View Full Version : Final for the Evening

10-13-2007, 11:52 PM
One last question as to lines or limits, and how do you know when you've crossed them? For instance, Why is it; "Kinky" to Use a Feather in Sex Play BUT "Perverted" to Use the whole Chicken? (*did I just lay another egg?) :rose: See Lilith, I do have a sense of humor,well it was around here,all twisted up a while ago, it must have worked itself loose and ran off, Again,Damn :faint: ------Crazeeeeeeeee

10-14-2007, 01:02 AM
Well...for me....my limits change based on the person I'm with. Some people can motivate me to go further, while others are so uncomfortable with their own sexuality (or with me) that they make me nervous to be around them.

I also think limits depend on the situation.

Watch the body language of your partner...you'll (hopefully) get a good sense for what they want.

10-14-2007, 06:14 AM
"One last question as to lines or limits, and how do you know when you've crossed them?"

They'll tell you, one way or the other.

Every relationship has different limits, and has to be sailed differently.

10-14-2007, 09:47 AM
"One last question as to lines or limits, and how do you know when you've crossed them?"

They'll tell you, one way or the other.

Every relationship has different limits, and has to be sailed differently.
He ^^^^ said sail................."Sailing, take me away to where I'm going."

Now I gots that song stuck in my head.

Teddy Bear
10-14-2007, 11:28 AM
I keep hearing Patsy Cline singing "Crazy"......

"......And I'm crazy for lovin' you....."

am i?

10-14-2007, 06:05 PM

Don't you sail a relation-ship?

10-14-2007, 06:42 PM
My limits are fluid and have changed for a variety of reasons. I've always been rather kinky and now that I'm in a BDSM relationship my limits are there for pushing and expanding. He never crosses my hard limits, but many that used to be semi-hard have now softened. I suspect that will continue to happen as I grow within myself and in my relationship.

I do have a permanent hard limit on chicken play. :D