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08-23-2007, 10:55 PM
Was checking out some stuff that Mr. Lixy likes to look at recently.

He clicked on this vid and was gonna stop it...but I made him let it play. It's mostly quarry shots (which he doesn't do) and a couple of tunnel shots at the end (which he doesn't do either...mainly because "fly rock" is the biggest no-no in his part of blasting).

If you like AC/DC...this is the vid for you!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Lixy lives vicariously through fly rock vids! Who wouldn't want to do this?

Quarry Rockin (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjI0lJ_h5j4&mode=related&search=)

08-23-2007, 11:03 PM
And...in case that wasn't enough??????????

BTW...after impact...what sounds like bullets spewing by? Nope! ROCKS! Could take your head off too!

MEGA SHIT (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU8joiS62js&mode=related&search=)

08-24-2007, 01:12 AM
100 tons . . . isn't that a song?

I HATE AC/DC but I really enjoyed it with the first video!

How can Mr. Lix do that for a living? I'm too much of a pussy. :D I like my lifestyle - checking the Ps and Qs of bank contracts

Who wakes up in the morning and decides to "watch 'em explode" for a day's pay?!?!?

08-24-2007, 05:05 AM
I knew you would be a blast to spend a night with, Lixy.:D

I guess a man has to do something extrodinary to recharge when you are done with him. ;)

Very interesting actually. :) Can I assume the depth of the wall strata in the pits is the effective charge depth we are seeing the surface of?

What are the flashes we see preceding the blast sequence in some of the flix and why only in some and not all? It it a conductor laying on the surface in some and covered over in the others? Is it some type of fusing? It's seems too slow to be an actual electrical conductor illumination. :confused:

08-24-2007, 05:33 AM
It is also interesting how the shock wave is sometimes more apparent than at others.

08-24-2007, 06:31 AM
:) Explosive! :)

08-24-2007, 07:42 AM
My Mum's partner is a 'quarry man' as he always puts it and he is one of only two people on site who are allowed to press the button!

If anyone ever asks him what he does for a living he always just says 'I blow things up'.

08-24-2007, 08:24 AM

What looked like laser ranging flashes I think were det caps attached to primacord.

Where there were no flashes may be dets attached to the primary charges, not primacord.


08-24-2007, 08:38 AM
Sounds reasonable. Thanks. :thumb:

08-24-2007, 09:36 AM
More bang for your buck

08-24-2007, 10:15 AM
OF is correct...as far as I understand it. I'll show the mister the questions and answers when he gets home and see what he says. It may even be different types of explosives to compensate for ground conditions and location ruling (ie: wet, deeper than usual, zoning laws for particular areas in the pit...etc.)...but then that's speculation on my part.

LOL@Steph! You must have minimal testosterone cause I don't know of one single guy that doesn't get a woody at this shit! Danger/schmanger!

However...Mr. Lixy is very cautious with each and every blast. Despite the fact that he CAN'T have fly rock, and that his blasts should just heave the ground up into a mound, there have been those times when he can let his freak flag fly. But usually he is situated in a populated area. At times he is blasting as close as 50 feet away from an existing structure[s] or in the newer phases of housing developments. It makes his job a bit harder than quarry blasts because he can't rock the surrounding buildings. He has to set up seismographs, inform homeowners of times of actual blasts, have irrate homeowners call authorities on him...etc.

He even once had a crazy woman come out and walk up to his loaded shot and stand on it and refuse to move. He ended up calling the cops who called the fire marshall who called ATF...all the while this woman would not get off the loaded and unshot shot. Before ATF got there they asked Mr. Lixy if he could just unload the shot...and the answer was a resounding NO! The only way to unload a shot is to poke down a hole with explosives in it and hope you don't blow up. If holes are loaded...they get blown up...no if's, ands or buts!

I think his job is much more stressful than quarry blasters, considering the restrictions and limitations. There are days he dreads going to work knowing the conditions will be precarious and many people will be watching him to make sure his shot doesn't break the rules of the particular area.

Once, he was drilling and blasting very close to a M.R.I. facility. Those machines cannot have any shaking going on so they had to schedule patients around the blasts and vice-versa. Another time he was blasting less than 20 feet from a historical church...removing rock for an addition to it's basement. Still another time that stands out in my mind was a new shopping center blast. He had to have cops come in and hold traffic at an intersection of two of the busiest highways other than the turnpike. In an instant the roads were backed up for a mile or more. Hubby had to make sure the shot was ready to go the second the cops stopped the traffic and only had one chance to do it right. The cops seemed to get a kick out of creating a traffic jam and loved being front and center to see the blast. Mr. Lixy was a bundle of nerves. But he says that's good. To NOT be overconfident and cocky is good because you keep perspective and don't take bravado chances.

Anyway...glad you are enjoying the vids!

08-24-2007, 04:14 PM
Anyway...glad you are enjoying the vids!

I am ... but, more than that, it's good seeing you posting more. Missed you when you were gone to work so much of the time. Good to have you home. :)

08-24-2007, 04:25 PM
I like watching things explode, but when do we get to see pics of you going off?

