View Full Version : Proud to be an American
10-13-2007, 04:57 PM
:truce: I posted here to enable a larger viewing, if thats alright with you folks,,,, :wish: Bet you did'nt expect to hear from me again. But let it be known, I am man enough to admit when I am wrong,,,I want to Apologize to Smithy020, my approach to your post was wrong to attack you on a personal level.Although as an American I felt personaly attacked, again to you, I apologize directly. I think "old Fart" post #3 was insightfull,with "anger is best dealt with through aggression,the best defense is a good offense". And as All of you have seen, I Know how to "offend when angered". Not to mention its been at least 2 or 3 years since I behaved as a "Blood Thirsty Homicidal Maniac, Not to be Fucked With"(Lilith post #2) Gee,where DOES the Time Go?..Admitedly I was Drawn in by the random "Drive-By";How far can you "Spit an Invective"?Osuche post #28,obviously "not very far"Osuche post #30.And I should have read between Teddy Bears lines,post #32, regarding "Diplomatic Skills,and Avoiding Conflict at all costs", Sorry Teddy,I should have just Perved.& lc69hunter,very wise to side step the "Bleeding Bitterness"post#36.Where as My "Dumb Ass"(No Offence Wild Irish) Stepped right into it.Seemed Lilith a bit harsh with the Example made of Me, post #43, I did'nt have "Malicious" intent,and more than One person lead me to "think its ok to be disrespectfull as well",Perhaps if she would not have permitted them, then I as a "New Member" would have found a better way to express my own Idea, "in a more respectfull way".Also I've found Forum Rules vague.All I could find was a "Pixies Guide For Newbies" in the Advice Forum.(dated 9-9-2004) posted by Lilith, it had mention to a "Penis Hitting the Underside of a Desk"post #45. But No Mention of "Malicious Flaming".Must not have looked hard enough,And Finally Panty Fanatic,post #44, you seen My cry for help,why didnt you reach out when I pleaded "Somebody Stop Me",,,again, Smithy020, My sincerest apologizes, I was wrong in the way I confronted you...NOT so Crazeee,,,,Be Well All,,,Aloha,, (P.S. who can tell me the number total of Misspellins'?) lol,,,,
10-13-2007, 05:20 PM
While I've witnessed a back-handed compliment, this is the first back-handed apology I've ever experienced.:D
Internet forums leave a lot to be desired when it comes to being able to read tone of voice and inflection. Many of us have known eachother long enough to know when we speak in jest, others indicate it with smilies etc. Your post indicated none of those. So I took your inflamatory tone/words towards another member at "face value." Being new, you (and everyone else) need to know that we do not tolerate flaming or malicious personal attacks. It's my job to make sure all members are aware. While in the past I would have deleted your post and Pmmed you a warning, I was in a rush and well, you get what you get sometimes.
We are a polite society of pervs. We may have our say and agree to disagree. If you read around for more than a few moments it is pretty obvious that the members here don't spend their time here belittling eachother. You can get plenty of that in other places online if that is what someone is looking for.
10-13-2007, 10:20 PM
While I've witnessed a back-handed compliment, this is the first back-handed apology I've ever experienced.:D
Internet forums leave a lot to be desired when it comes to being able to read tone of voice and inflection. Many of us have known eachother long enough to know when we speak in jest, others indicate it with smilies etc. Your post indicated none of those. So I took your inflamatory tone/words towards another member at "face value." Being new, you (and everyone else) need to know that we do not tolerate flaming or malicious personal attacks. It's my job to make sure all members are aware. While in the past I would have deleted your post and Pmmed you a warning, I was in a rush and well, you get what you get sometimes.
We are a polite society of pervs. We may have our say and agree to disagree. If you read around for more than a few moments it is pretty obvious that the members here don't spend their time here belittling eachother. You can get plenty of that in other places online if that is what someone is looking for.
:rose: Ms.Lilith...I so got off on the wrong foot,( no pun intended).I would have indicated my jest in above post, but honestly I thought there was a strict limit in posts length,and I figured that one was way over,so in trying to "begin" to follow the site rules,I stayed strickly to text in an effort to condense my rambled explenation as to why I was an asshole. I know ignorance is never an excuse,But this IS the first and only internet forum I have ever been involved with,if you all could bear with me as I attempt to learn and grow, and occasionaly give me a slap in the right direction :gb: , I would appreciate your patience greatly.And I give you my word,I will try to be as interesting,informative, and slighty as entertaining as I have found most of you all to be.I realize you never get a second chance, at a first impression,but being a "Dumb Ass" ( again no offense intended Wild Irish)... :yikes: (like that?)lol,leaves me with few other options with regards to impressions, good or bad.And with that I extend my OPEN hand in apology, to you all.excepted?( I also would much have preferred the deleting of my post, and a PRIVATE message "Warning",would have made a world of difference,to me at least, but hey, I get what I got,understandable,sooo not complaining,lol) And Lilith, it was kinda cool to a first of anything you've ever experienced,(just teasing,see I do have a sense of humor,twisted maybe,but some sense of one) :rolleyes2 well,maybe just a little Crazeeeee,,,
10-13-2007, 10:26 PM
Most men want to be slapped by me ;)
You seem to have an interesting viewpoint and I am eager to get to know you. Can I ask one small teensy weensy itty bitty favor?
Look on your keyboard to the right ~~~~~~>
Find the key 3 away from your SHIFT key
Remove it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Then sneak into Irish and Lisa976 and steal theirs too
I kid!
I'm a kidder :p
10-13-2007, 10:28 PM
BTW I love dumb asses, fuzzy asses, well basically all asses.
10-13-2007, 10:52 PM
BTW I love dumb asses, fuzzy asses, well basically all asses.
:rose: Thank you, I do feel better, I'm more of a "Hard Ass" type of guy actually, (most have been all that Jail Time) :rolleyes2 and I did mean what I said (*hopes this isnt out of line) about You make me hot as hell,although I believe I'll fore go the slapping around segment, for a substitution to be named later,ok? (*wonders if she has noticed the flowers, Everytime?)never had a school boy crush, but then again,I've never been attracted to school boys, :loveshowe Thank you, Lilith,,oops,sorry, how about? (*)(*) or (.)(.)depending on varying degrees of age and or gravity? Crazeeee
10-14-2007, 11:14 AM
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