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09-27-2007, 10:47 AM
Well, gotta say I wish I could tell you all that he was on vacation at some tropical locale but I heard earlier this morning from Mrs. DB that he's had a medical problem which required surgery and has been in the hospital for the last week.

I won't go into all the details here, as I don't have that many to provide anyway, but I do know that he is gradually making progress.

Please keep Mr. & Mrs. DB in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully he'll be out of the hospital and back here posting his new avatars and putting smiles on all of our faces ASAP. :wish:

Please feel free to PM me and will let you know all the details I can if you'd like.

09-27-2007, 10:48 AM
Get well soon dicksbro!!!!!!!

09-27-2007, 11:05 AM
((((DB and Mrs. DB)))) - you will be in my prayers!

09-27-2007, 11:08 AM
I am thinking of you and wishing you "Get Well Soon" thoughts. :x:

(((((DB and Mrs. DB)))))

09-27-2007, 11:09 AM

Poor DB and Mrs DB - I hope he gets better soon.


09-27-2007, 11:39 AM

Got you and the Mrs in my prayers! Come home soon!!

09-27-2007, 11:44 AM
Thinkin' of ya DB....hang in there and get well soon.

09-27-2007, 12:21 PM
Thoughts, prayers and wishes for a speedy and sound recovery.

09-27-2007, 01:52 PM

Thank you for the news - I wish it was not so.

What WildIrish said - Thoughts, prayers and wishes for a speedy and sound recovery.

09-27-2007, 03:08 PM
(((mr and mrs db)))) get better and get home, db

09-27-2007, 05:37 PM
Thoughts and healing wishes to the ((((DB's))))

09-27-2007, 06:06 PM
I think this was the only way he could get a nap now days :D Sending vibes of health and recovery towards the Dicksbros

09-27-2007, 06:47 PM
Thoughts and prayers for DB and his family

Teddy Bear
09-28-2007, 01:06 AM
IowaMan, thank you for letting us know and please keep us posted. :)

(((((DB & Mrs DB))))) Keeping you both in my thoughts and sending healing wishes to DB! Get well!! :)

09-28-2007, 05:53 AM
What they^^^^^all said!!

09-28-2007, 06:23 AM

09-28-2007, 06:32 AM
(((((((DB))))))) You are in my thoughts and prayers. If you hurry back, I'll come flirt with you in the games. :x:

My thoughts and prayers are with you as well Mrs. DB.

09-28-2007, 09:05 AM
Hugs and love to the (((((DB's))))).

Mr. Lixy and I send vibes and thoughts of a swift recovery! That'll be enough of that lying around all day thing mister! Get well soon and cum back to us!

09-28-2007, 10:54 AM
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... I'm under Lixy again!!! Eat your heart out DB!!! :D

I just knew DB was up to something............... what some people won't do for attention! :D Get well soon buddy..... I'd hug ya but then...........

Oh WTF..............


09-28-2007, 11:44 AM
Hey DB the Peoria restuarants are starting to struggle with out you around. Get well soon. Our prays and good wishes are being sent your way. And tell Mrs. DB to take care also.

09-28-2007, 12:08 PM
Oh, no! What will we do without his particular brand of...irony?

09-28-2007, 02:24 PM
No update. I called a little bit ago and left a message letting Mrs. DB know that they are in our thoughts and hearts. I don't want to pester her too much so I'll probably try again over the weekend.

No worries though, I'll be sure to post if she gives me a jingle back. :nod:

09-28-2007, 02:33 PM
Thank you.

09-28-2007, 05:42 PM
Very good news! Mrs. DB gave me a call back a little bit ago and DB is doing a lot better. As a matter of fact, they are talking about letting him go home sometime this weekend! :D

I called his room after I spoke with Mrs. DB and we had a nice talk. He sounded great, just sort of anxious to get back and get online again. He misses everybody a lot and thanks you all for the well wishes.

