View Full Version : Warning:Frustrated about Politics and stupid people.

10-23-2007, 10:22 PM
Is it just me or are the stupid people winning the race? I am getting so frustrated at the way our potential President wanna-bes are acting.

First we actually have a president that thinks oral sex is not sex. And to be honest he doesn't even know what sex is. Apparently Hilary must have been in bed alone when she concieved their daughter.

Now we have a canidate for President not placing his hand over the heart while saying the pledge. Or even wearing a flag lapel pin. I mean "hello, here is the news flash in case you missed it" you are running for President of the United States.

What gets me the most is they are suppose to be examples that we strive to believe in and should have moral fiber. My brother is willing to die for that flag and this country they are wanting to lead. Even for the "stupid" people to be stupid.

So anyone else have a problem with all this crap that they are pushing on us?

10-23-2007, 10:25 PM
I have been suffering for 6 years with stupid people making what I personally believe to be stupid, unjust decisions. Just because you place your hand over your heart does not mean you truly love our country and it is still our country. I hope that message will be made loud and clear in the next election.

10-23-2007, 10:29 PM

10-23-2007, 10:34 PM
Um...no one is "facing the flag" in the pic tx supplied!

And really...what does a hand over the heart say but...I did it school and I am compelled to do it now!

In the words of Forrest Gump's momma, "Stupid is as stupid does."

P.S. Could anyone find out if Mark Finkelstein (the reporter) is a republican? Just curious!!!!!

10-23-2007, 10:36 PM
This is the title of the website


What's your guess?

10-23-2007, 10:50 PM
Uh huh...

Just as I suspected!

Lixy ~OUT~

10-24-2007, 12:49 AM
Read "Deriliction of Duty" by Robert Patterson Lt Col(Retired)He was chosen by the Govt to carry the nuclear football(nuclear codes)for the President
under the Clinton Administration! Irish :curse:

10-24-2007, 02:53 AM
jseal, this is not a shot at Islam, but:-

Indonesian group rallies for world Islamic rule
Posted Mon Aug 13, 2007 0:27am AEST
Updated Mon Aug 13, 2007 0:35am AEST

The Hizbut Tahrir group has heard speeches calling for global Islamic rule. (Reuters)

More than 70,000 members of a Muslim group have held a rally in Indonesia calling for a caliphate - or Islamic rule - to govern the world.

The supporters of the Hizbut Tahrir group filled up most of an 80,000-seat sports stadium in the capital Jakarta, waving flags as they heard speeches saying it was "time for the caliphate to reign".

The meeting was held as part of "civic education" for Indonesian Muslims, Hizbut Tahrir spokesman Muhammad Ismail Yusanto said.

The organisation advocates Islamic rule and is banned in several Middle Eastern countries.

Supporters travelled to the stadium in convoys of buses from other parts of Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority country.

Local and foreign speakers were invited to give speeches.

But Mr Yusanto said that two inivtees, Imran Waheed from England and Syeik Ismail Al Wahwah from Australia, had been denied entry and deported from Indonesia on Friday.

"The organising committee deplores the deportation because they came to Indonesia at the invitation of the Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia to give their good advice for the progress of Islam, for the progress of this country," he said.

The hardline Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir declined to appear at the event, without giving a reason.

But Yusanto said that police had advised Bashir and another hardline cleric, Habieb Rizieq, not to attend the conference.

The senior Muslim figure Dien Syamsuddin was among the key speakers to address the crowd. He is the chairman of Indonesia's second largest Islamic movement, the Muhammadiyah.

"Islam's progress or regress depends entirely on Muslims themselves," he told the crowd.

He said that "the essence" of a caliphate was that Muslims be united and that therefore Indonesian Muslims should safeguard the unity of their country.

But popular Muslim preacher Abdullah Gymanstiar said Muslims in Indonesia were still divided over Sharia law.

"Why do some Muslims not agree with the Islamic Sharia, even though it is for the own good of Muslims?" he said.

