View Full Version : The Fair

11-09-2007, 07:42 AM
I was just curious how many of you live in a place where it is still a big damn deal when the fair comes to town. Do you usually go? Do you ride the rides? Are you a fair food freak?

11-09-2007, 07:53 AM

We go to the Maryland State Fair every year. :) It was more of an adventure when the children were with us; we made a big deal of it - took of on Friday, etc.

Good times!

11-09-2007, 08:20 AM
One of the oldest and largest fairs comes to our town each year and we usually end up going all four days. The kids play games and ride rides; Mrs. WI spends most of her time in the craft buildings, and I tend to eat my way from one end to the other.

11-09-2007, 08:33 AM
Yep, the fair is a pretty big deal back here. We have the county fair which isn't as big as it was when I was a kid (or at least it doesn't seem to be to me) and the Iowa State Fair, which is supposedly the largest event in the state each year. I've never been to the state fair, despite having lived in Des Moines for 11 years, and I guess the last time I went to the county fair was over 15 yrs ago.

11-09-2007, 09:28 AM
It's still a big deal around here, probably because we have one of the biggest county fairs in the area. And I live only about three miles from the county fairgrounds.

11-09-2007, 09:38 PM
I haven't been to a fair in years, but I do have fond memories of funnel cake, corn dogs, and cotton candy. :)

11-09-2007, 10:36 PM
We go to the state fair most every year it runs for 10 days..I don't ride on the rides anything that goes around makes me very sick so we stick to the buildings and livestock barns.

11-10-2007, 05:09 AM
There's the State Fair in Springfield and Peoria has it's Heart of Illinois Fair. Been to both, but not in several years. They can be fun, but (like everywhere) they've started to price themselves out of the fun status. :(

11-10-2007, 10:18 AM
I haven't been since I was a kid; I don't even know if they have one here...I suspect they do, but I don't know where.

11-10-2007, 10:26 AM
There's the State Fair in Springfield and Peoria has it's Heart of Illinois Fair. Been to both, but not in several years. They can be fun, but (like everywhere) they've started to price themselves out of the fun status. :(

It's an international problem DB

Teddy Bear
11-10-2007, 10:48 AM
mmmm.... corn dogs, fried dough, strawberry shortcake, onion blossems, candy apples, corn-on-the-cob drenched in butter.... does it taste so good because you only get it once a year?

We used to go every year. Never went on the rides. Went in all the buildings, the crafts my favorite, the kids liked the animals. Hubby liked the shows.... horse pulls, tractor pulls, the oxen, all that stuff.

We all enjoyed the concert, usually the last thing before heading home. Carried a sleeping child out to the car several times. Good memories at the fair grounds. They still hold it here but we haven't been in awhile.