09-28-2007, 06:17 PM

Thanks IowaMan!

09-28-2007, 09:50 PM
Absolutely my pleasure Soda. Just wish I was over in Peoria with him so I could sneak him some ribs or hot dogs or pizza or................. :rofl:

09-29-2007, 07:52 AM
As a matter of fact, they are talking about letting him go (snip)

*now* we're in trouble.

09-29-2007, 08:06 PM
I just spoke to DB a few minutes ago. They *are* going to let him finally go home. The doctors had discussed letting him leave this evening, but he opted (for many reasons) to stay this last night and leave in the morning. He sounds very DB-ish, and I know he's anxious to get back home. It's a big relief.

09-29-2007, 09:04 PM
I just spoke to DB a few minutes ago. They *are* going to let him finally go home. The doctors had discussed letting him leave this evening, but he opted (for many reasons) to stay this last night and leave in the morning. He sounds very DB-ish, and I know he's anxious to get back home. It's a big relief.
That's GREAT news!!!!! :nana::cheerlead::nana:

09-29-2007, 10:33 PM
There goes Mrs DB's peace and quiet.

09-29-2007, 10:59 PM
I just spoke to DB a few minutes ago. They *are* going to let him finally go home. The doctors had discussed letting him leave this evening, but he opted (for many reasons) to stay this last night and leave in the morning. He sounds very DB-ish, and I know he's anxious to get back home. It's a big relief.

Let me guess he was feeling better and wanted to have one last night to flirt with all the nurses.

09-29-2007, 11:28 PM
I suspect they're sending him home because he threatened to start taking naked walks down the hallway...

09-30-2007, 06:47 AM
And what's wrong with that?

09-30-2007, 10:36 AM
I just called their house and got the answering machine. I'm assuming that's because Mrs. DB is picking him up from the hospital now. Just an assumption though.

I left a message that we are thinking of him and hoping he's doing well. I don't want to bug them so I'll wait a while and call back later today or tomorrow.

09-30-2007, 01:07 PM
DB ~ what is it with you, fella? A peron doesn't post for a day or two, and here I am gettin' all afeart for ya!! Jingscrivvenshelpmaboab!

Anyhoo, great to hear you're on the mend - looking forward to seeing you back, with some more changes of Av to keep me going. You (and Mrs DB) are in my prayers.



09-30-2007, 05:06 PM
Hi everyone. Got home from the hospital about an hour or so ago. I'll give the the short version of the story because about each day I learn something new about what happened ...

Anyway very early on the morning of the 20th some abdominal pains encourgaged my wife to say, "We' got to run into the Emergency Room" and find out what's wrong. I remember reaching the hospital and being put on a wheel chair and taken into the ER. Three days later I was coming out of a medically induced coma having had two days of surgery to correct a problem where two bits (?) of tissue had fused together in some way with a mid opening. Evidently the intestines would slip and through the opening and then back out. (I didn't know this was happening.)

The final stage of the problem begain when during one of these "movements" the instestine kinked essentially closing down the system.

Two days of surgery following as there were some problems with the first surgery results (I have no idea what yet). I then spent several days in ICU late in the evening on Thursday (I think :spin: ) moved into a private room while I went through some serious re-hab.

I'm happy to say that now I'm home and I think everything is okay once again. This next week, I'll schedule meetings with my surgeons and with my fmaily doctor ... maybe that'll clue me in on more.

Not something you want to do but thank you all who have been so kind in your thoughts and prayers. It's good to know that so many people carel.

I'll write more, but, quite frankly, I'm rather pooped right now and think I'm going to retire to my recliner in the living and either nap or just watch TV for a bit. Again, thank you from the Mrs and my hearts.

(((( Love to you all ))))

DB and his Mrs

09-30-2007, 05:09 PM

Good to have you back. :thumb: See you as and when ...


Teddy Bear
09-30-2007, 05:16 PM
(((((DB))))) Don't over do!! Rest... Rest... Rest... and more Rest!!!!