Security did not appear tight for the conference, with police limiting their role to directing traffic.

The rally ended with a prayer and the participants left the venue peacefully, but caused massive traffic jams as they departed.

And we worried about the Russians.

10-24-2007, 08:16 AM
the stupidity and absurdity don't drive me nearly as crazy as the shifty, underhanded behavior.

10-24-2007, 08:46 AM

Um...he's a man. Haven't you heard of the quickest way to a man's heart?

10-24-2007, 08:56 AM
I thought it was just his indegestion acting up at an inopportune moment.

10-24-2007, 11:02 AM
jseal, this is not a shot at Islam, ...

No problemo sir! To suggest that this group has no extremists as members is to ignore the premeditated murders in New York and Bali, to name but two places among many. Not too many people are into denial on such a grand scale! :rofl:

It just goes to show for the N+1 time that extremism of whatever stripe - racism, scientific, religious, political, or historical - sooner or later comes to a bad – sometime very bad indeed – end.

10-24-2007, 11:35 AM
Your two links seem to direct us to some pretty conservative web sites,with people who love to make issues over flag pins and calling those who choose not to wear one "America Haters" what ever that means. I am at a loss to what you are calling stupid crap. As a Texan,who would you support?Or have we already suffered six years with that choice?

10-24-2007, 12:20 PM
Is it just me or are the stupid people winning the race? I am getting so frustrated at the way our potential President wanna-bes are acting.



So anyone else have a problem with all this crap that they are pushing on us?
Hear are my thoughts on these two links.

The first link is an article from nearly ten years ago covering a former President's extramarital affair when Ken Starr, trying as hard as he might, couldn't find any illegal activities performed by the Clintons. I do not see how this has any bearing on the current presidential race.

The second link is to a website that appears ready to smear democrats in any way shape or form. Is it really that big of a deal if a candidate isn't wearing a lapel pin of a flag? Really?? I do wonder about where Obama places his hand during the National Anthem though. While people should be free to sit, stand, remain silent, sing their hearts out, fold their hands, or place one hand over their heart I believe that someone seeking this country's highest office should want to demonstrate their reverence to our anthem.

10-25-2007, 05:09 AM
... I believe that someone seeking this country's highest office should want to demonstrate their reverence to our anthem.
I suspect that by now the handlers of the Senator for Illinois have reminded him of this.

10-25-2007, 06:06 AM
My frustration is that internationally, we are drowning in politicians and gasping for statesmen.

10-25-2007, 06:17 AM
Would you mind explaining to me what wearing a flag pin on your lapel has to do with patriotism?

10-25-2007, 07:26 AM

10-25-2007, 09:54 PM
I know it really doesn't matter but to me it just says "yes I am proud to be an American."

Just like wearing a pink ribbon stands for I had/have fought breast cancer or a red ribbon is for choosing to be drug free. A purple ribbon is for domestic violence.

10-25-2007, 09:59 PM
[QUOTE=Aqua]Hear are my thoughts on these two links.

The first link is an article from nearly ten years ago covering a former President's extramarital affair when Ken Starr, trying as hard as he might, couldn't find any illegal activities performed by the Clintons. I do not see how this has any bearing on the current presidential race.


It doesn't have anything to do with the current race. I just beleive people in office should hold themselves to a higher standard than the rest of us. Just like I have to working in the field I have decided to work in.

That is all....also I have a teen ager that is getting into the "sex" years and I dont want someone telling her that oral sex is not sex. I have told her the facts or the birds and bees and all...so she knows but you know how guys can convince vurnable young ladies.

10-25-2007, 10:14 PM
a red ribbon is for choosing to be drug free.

Or it might stand for Aids Awareness...symbols mean what we choose to see in them.

10-26-2007, 04:32 AM
No one picked it up.

The lapel pin is not a symbol of patriotism, but a statement that one is a patriot.

These are not the same thing.

