View Full Version : All you sexy people

10-23-2007, 07:49 PM
What kind of sexy are you?

Which Sexy Are You? (http://www.espinthebottle.com/quiz_take.php?qid=8)

Result: Intellectual Sexy

You've got that smooth, mature kind of sexiness that does really well at Sudoku conventions or just about anywhere.

You've got a bit of the Geek in you, which you stealthily use to your advantage. After all, there's nothing sexier than being smart about what you want and going after it. You have the potential to wow 'em with your choice words and profound insight. Just be sure to find a suitable balance between confidence and kindness. Have courage to speak your mind, but don’t forget about giving all your honeys all the love and attention they deserve. (After all, they were smart enough to go for you.)

10-23-2007, 08:43 PM
Result: Cool Sexy

You keep it real smooth, all James Bond-style. The suave, international hotties will love you.

You're sophisticated, mature, and you've got fairly expensive tastes. (And your personal hygiene? Outstanding.) Just be careful not to get too carried away. Big, bold romantic gestures are sexy and all, but there's something to be said for sharing a laugh or dancing in the rain. (As long as you're not wearing any suede.)

10-23-2007, 08:50 PM
Result: Cute Sexy
Aww, look at you! If you were an animal, you'd be an adorable, fluffy koala bear that everyone wants to make out with.

You're not big on playing hard-to-get -- not because you're easy, but because you don't go for those sneaky love games. You'd much rather approach people with a smile and an innocent shrug of your shoulders. Keep it up -- they're loving it. Just be careful not to tread into Phony Country. Stay adorable, but do it your way, not the Shirley Temple way. (Besides, you're not that good of a tap dancer.)

10-23-2007, 09:06 PM
Result: Intellectual Sexy

You've got that smooth, mature kind of sexiness that does really well at Sudoku conventions or just about anywhere.

You've got a bit of the Geek in you, which you stealthily use to your advantage. After all, there's nothing sexier than being smart about what you want and going after it. You have the potential to wow 'em with your choice words and profound insight. Just be sure to find a suitable balance between confidence and kindness. Have courage to speak your mind, but don’t forget about giving all your honeys all the love and attention they deserve. (After all, they were smart enough to go for you.)

10-23-2007, 09:25 PM
Result: Classic Sexy

The sexy you exude is the black satin, roses and wine sexy that's all over the romance flicks. And your crushes will love you for it.

The nice thing about this breed of sexiness is that it's totally recognizable. Classic Sexy is the universal language of sexy -- bust out your suave, romantic gestures and the honeys will be able to read you loud and clear. Here's the downside: after a while, it gets a little predictable. So be sure to mix up your routine with some creative stuff every once in a while. How about Funny Hat Day? (Nah.)

10-23-2007, 09:30 PM
see now Lixy - I knew....I just knew....perfect prom dates :)

Result: Classic Sexy

The sexy you exude is the black satin, roses and wine sexy that's all over the romance flicks. And your crushes will love you for it.

The nice thing about this breed of sexiness is that it's totally recognizable. Classic Sexy is the universal language of sexy -- bust out your suave, romantic gestures and the honeys will be able to read you loud and clear. Here's the downside: after a while, it gets a little predictable. So be sure to mix up your routine with some creative stuff every once in a while. How about Funny Hat Day? (Nah.)

10-23-2007, 09:34 PM
^^^^^ :loveshowe :loveshowe ^^^^^

10-23-2007, 09:50 PM
Naughty Sexy

Hey, there's nothing sexier than being a sex-crazed beast. Any hotties on your radar better lock their doors at night, or you'll be on 'em like a Rotweiller on a milkbone.

We'll give you this: you're direct. Others may go for romance, but you figure, what’s the point? Might as well cut out the middle man and go straight for the prize. And you've got a point. Knowing what you want -- and getting it -- is pretty darn hot. It wouldn't be the end of the world, though, if you threw a little romance into your routine. You know, wrap yourself in a cloud of mystery. Or at least wrap yourself in a bathrobe. Yikes!

10-23-2007, 10:36 PM
Guess I've been Naughty.

10-24-2007, 05:12 AM
Result: Intellectual Sexy

You've got that smooth, mature kind of sexiness that does really well at Sudoku conventions or just about anywhere.

You've got a bit of the Geek in you, which you stealthily use to your advantage. After all, there's nothing sexier than being smart about what you want and going after it. You have the potential to wow 'em with your choice words and profound insight. Just be sure to find a suitable balance between confidence and kindness. Have courage to speak your mind, but don’t forget about giving all your honeys all the love and attention they deserve. (After all, they were smart enough to go for you.)

