of whack and my doc prescribed progesterone to alleviate the symptoms (which Cobalt rather enjoyed because my sex drive went into high gear). I was taking the natural trouches which worked wonderful (I wanted to stay away from synthetic) but then suddenly the insurance co. decided they weren't going to cover the script because it wasn't a 'standard' issue drug. It was made specifically for the level of progesterone that I needed according to my tests. Well, since I didn't want to and really couldn't take the synthetic type plus couldn't afford the natural without insurance, I stopped taking it and let nature take its course. I ended up having a hysterectomy about 5 years ago. That in itself didn't bother me (YAY no monthly curse), but I still had and have all the symptoms of the menopause since I still have the hormone fluctuations and they left my ovaries.

Sharni - it is a good thing that you go to get checked out. I was only a year over my dreaded poke & prod and when the lab looked at my innards they removed they found cancer.

My doc did tell me that not drinking, smoking, getting exercise and if needed an herbal supplement - black kohash - can alleviate some the crappy hot flashy stuff. I just take it as it is - it will end one day (hope, hope).

Let us know how it goes and if you have any questions that you want first hand experiences from let me know. I am not shy and will tell you more than you probably want to know about what I went thru and how I deal.

((((Sharni))))) errrrrrummmm (((((OrliFanatic))))))

11-15-2007, 08:34 PM
Thanks to you both *hugz*

Chey ~ I've had the hot fushes and dicky periods off and on for around 5 yrs (i had a test done and found i was premenopausal back then)...but they werent like it has been this last few weeks....especially the last week. To be honest its been rather nightmarish! I really REALLY hope this does not continue for 10 or so yrs *LOL*

The hot flushes are i swear like i'm burning, i break out in a sweat over my entire body, i feel very nauseous. If its a particulary long one i go outside to try to cool down & incase i do vomit. The longer ones usually result in me getting a headache, dont know if thats from stress or the actual process itself.

Nasty nasty shit it is *LOL*...Punish us with having to deal with periods every month, then having kids and now this shit...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

RE: PAP smear

Yes i know i should have gone, but dammit if it isnt too easy to put off til next time. And being such a 'wonderful' thing to have done...NOT...really makes me want to try to squeeze it into my schedule

11-15-2007, 08:39 PM
This is a very touchy subject for me.

I'm glad you are getting a physical. While it could be peri-menopause it could also be something else.

2 years ago I had some similar symptoms but also had uncontrollable bleeding (puddles upon standing) when those periods did come. I had a fibroid tumor the size of a basketball. I had it removed and all was well and then this past year I began to have some scary symptoms like heart palpitations and being seriously dizzy etc. Turns out they are hot flashes that are more intense due to the sudden hormonal disruption caused by my surgery. They are horrible and my doctor did some bloodwork (and heart stuff) confirming I am indeed heading into menopause. I'm having issues with it as I am also having my last birthday this year (39).

11-15-2007, 08:50 PM
I'm glad you are getting a physical. While it could be peri-menopause it could also be something else.
Its the 'something else' that is motivating me to get looked at. There is cancer everywhere through my family, and quite frankly that scares me. Though being as the last test i had done had me on the verge of menopause, i'm SO hoping this is what the problem is (fingers crossed)

11-15-2007, 10:31 PM
I hear ya both on this one. I also had fibroids, but they were small and only resulted in very painful periods. I was young according to the doc for all of this too Lil...

The sweats and almost vomiting and headaches (actually migraines) are also part of what I experienced due to being estrogen dominant. Sucks big time... :(

*crosses fingers also*

Keep us updated hun....

11-16-2007, 07:46 AM
Mrs OF's played this game and it's not fun.

I hope Bilbo's taken his saint pills.

11-16-2007, 10:16 AM
I have to say spouses and significant others def need saint pills as just the mood swings i have had are killer. one moment i am the angel and next it like i want to kill everything. ugh. THe hot flashes such too. I have gotten to be where i get sick also.

My cycles were very irregular and spouse and i went through infertility testing and that and at that time chemicals were good.

We did our adoption and i found i woke up one night i was soaking wet from the night sweats. WE did the update of blood work and yep peri-menapausal.
They say it lasts 5 to 10 years. UGH..

You know men have it easy.. all they go through is a mid-life crisis. rofl.

We get this for Eve eatting that damn apple. NOT FAIR.. :)

take care
pixie women unite!!