Patriotism is a state of mind, a belief behaviour. Saying that one is a patriot is like a man in a dog collar saying that he is a man of god or a girl in a white dress is a health professional.

10-26-2007, 06:55 AM
I know it really doesn't matter but to me it just says "yes I am proud to be an American."

Just like wearing a pink ribbon stands for I had/have fought breast cancer or a red ribbon is for choosing to be drug free. A purple ribbon is for domestic violence.

And you don't think a person who has chosen to serve his country and his people as a Senator is a proud American? Because it seems to me that you're saying the symbol is more important than actions and words.

What I find sad is that people still fall for this. Instead of focusing on the real issues, you're pissed off because a guy isn't wearing a pin. Do you know how silly that is? There are people dieing in a pointless war, and instead of worrying about what the candidates say about what they're going to do to end the war, you're worried that one of them isn't wearing a freaking pin. You fell for the same old political bait and switch that has been going on for years.

10-26-2007, 07:05 AM

Not every aspirant to public office in there for the greater good.

For some, sadly, it is an employment stream to be navigated.

10-26-2007, 07:32 AM
i guess we really have a debat going now.....

What I apparently can't get over is that even though I dont like it ACTIONS DO SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. Since MOST of them will say what they need to say to get elected and never come through with the campaign promise. We have seen this over the years.

And Jude30....wearing a lapel pin doesn't mean your a patriot but it does send a message to people. If you have a lapel pin that is a flag then it (to me) means that you support all things American. If I like it or not it can get my attention one way or the other. And refusing to wear one well it just didn't set right.

There is a saying ....FIRST IMPRESSIONS...I know you have heard it.

10-26-2007, 09:08 AM
Most of you know that I've been an advocate and supporter of Habitat for Humanity for over five years now. It is not a cause...it is a mission. And I walk the walk.

Wearing a Habitat lapel pin on my suit strikes up conversations that otherwise would not have taken place, and it's in these conversations that I get to talk about something that I have a passion for.

It also serves as a reminder. I look in the mirror to check what's left of my hair, and it catches my eye. It reminds me that there are people in this world that don't have a decent place to live, that are in a rental trap from which they will never escape. And it strengthens my resolve.

Putting a flag pin on your lapel doesn't make you a better American. The reason you put it there determines that. I want my president to feel passion for something. This is not just a job...it's a mission. And I want someone there that cares about more than fame and fortune. I want someone that cares about me.

I'm wildirish, and I approve of this message.

10-26-2007, 03:03 PM
/me runs for office

10-26-2007, 03:10 PM
/me runs for Lilith

10-26-2007, 03:23 PM
/me runs for office

Now there's someone I would stand behind.

I'd vote for ya too. ;)

10-26-2007, 04:44 PM

Not every aspirant to public office in there for the greater good.

For some, sadly, it is an employment stream to be navigated.

I'm completely aware of this, I can see the current administration.

While I think a person needs a certain amount of ruthlessness to be a politician there are some humane ones. While I don't know if I would actually vote for Obama he doesn't strike me as one that is in it just for the sake of power.

I hate to say it but I wouldn't trust anyone who loves ALL things American because we do some pretty shitty things as Americans. You know like invade sovereign nation on faulty intelligence with no exit plan. Sorry but not exactly a move I'm real proud of on our part.

10-26-2007, 08:11 PM
Just like wearing a pink ribbon stands for I had/have fought breast cancer
I have neither had nor have breast cancer but i still wear on occassion a pink ribbon...your words are not correct.

The pink ribbon is worn as a symbol for those that support reasearch into breast cancer. I also donate money to the cause, as i'm sure others do, those (including myself at times) that choose to not publically wear a ribbon does not mean they they do not support it.

Daffodil day (cancer reasearch) is a yellow ribbon or daffodil pin worn, rather than wear one, one year i shaved my head, other years i donate.

Ribbons/pins are purely a symbol, nothing more nothing less, they certainly are not the only way to express what you believe is a good cause!