10-24-2007, 05:40 AM
Result: Intellectual Sexy

You've got that smooth, mature kind of sexiness that does really well at Sudoku conventions or just about anywhere.

You've got a bit of the Geek in you, which you stealthily use to your advantage. After all, there's nothing sexier than being smart about what you want and going after it. You have the potential to wow 'em with your choice words and profound insight. Just be sure to find a suitable balance between confidence and kindness. Have courage to speak your mind, but don’t forget about giving all your honeys all the love and attention they deserve. (After all, they were smart enough to go for you.)

10-24-2007, 08:30 AM
classic sexy but it's all moot, i haven't felt any kind of sexy in months.:p

10-24-2007, 08:55 AM
I'm Intellectual Sexy too!

I wonder if there's such a thing as "Cute-but-dorky-dumbass Sexy". :p

10-24-2007, 09:01 AM
I am: Cute Sexy

Aww, look at you! If you were an animal, you'd be an adorable, fluffy koala bear that everyone wants to make out with.

You're not big on playing hard-to-get -- not because you're easy, but because you don't go for those sneaky love games. You'd much rather approach people with a smile and an innocent shrug of your shoulders. Keep it up -- they're loving it. Just be careful not to tread into Phony Country. Stay adorable, but do it your way, not the Shirley Temple way. (Besides, you're not that good of a tap dancer.)

10-24-2007, 09:37 AM
Is anyone surprised?

Naughty Sexy

Hey, there's nothing sexier than being a sex-crazed beast. Any hotties on your radar better lock their doors at night, or you'll be on 'em like a Rotweiller on a milkbone.

We'll give you this: you're direct. Others may go for romance, but you figure, what’s the point? Might as well cut out the middle man and go straight for the prize. And you've got a point. Knowing what you want -- and getting it -- is pretty darn hot. It wouldn't be the end of the world, though, if you threw a little romance into your routine. You know, wrap yourself in a cloud of mystery. Or at least wrap yourself in a bathrobe. Yikes!

Teddy Bear
10-24-2007, 12:05 PM
Yup, I guess this is pretty much me.

Result: Cute Sexy

Aww, look at you! If you were an animal, you'd be an adorable, fluffy koala bear that everyone wants to make out with.

You're not big on playing hard-to-get -- not because you're easy, but because you don't go for those sneaky love games. You'd much rather approach people with a smile and an innocent shrug of your shoulders. Keep it up -- they're loving it. Just be careful not to tread into Phony Country. Stay adorable, but do it your way, not the Shirley Temple way. (Besides, you're not that good of a tap dancer.)

10-24-2007, 01:45 PM
Result: Naughty Sexy

Hey, there's nothing sexier than being a sex-crazed beast. Any hotties on your radar better lock their doors at night, or you'll be on 'em like a Rotweiller on a milkbone.

We'll give you this: you're direct. Others may go for romance, but you figure, what’s the point? Might as well cut out the middle man and go straight for the prize. And you've got a point. Knowing what you want -- and getting it -- is pretty darn hot. It wouldn't be the end of the world, though, if you threw a little romance into your routine. You know, wrap yourself in a cloud of mystery. Or at least wrap yourself in a bathrobe. Yikes!

10-25-2007, 10:14 AM
Was there any doubt?

Result: Intellectual Sexy

You've got that smooth, mature kind of sexiness that does really well at Sudoku conventions or just about anywhere.

You've got a bit of the Geek in you, which you stealthily use to your advantage. After all, there's nothing sexier than being smart about what you want and going after it. You have the potential to wow 'em with your choice words and profound insight. Just be sure to find a suitable balance between confidence and kindness. Have courage to speak your mind, but don’t forget about giving all your honeys all the love and attention they deserve. (After all, they were smart enough to go for you.)

10-25-2007, 11:32 AM
Result: Classic Sexy

The sexy you exude is the black satin, roses and wine sexy that's all over the romance flicks. And your crushes will love you for it.

The nice thing about this breed of sexiness is that it's totally recognizable. Classic Sexy is the universal language of sexy -- bust out your suave, romantic gestures and the honeys will be able to read you loud and clear. Here's the downside: after a while, it gets a little predictable. So be sure to mix up your routine with some creative stuff every once in a while. How about Funny Hat Day? (Nah.)