09-30-2007, 06:36 PM

09-30-2007, 06:56 PM
That made my day DB. :nod:

Glad to have you back, you just take it easy and follow doctor's orders.

09-30-2007, 08:04 PM
Oh My Goodness sweetie! You just stop doing all that kinda stuff!

Awwwwwww (((((db)))))...just so happy you are ok and home with Mrs. db...who can take care of you better than any doc on the planet!

Sorry we missed your call earlier this evening. We just got in the house (doing autumn lawn/yard work) and it's much too late to call back now. I'll be in touch this coming week sometime.

Mr. Lixy sends a (manly) hug...lol! And you and Mrs. db take a giant hug from me as well!

Now rest...and rest some more...and eat some homemade chicken soup!!!!

*hugs n love n kisses n hugs*

10-01-2007, 12:09 AM
Your in my prayers.

10-01-2007, 03:17 AM
Recuperation hint.

Wireless keyboard in the knees.

10-01-2007, 04:40 AM
That's a big 10-4, OF! Use of wireless mouse and keyboard in operation.

I had thought the surgeon we believe to be one of the finest in the nation had his birthday and was gone on vacation and that one of his staff did the operation. Evidently, that wasn't true. The resident was about ready to suggest some X-Lax and send us home (a possibly fatal choice). Our surgeon arrived and while he was scheduled to leave on vacation on Friday, he took over and ordered more and more tests because the symptoms were just not right for the pain I was in. (At one point, I guess I said, "Lord, if you can't help with the pain, please bring me home!" I'm here and I take that to be His response.) Our surgeon in fact determined an intestinal blockage was present although he didn't know why. He did the operation and determined the intestine had become "kinked" and corrected that and much of the pain seemed to leave. While there was still more he wanted to do, he determined to wait until morning and review everything before he left on his birthday trip. He asked for them to page my wife for a meeting to discuss where we were at. When they made the page, the unbelieveable happened. They paged my brother's wife. He had died with a ventilator and my wife said she went cold when she corrected them. But, when she saw our surgeon, she was instantly reliieved. His warm and confident smile told her that things were well under control. He explained what he intended to do in the morning before he left on the trip and assured her that the bowel obstruction had been removed and that I was out of any significant or immediate danger. The fun wasn't over, though. Our doctor went home but was called when a cough or bowel movement caused the intestine to poke through the acknowledged temporary solution (that had to be disgusting). Our surgeon was immediately back in (he had left me in a deep 'medically induced coma' so that the trauma of beginning a new set of procedures wouldn't have to be paid again. He corrected the intestinal dislodgement, reviewed all the data, completed final surgical operations and closed me up. He met with my wife and explained to her all that had happened. The rest is history. Since surgery, I've had zero pain ... ZERO! I had a touch of nausea induced by an oxygen treatment (intended to avoid lung infections and possible problems). I woke up cheerful all through my time in the intensive care area (except for the clutch that did the oxygen treatments). When ICU was requested to find any patients who they felt could be moved to a private room, they said we have one but the decision to move is his, not ours. They asked me and I felt good enough that I told them if they were satisfied I was ready that I would gladly give up my ICU bed to help others more in need. When I can drive again, I now owe the nurses and "Patient Care Technicians" three boxes of chocolates as my way of saying, "Thank you and God bless you," to these talented and caring people." I was moved that night to the private room.

The first night in the private room was difficult. Not medically, but because I simply can't sleep in hospital beds! In ICU, I rested in a high back recliner. When I mentioned this the next day to my assigned RN, she said hang on a minute and left the room to return in five minutes with a high backed recliner! She was a saint!

