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09-03-2007, 08:38 PM
Hello again. I have returned(not really left but been here without posting). So my gf has invited me to a wedding. She is going to be a bridesmaid. So here is my question. I am going to this but I have heard that basically there is no point of me being there. I have heard that I will just sit in the corner basically being alone because she will have to stay with whomever she is paired up with.

09-03-2007, 08:41 PM
It's still good to be there. There may not be any logical reason to stay there, but it would probably get you brownie points if you went when your girl asked you. Maybe she plans to ditch the guy she's paired with and sneak in a dance or two with you? It's probably a good idea to go anyway.... even if you're alone most of it, it's still you who gets to take your Girlfriend home, so being there is a good choice. :-p

09-03-2007, 08:46 PM
I mean I know she wouldnt cheat. She says that she would stay with me at the reception but I just have a feeling she wouldnt because off the standard practice of staying with the person your paired up with.

09-03-2007, 08:48 PM
I didn't mean to imply that she would. I meant it would be best for you to be there for her, since she asked. I'm not to familiar with this type of stuff, at least not anymore. So maybe you should wait for some other responses.

09-03-2007, 09:04 PM
Don't be a clingy ass. Go to the wedding. Be glad for your girlfriend and her friends. Meet people you don't know and kiss the bride. Smile and just suck it up. One day down the line you may ask her to go somewhere with you where she will not know a soul, such as a work function, and you want her to be a good sport.

09-03-2007, 09:10 PM

Are you going for fear she'll sleep with someone else if you're not there?

During the ceremony, the speeches and the meal, she's stuck on bridesmaid duties.

When it degenerates into dancing and drinking, she's her own boss.

09-03-2007, 09:15 PM
I've been in five (I believe) weddings and never did I end up having to stick with the bridesmaid that I was "paired with" for the entire evening. I say just go and have some fun. Food, drinks, music, dancing and lots of happy people......... sounds like a good time to me.

Hey, I can think of lots of situations that would be much worse than being "the boyfriend" at a wedding. You'll have fun.

09-03-2007, 09:36 PM
... because she will have to stay with whomever she is paired up with.
Which means he will have somebody unattended. :rolleyes:


Teddy Bear
09-03-2007, 11:23 PM
Go because she wants you too and you love her.

Once the meals underway and the first dance is over, she'll be able to be with you. (may be needed for a picture or something quick)

09-03-2007, 11:25 PM
Yes, she may be needed for a quickie.

09-04-2007, 02:00 AM
I say go. For a start, you'll have the opportunity of admiring your girlfriend dressed to her best, and what's the hardship in that?

Secondly, I think it's important to do things for your partner that are selfless. From a personal viewpoint, I've always struggled to find a guy who is willing to do something he doesn't want to just for my sake, while I've sat through more football matches, mindless action films (even the entire series of Star Trek Next Generation) just for the sake of my man (sorry Fussy, but it's true!)

Thirdly, weddings can be emotional times for women - and not always in a good way. If everyone's in couples (which they will be) and she's alone because her boyfriend couldn't be bothered to put himself out for a few hours, that can be quite humiliating. You're likely to lose big brownie points not only with her, but with her friends, her family etc too.

If nothing else, you're getting a free meal, booze on tap rather than the alternative of sitting at home, wondering if she's pissed off with you or that she's having a better time.

Oh and plus, one day, when you're married and have kids, and you rarely get a chance to go out anywhere together, because one of you has to stay in with the kids, you'll regret not making the most of every opportunity you had!


09-04-2007, 04:40 AM
Yes, she may be needed for a quickie. Script department; we need a script change. :rolleyes2

Anyway, go and have a ball. Like others have said, you'll get good food; good drink; possibly meet some new friends; and, when all is said and done, your girlfriend will know you value her enough to be at something important for her. That sounds like a sinning situation.

09-04-2007, 06:31 AM
Yea I am gonna go with her. lol she already is planning the sinning lol. I am getting a room so I don't have to drive bck and she is changing there. so....I of course must help her change clothes. ;) I just really was overthinking this.

09-04-2007, 09:59 PM
You weren't overthinking it...you were underthinking it!

Why oh why does it always seem that there has to be something in it for you (not you specifically...but anyone in general to whom this applies) for you to participate?

Like those before me have said..make it a selfless act and you might find that you are rewarded in spite of your reservations. If not, what skin off your nose was it?

Geezzzzzzzzzzzzz peeps...if we all only ever did something with expectations of personal reward...how would any of us ever function on a daily basis? Life isn't all about YOU!!!