10-26-2007, 10:43 PM
i guess we really have a debat going now.....

What I apparently can't get over is that even though I dont like it ACTIONS DO SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.
And the actions of the current administration have been screaming at us for the past six years, that they don't care about the Constitution or the rule of law, and whatever they say goes, & everybody else can just get used to it...

10-27-2007, 10:12 AM
About the "First Impressions" remark. If this is honestly the first time someone has heard of Obama, because of the flag pin fiasco, I don't know if I want that person voting in the first place because they are woefully out of touch with our political landscape.

10-27-2007, 04:46 PM
I have neither had nor have breast cancer but i still wear on occassion a pink ribbon...your words are not correct!

I give credit where credit is due....thank you for pointing that out.

10-27-2007, 05:09 PM

About the "First Impressions" remark. If this is honestly the first time someone has heard of Obama, because of the flag pin fiasco, I don't know if I want that person voting in the first place because they are woefully out of touch with our political landscape.

Ok...I feel like I am talking to my children. No offense to you Jude but I am sure you get the jest of what I am talking about. And maybe I am a bit nieve when it comes to politics because until his muslim background came out...I dont remember him.

But I believe in a man speaking his heart. What you do is something you represent. I work in Law Enforcement and I do my very best to uphold the law and show people around me that laws are there for a reason. If in your past you did some questionable things that speaks for you. You will have to prove yourself again. Once you prove that you can be trusted or at least upstanding then only will your actions speak for you.

I am a person of my word. IF I say I am going to do something then I will try to move heaven and earth to do what I said I would. That is all I am saying.

If someone wants my opinion or advice then they will give them the truth as I see it. They can take it with a grain of salt and do what they want with it. It might hurt but sometime you need the truth to slap you in the face.

If I feel passionate about a "cause" then I will show my passion proudly. I personally have a sticker on my car that say "Bring our solders home safely" and one that says "support our soldiers"....that is mainly because I have attended 4 funerals of young boys that died fighting in this war we have going on now and we have lost alot of ole timers that fought in WWII and Vietnam in our area. (If you need a list then I will provide one you dont have to look up this to prove me wrong). NO i didn't know all of them but I knew there families. I am sorry for there loss but I am always thinking this could be us...my brother is fighting now. So yes I do want my brother to come home safely. I want everyone young and old to support my brother and others that has chosen to fight for everybody's freedom and safety not just his own. He is willing to die for this country and I am so proud of that. I wish others would feel that dedicated for something they believe in.

I watched the movie THE SEVENTH SIGN the other day...and one part of it really hit home. (I know it is a whole different subject but) The soldiers were in the cave beating Jesus and a soldier asked a woman because she cried out against it....."Will you die for him?" What would your answer be if someone came up to you and asked you that question about your friend? your parents? your kids? or even a politician that your support? or even a stranger on the street?

10-28-2007, 12:11 AM
I really do try to stay out of political discussions but I can't hold back any longer on this.

Barak Obaman is NOT and NEVER has been a Muslim!!! This is malarkey from the FAUX NEWS Channel. Having the middle name Hussein, or attending school in Singapore does NOT make one a Muslim.

And regarding the Flag pins.......Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeldt all wear/wore flag pins and look where they've gotten us....in a war we never should have started, can't win, and can't get out of. Sort of like Vietnam, only in Vietname we were asked to be there and we sure as hell didn't start it.

In my opinion, for what it's worth, too many politicians who make a show out of wearing the flag pin are just like the Pharisees who were more interested in proclaiming their good deeds than actually DOING good deeds. They only wear the flag pin so they can be seen wearing it. Would they wear it if they were a janitor or a barber or a doctor?? Somehow I doubt it. A flag pin on a politician doesn't prove a damn thing.

10-28-2007, 04:25 PM
MTV/VH1 and myspace are hosting another event tomorrow night October 29th. http://www.myspace.com/election2008 This one will feature Mr. Obama. Maybe this would be a way to have some questions answered. I know you can submit questions. I watched the one that featured Mr. Edwards and there were questions that were asked that were obviously from people who were not pro-Edwards.