11-16-2007, 12:36 PM
My secretary Magpie believes she is heading in that direction. She has always been very emotional, so that's not what triggered the realization. It's the ever changing level the temperature needs to be at for her to be comfortable.

Mrs. WI has yet to open that door. I can't imagine what it will be like if THIS ain't moody!

11-16-2007, 05:25 PM
LOL - I read this and I have to laugh at the hot flashes. Sorry but I can't help it. One cold winter night I was having flash after flash and it was below zero outside... Here I was in my summer night gown - no blankets, ceiling fan on and another fan on blowing on me... (like it was 100 degrees out) and there was Cobalt with every blanket in the house on him in bed... I am so glad he loves me.. :D

At the time it really wasn't funny, but we both do have a good laugh about it now.

11-16-2007, 08:46 PM
So far my hot flashes have not been so kind as to happen in bed. Mine have happened in weird places like waiting in line at JCPenney.

11-17-2007, 01:26 AM
Oh.. I have been in public and at work when mine have happened. Not only the sweat, but I get sick to my stomach, dizzy, beet read, the whole bit. Sometimes I wonder if I am going to spontaneously combust.

National Enquirer Headline "Woman at work turned into a pile of ashes"

11-17-2007, 01:53 AM
All I can add is that Mrs Zoid went thru the worst of it just about the same time I became diabetic...so we passed each other going in opposite directions, before I was hot-natured & she could never get warm enough, suddenly she was the human furnace & I was bundling up to get warm...ain't life a bitch...

Also, the doc now has me on Niaspan to get my HDLs (good cholesterol) up, which can have hot flashes as a side effect...caught me one morning a few months back, & if what I felt was even half what you ladies get, you have earned my sympathy...

11-17-2007, 04:43 PM
The only thing I can add, is if possible, talk to your Mother about when she went through it. Apparently a woman tends to mirror her mother, so if your Mum went through it early, then you will too.

Women in my family tend to go through it late (my Mum came off HRT aged 58, only to find she was still having periods!) and I've not made up my mind if that's a good thing or not yet!

11-17-2007, 04:51 PM
I asked Mum after the original test i had done....she was 40....and seeing i'm 39 the changes are high i am too

11-18-2007, 02:45 AM
Friggin Yikes!

I've no family source to go by in this situation. All genically related peeps had all their innards outed afore the big "M" in my family.

I wanted and warranted a hysterectomy...but I am forging forward to give the girls in my family a source to refer to!

I had that internal/external exam. Dare I mention that "the probe" was sorta...um...if I wasn't filled with fluids and had to pee like a race horse...um...kinda sexy cause my tech was being professional but I think she "enjoyed' her job!

I never gave her a negative report!

I had both fallopian tubes and an ovary removed way back when.

"Hot Flashes"? Aye Carumba

11-18-2007, 08:10 PM
Well done the fanny mechanic...who i might add raised an eyebrow at me and peered over his glasses when i told him how long it had been since my last one *L*... Anyway...done now for 2 yrs :D

The Doc put me on the pill to try to regulate my hormones, he doesnt believe another blood test will enlighten the situation at all, as i still get periods they are just major screwed up. So 6 months trial with the pill to see if that helps, if it doesn't i'll be back on his doorstep believe you me.

Now onto the next question *LOL*

Its been that damn long since i've had to use the pill. I gotta start in the red section on the pack. Well dammit that aint gonna work cause i finished a period Friday and today being Monday, which is not a red section pill according to the pack.

Sooooooo do i wait until my next period or do i just take the damn pill not in the red section or the Monday pill that is in the red section? *LOL*

The red section, would be when you would normally have your period....so taking the Monday (in red) would be like taking it for the first day of my period

Stuffed if i know *L*...I might need to ask the chemist :D

11-18-2007, 09:05 PM
Ask the chemist. :D

11-19-2007, 09:03 AM
In my experience of taking the pill, you're supposed to start the pill on the first day of your period. I'm amazed the doc didn't go through it with you, but it should say so in the instruction packet that comes with it if nothing else.

11-19-2007, 06:13 PM
yep it says ya gotta start it on the corresponding day in the red section, but as i've just finished a period and i dont want to have to wait a whole cycle to start.

I figured the red section are Lactose tabs (like sugar tabs), no active ingredient, and the first active tab would be the Monday brown tab, i just started there yesterday *L*