They got me up and walking very quickly and soon I was roaming the surgical private rooms area (escorted by one of the Personal Care Technicians who toted "Old Betsy," the Christmas tree containing the intravenous fluids I was on (they, the "stands supporting the fluids, aree somewhat unstable) and, I explained given my injuries, I wanted a health care professional to be with mein case I became tired or unstable in my walks. The doctors agreed and soon I was greeted and was being greeted by the hospital staff including housekeeping personnel. A lady from one of the adjacent areas passed by my room later the second day and exclaimed, "There's Mr. Smiliey. Take care hun!" Many, many, many friends and family showed up to cheer me on and when a lady brought through medical students from the local college, I agreed to let them take blood pressures and listen to my heart functioning. Local clergy who I've gotten to know stopped by on a regular basis to keep up my spirtual trust. On the final day, a delightful young Bradley University student who is in the last year of her training worked with my RN to help prepare me for discharge. She was excellent and when they removed the plug directly into the heart, a bit of blood started gushing. The RN took over showing the slight technique change on pressure application from the student. When that part was finished, I commented to the RN that I thought the PCT (student) had done a marvelous and very professional job ... and she had.

I love to tease (No kidding?) ... and when the PCT went through a checklist of things she asked if I had hearing aids ... I said, "What?" She said, "Hearing aids." I asked, "What?" Then she figured out out I was teasing and laughed. I told her, I just had to get even for her stepping on my toes which she had accidently done earlier (no harm at all).

I can tell you in all honesty, I simply cannot believe there are finer RN's or Patient Care Technicians anywhere. I met dozens and dozens and many came by the room the morning of my discharge to wish me well. Three more boxes of chocolates are pending! :D

The support from people locally was extraordinary. Just as warmly felt was the love and caring of our Pixie family. I'm sorry it took a bit to get the news to IowaMan so he could spread the word, but my wife couldn't find the address list for Pixies and doesn't use my computer really at all ... so I had to tell her where to get IowaMan's phone listing. We then asked him to convey to you what was happening.

I still have some healing to go through, but, with friends like you and by the grace of God, I guess I'll be around a bit longer.

((((((((((((( HUGS ))))))))))))))))))

If I get more information when I meet with our surgeon sometime soon, I'll let you know. Who knows, I may suddenly learn more that I simply didn't know. :shrug:

10-01-2007, 07:31 AM
Welcome back DB....nice to have ya back....

Despite everything you obviously went through, seems like you were well treated by people who care and in the end...that's what matters.

So glad you are feeling better and well on the road to recovery....

10-01-2007, 09:28 AM
Welcome back, my friend.

Take things nice and easy (like, Mrs DB would letcha do anything else! :) ) and enjoy the healing.

((DB)) {in a manly way, of course!}


10-01-2007, 10:27 AM
so glad you're on the mend. be well, db

10-01-2007, 01:56 PM
So now it's back to the recliner and surfing the 'net for porn, right?

10-01-2007, 04:23 PM

10-01-2007, 04:57 PM
Glad to see you back, (((((((((((((db))))))))))))).

10-01-2007, 10:18 PM
Thank you all. I feel pretty good today. Slept a lot ... I suppose making up bit for the limited sleep in the hospital. About ready to call it a night now and with luck, will get another good night. Tomorrow, I intend to get out and do some walking to help rebuild my strength. Ate good today, probably the most I've eaten since this all started.

Anyway, hope everyone has a good night's sleep and thank you again for love that meant more to me than I'll ever be able to adequately thank you for.

((((( HUGS )))))

Night now! :wave:

10-01-2007, 11:50 PM
((((((db))))))))) - I missed you :x:

10-02-2007, 02:57 AM
Thank you, ouche. That's very kind and nice of you and means a lot. My wife and I hope maybe next year in Nashville, we'll get to meet (we're still planning on the get together :) ).

10-02-2007, 07:41 AM
Sooooo glad to hear your doing better DB. Hugs to you and the Mrs..

10-02-2007, 08:51 AM
(((((db))))) (<---gentle hug) and (((((Mrs. db))))) (<---big, snug hug of understanding)

Love you guys! So glad to see you back!