10-28-2007, 07:14 PM
:rockon: "GOD BLESS AMERICA", need I say more? Crazeeeeeeee

10-28-2007, 08:06 PM

I stand corrected.

10-28-2007, 11:30 PM
Hi Tx! :x:

It's really amazing how many people have fallen for that Obama is a Muslim story that FAUX News put out. I go to other message boards and so many, particularly those that I can best describe as either the Religious Right, or Evangelicals, are absolutely convinced that he's Muslim. And nothing anyone can say will convince them otherwise. They think that anyone who doesn't believe has to be one of those to be feared Democrats or even worse LIBERALS!!
Now, I'm not saying you fall into that category, and the fact that you took time to check for yourself proves otherwise. I really appreciate that you did that.

I don't know that I'd vote for Obama, but I can't say that I wouldn't either. All I know is that our beloved country needs to change direction. We have lost respect in the world in the past 6 years and that really needs to be reversed.

10-29-2007, 05:19 AM
... All I know is that our beloved country needs to change direction ...

That is, after all, what elections are all about. Yes?

10-29-2007, 06:13 AM

Ok...I feel like I am talking to my children. No offense to you Jude but I am sure you get the jest of what I am talking about. And maybe I am a bit nieve when it comes to politics because until his muslim background came out...I dont remember him.

But I believe in a man speaking his heart. What you do is something you represent. I work in Law Enforcement and I do my very best to uphold the law and show people around me that laws are there for a reason. If in your past you did some questionable things that speaks for you. You will have to prove yourself again. Once you prove that you can be trusted or at least upstanding then only will your actions speak for you.

I am a person of my word. IF I say I am going to do something then I will try to move heaven and earth to do what I said I would. That is all I am saying.

If someone wants my opinion or advice then they will give them the truth as I see it. They can take it with a grain of salt and do what they want with it. It might hurt but sometime you need the truth to slap you in the face.

If I feel passionate about a "cause" then I will show my passion proudly. I personally have a sticker on my car that say "Bring our solders home safely" and one that says "support our soldiers"....that is mainly because I have attended 4 funerals of young boys that died fighting in this war we have going on now and we have lost alot of ole timers that fought in WWII and Vietnam in our area. (If you need a list then I will provide one you dont have to look up this to prove me wrong). NO i didn't know all of them but I knew there families. I am sorry for there loss but I am always thinking this could be us...my brother is fighting now. So yes I do want my brother to come home safely. I want everyone young and old to support my brother and others that has chosen to fight for everybody's freedom and safety not just his own. He is willing to die for this country and I am so proud of that. I wish others would feel that dedicated for something they believe in.

I watched the movie THE SEVENTH SIGN the other day...and one part of it really hit home. (I know it is a whole different subject but) The soldiers were in the cave beating Jesus and a soldier asked a woman because she cried out against it....."Will you die for him?" What would your answer be if someone came up to you and asked you that question about your friend? your parents? your kids? or even a politician that your support? or even a stranger on the street?

You are putting the symbol ahead of actions and words. Anyone and everyone can wear a flag pin, and it can mean nothing at all beyond it being a piece of metal stuck to their lapel.

Don't ever question my willingness or ability to sacrifice. EVER! Unless you've been in a hospital room pleading with God to take you and let your childen live, and having it not work I don't really care how much you cried at a movie.

10-29-2007, 08:11 AM
Don't ever question my willingness or ability to sacrifice. EVER! Unless you've been in a hospital room pleading with God to take you and let your childen live, and having it not work I don't really care how much you cried at a movie.

Look Jude, I am sorry that you were in that situation and that your prayers were not answered. But I do NOT have control over that. I didn't question your willingness or ability to sacrifice. I just asked a question trying to prove the dedication to a cause. You took it there.

And for your information I have been THERE, in that emergency room, then the hospital room hoping against hope that the doctors were right, praying to God and even begging at times, prayin with everyone that would pray with me and even in those moments that I was so alone waiting and watching my son as his chest rose up and down and panicing if his chest didn't move just in time. Yes, I have been THERE...My son was hours away from death so yes I have been there I believe that is why the movie hit me so hard.

I know it doesn't help but the time God allowed you to have with your child/children was your blessing. God does not tell us when we are chosen to have a child in our lives that we will have them for the rest of our lives. He makes the choice of when he needs them back. That is out of our control. You were blessed to be chosen and have them in your life. That has made you the person your are today. Although we do not know it, there is a reason for all HE does.

10-29-2007, 01:40 PM

That is, after all, what elections are all about. Yes?

Absolutely, Sir. And I can't wait for the next one!! I don't think I've looked forward to any other election as much as I am to this one, except maybe to the first election in which I was eligible to vote.

10-29-2007, 01:49 PM
Amen to Sugarsprinkles. More than that,I cannot add.

10-29-2007, 04:17 PM
That still does not change the fact that you are more concerned with a symbol than with actions.

Symbols become meaningless when everyone is using them, and it becomes worse when some of those using them use them for the wrong reasons. Do you honestly believe that starting a war with falsified intelligence, with no exit plan, and condoning torture techniques is the American way? If the majority of Americans actually believe that then I'm really not all that proud to be an American, and I'm perfectly comfortable with a candidate who is willing to remove himself from all the faux patriotism that has swept this country over the past six or seven years.

10-29-2007, 05:11 PM

Respectfully, symbols become meaningful when those who concur with the symbolized propositions / beliefs / ideals use them. Consider the cross, the crescent, and turbans, which are unambiguous symbols of Christians, Muslims, and Sikhs respectively.

What can be reasonably criticized is insincerely using symbols – making an unstated claim without actually sharing the underlying beliefs.

As for “the faux patriotism that has swept this country over the past six or seven years”, are you suggesting that the faux patriotism that has been criticized for more than two hundred and twenty five years was any better or different?

10-29-2007, 06:35 PM

Respectfully, symbols become meaningful when those who concur with the symbolized propositions / beliefs / ideals use them. Consider the cross, the crescent, and turbans, which are unambiguous symbols of Christians, Muslims, and Sikhs respectively.

What can be reasonably criticized is insincerely using symbols – making an unstated claim without actually sharing the underlying beliefs.

As for “the faux patriotism that has swept this country over the past six or seven years”, are you suggesting that the faux patriotism that has been criticized for more than two hundred and twenty five years was any better or different?

I'm referring to the massive amount of flag waving with no willingness or desire of those same flag wavers to make any kind of sacrifice beyond the square inches their bumper sticker take up.

Let's just look at one of my personal pet peeves, cloth flags on vehicles. I can say with a certain degree of confidence that the very people who have these flags strapped to their cars would love for there to be an amendment banning the burning of a flag. Yet they are completely happy to drive down the highway tearing that flag to tatters. IMO you might as well wipe your ass with that flag since you're not showing it respect, you're tearing it to pieces. That's just me though since I was raised to respect the flag, and not destroy it.

10-29-2007, 06:48 PM

Fair enough. I did want to ensure that the discussion was not wandering off into some fuzzy-headed “symbolism is what you make of it”. Your explanation clearly indicates not.

10-29-2007, 07:29 PM
More Pixies political debates....will we ever learn?



Can we get back to having sex now?

10-29-2007, 08:27 PM
More Pixies political debates....will we ever learn?



Can we get back to having sex now?
Appears not *LOL*

And yep...like your plan there....whos for sex??

10-29-2007, 09:54 PM
That still does not change the fact that you are more concerned with a symbol than with actions.


You know I am tryin my best to be greatous to you but this really burns my ass. :weg: We apparently at different times in our lives shared an experience(not the exact experience mind you but one similar) that I personally hope nobody else ever has to experience. I expressed my feelings for you as an individual by saying I am sorry for your loss. (I had apparently hit a nerve.)

Maybe I am expecting to much from people these days. For some stupid reason I half expected a thoughtful response for something so personal...but instead you just by passed it and went for the fight again. What was I thinkin? Please, Thankyou and terms of enderment dont mean anything to people these days. God help us.

I believe what I believe...you believe what you believe. I just wanted this to be a discussion but I do feel like this is an attack.


And I for one am agreeing to disagree...all others can continue if you want.

10-29-2007, 10:25 PM
You know I am tryin my best to be greatous to you but this really burns my ass. :weg: We apparently at different times in our lives shared an experience(not the exact experience mind you but one similar) that I personally hope nobody else ever has to experience. I expressed my feelings for you as an individual by saying I am sorry for your loss. (I had apparently hit a nerve.)

Maybe I am expecting to much from people these days. For some stupid reason I half expected a thoughtful response for something so personal...but instead you just by passed it and went for the fight again. What was I thinkin? Please, Thankyou and terms of enderment dont mean anything to people these days. God help us.

I believe what I believe...you believe what you believe. I just wanted this to be a discussion but I do feel like this is an attack.


And I for one am agreeing to disagree...all others can continue if you want.

We did not share any experience. You did not bury your child let alone two. Actually watching your child die is completely different from ALMOST having them die, trust me on this one also, since our third spent five weeks in NICU. I almost died when I was a toddler and not once did my parents ever try to compare their experience with mine. Because they knew that that would cheapen or lessen what happened to my wife and I. I'm sorry if your son was sick, but you still can talk to him can't you? You can hold him, and tell him how you feel still, and how much you miss him when he's gone? Everything I have of my son fits in a box. One box. Even though I think about him almost everyday I rarely talk about him because I don't want to be "the guy who can't get over his kid". But when you make comments like you did about sacrifice and what I would or would not die for it pisses me off. I learned a long time ago that most people have no clue what to say in this situation, and there are times I should just smile and say thanks instead of letting loose my real feelings. That's what I should have done here.

As for whether or not this is an attack or not, I believe it was you who called me a child. If you're looking for a civil discussion, do you honestly think calling one of the participants a child is the way to go about it?

You started a political thread about an individual you know nothing about. Hell before it started you knew less than nothing about him since you believed the lies that he's a Muslim. You fell the political bait and switch of ignoring the real issues to focus on the cosmetic. I would be willing to bet that the people spreading the lies about Obama are all proud flag lapel wearing individuals. Yet because they wear the pin you're willing to ignore the lies you've been fed and focus on the image instead of the reality. I would feel much less ire towards you if you had said that you looked at his politics and disagree with him and weren't going to vote on him based on the issues, I can accept that. But when you start questioning someones integrity based solely on a tiny piece of metal attached to their lapel then I'm sorry to say but I don't really respect your political opinion.

10-29-2007, 11:16 PM
You have just proven my point. Splitting hairs....

We did not share any experience. You did not bury your child let alone two. Actually watching your child die is completely different from ALMOST having them die, trust me on this one also, since our third spent five weeks in NICU. I almost died when I was a toddler and not once did my parents ever try to compare their experience with mine. Because they knew that that would cheapen or lessen what happened to my wife and I. I'm sorry if your son was sick, but you still can talk to him can't you? You can hold him, and tell him how you feel still, and how much you miss him when he's gone? Everything I have of my son fits in a box. One box. Even though I think about him almost everyday I rarely talk about him because I don't want to be "the guy who can't get over his kid". But when you make comments like you did about sacrifice and what I would or would not die for it pisses me off. I learned a long time ago that most people have no clue what to say in this situation, and there are times I should just smile and say thanks instead of letting loose my real feelings. That's what I should have done here..

Similar experience= different outcome. Same life altering moment!

As for whether or not this is an attack or not, I believe it was you who called me a child. If you're looking for a civil discussion, do you honestly think calling one of the participants a child is the way to go about it?..

Again I never called you a child...but I did feel like I was being corrected by my child when ever for example the clock is 6:47 and I say it is 7:00...he always tells me no it is 6:47. That is what I meant...

You started a political thread about an individual you know nothing about. Hell before it started you knew less than nothing about him since you believed the lies that he's a Muslim. You fell the political bait and switch of ignoring the real issues to focus on the cosmetic. I would be willing to bet that the people spreading the lies about Obama are all proud flag lapel wearing individuals. Yet because they wear the pin you're willing to ignore the lies you've been fed and focus on the image instead of the reality. I would feel much less ire towards you if you had said that you looked at his politics and disagree with him and weren't going to vote on him based on the issues, I can accept that. But when you start questioning someones integrity based solely on a tiny piece of metal attached to their lapel then I'm sorry to say but I don't really respect your political opinion.

I started a thread because I was frustrated about the BS that is out there. Half knowing things would be pointed out to me about the things that I believed to be right but were actually wrong. More of an educational thread than a attack on one man. The two examples I used in the thread were just the crap that has been shoved down our throats for years like some kind of bad medicine that did us more harm than good.

Now I am gracefully bowing out of this discussion. I just had to get that off my chest.


10-30-2007, 07:28 AM
Did I hear someone say "sex"?

10-30-2007, 08:31 AM
Just think...your two votes cancel each other out! :roflmao:

10-30-2007, 10:52 AM
More Pixies political debates....will we ever learn?



Can we get back to having sex now?
This is why I don't post much anymore!Everyone has different opinions & are
unwilling to accept anothers!
While I know that two wrongs,don't make a right,It was said that the US condones torture!I am a 10% disabled VN vet.I was honorably discharged in
1965.I remember walking into a diserted VC camp.There was the body of a
diceased American Soldier there.The head was staked to the ground,so that
he couldn't turn his head!His eyelids were slit off,so that he couldn't close his
eyes!The VC, probably,really enjoyed listening to him scream when the sun came up,& shone into his eyes.I still see the horror,in his face,when I close my eyes,& that was many years ago!All I am saying is that there's a BIG difference between torture & making one uncomfortable!I'm not condoning it,
but not just the US does it! Irish
P.S.War is Hell,but sometimes necessary!Different strokes for different folks!

10-30-2007, 07:06 PM




10-30-2007, 08:27 PM
Wow! I Googled various permutations of //Barack Obama Muslim//, and I was quite impressed by the way the “news organizations” were manipulated in – and were exploiting - the smear campaign. The American democratic process has lost none of the zip and vigor it has shown in the past!

10-30-2007, 09:31 PM
I got a crap email tonight spreading the Obama won't say the pledge or cover his heart stuff. So many people intimidated by a single man.

Wicked Wanda
10-30-2007, 10:01 PM



None of us knows what the others have experienced! I have learned that when trying to explain and sometimes defend my position on Lesbian and Women's issues.

But we are doing exactly what the politicians want us to, argue over what in our day to day lives is pretty much meaningless drivel, causing us to fight between ourselves.

And before anyone attacks me, I am not calling the loss of a life "drivel" but what religion Obama is or was, and if he wears a flag pin means NOTHING!!!

Divide and conquer.

Vote for who you wish. I will.

Wicked Wanda.

10-31-2007, 12:16 AM
:gb: :argue: :whack: :nuts: :banghead: :shrug: And they said "I" was "flaming" about "boys in skirts", America, What a Country. :box: Crazeeeeeeeeeee

10-31-2007, 12:21 AM
:curse: You Better Stand for Something, OR Your Gonna Fall for Anything :faint: Crazeeeeeeeeeeeee

10-31-2007, 05:01 AM
... Vote for who you wish. I will.

Wicked Wanda.
Wicked Wanda,

Excellent! Now if only the majority of other Americans could be persuaded to do so!

10-31-2007, 09:15 AM
Amen to that.