08-24-2007, 08:37 PM
OK kinda tired short cutted this thread anybody post the aww hell I'll post it even if it's a repost here is the link http://youtube.com/watch?v=Qq5iTlax5hg&mode=related&search=

08-24-2007, 10:34 PM
Was checking out some stuff that Mr. Lixy likes to look at recently.

He clicked on this vid and was gonna stop it...but I made him let it play.

Quarry Rockin (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjI0lJ_h5j4&mode=related&search=)
It's "blaster porn"...


What guy doesn't love watching shit blow up? Bet he loves watching "Mythbusters"...

08-25-2007, 01:40 PM
ROFLMFAO @ scotz! You are correct sir!

As to PF's questions and OF's and my answer...We were wrong!

Mr. Lixy said, "The reason there are flashes in some vids is because those particular shots were set off with a non-electrical initiation system. They shoot a hollow tube filled with HMX (flash powder which burns @ 1 mile per second) with a shot gun shell primer...which sets off the shot. The non-flashes in the others represent all electric blasting caps. Better turn off your two way radio in this vicinity!"

So hey! We learned something today...huh?

themi01...TY for that vid link! THUNDERSTRUCK is my all time fave AC/DC song!



08-25-2007, 01:53 PM
Even MORE interesting. I can see something moving @ 1 mps but not 1.86 (10^5) mps.

I bet those charges are enough to blow your skirt up. :cheerlead

NOWthe important question! Answer gekkogecko's question. ^^^ :loveshowe

08-25-2007, 07:34 PM
Lixy You and me and my son actually he likes TnT better I'm torn between Thunderstruck and "For those of you about to rock" especially the version I saw at MSG

08-25-2007, 07:52 PM
Once, he was drilling and blasting very close to a M.R.I. facility. Those machines cannot have any shaking going on so they had to schedule patients around the blasts and vice-versa.

:eek: :eek:

And the church!

08-25-2007, 08:50 PM
In bygone times the device used to initiate a blast was called a pistol. Goes around, comes around.

08-25-2007, 10:58 PM
Mr. Lixy said, ... The non-flashes in the others represent all electric blasting caps. Better turn off your two way radio in this vicinity!"

So hey! We learned something today...huh?

I've always been concerned when I see the signs on the side of the road alerting drivers, "Blasting Zone - turn off all cell phones & two-way radios"

I mean, these poor bastards are putting their asses on the line & trusting that some Type-A Asshole-in-a-business-suit is gonna turn off his cell? The same :ahole: that has the phone up to his f'in' ear while he zooms across 3 lanes of traffic at 70mph in front of me because he almost missed the stinkin' exit?!?

disclaimer: I have to drive with both a cell & a Nextel 2-way in the course of my job, & I do make every effort to pull over when possible...but I have an idea about how radio communications work, & I'm thinking that even if I turn my phone & radio off, there's still radio signals bouncing off the towers whether I'm receiving them or not...

08-25-2007, 11:19 PM
but I have an idea about how radio communications work, & I'm thinking that even if I turn my phone & radio off, there's still radio signals bouncing off the towers whether I'm receiving them or not...

I don't think the worry is about you receiveing as much as the ones you would be sending.

08-26-2007, 12:01 AM
I don't think the worry is about you receiveing as much as the ones you would be sending.
My point is that there's very little difference between the two.

Warning: Science Content below...

The signal form a cell or two-way should already be on different frequencies from whatever the blasters use; the problem is that signals can malfunction, bounce, create harmonics & otherwise wreak havoc. That's why they don't let you use such devices on airplanes, & why they say don't use them around gas pumps; properly functioning, there should be no problem, but you never know when the Fuck-up Fairy is gonna visit...

08-26-2007, 10:34 AM
OF? Are you...or had you been...a blaster?

Scotz and Boog...In a blasting area (as far as I know the circumstance) the devices aren't "live" till the blaster in charge has a certain dead zone/ground zero area secured. Hubby even has a device to set out when there are possible storms in the area. This tells him how far away lightening is striking. A strike within a particular range, even if it can't be seen and thunder can't be heard or is barely audible, and the holes aren't loaded and the blast is postponed. So, when he clears an area and stops traffic he usually has the police there to make sure those "assholes" who are so self important don't dismiss the warnings!

PF...Patience! I'm getting this cast off soon and I'll have to even out my tan. LMFAO!

Steph...What about the church? If you mean did it survive? Yes...not a crack in it!

themi01...Thunderstruck rocks my whole body and I like that in a song! If I can't sit down when a song starts to play...it's a goody to me!

08-27-2007, 11:10 AM
I figured that the consequences would dictate there be maximum safety for all involved...it just seemed pointless to me that they would put out the orange warning signs, expecting people to be nice & co-operative...

A few years back, there was an incident here that spelled out all too clearly the price of letting blasters get sloppy...apparently construction equipment hit a primer cord that was being laid, & the charge went off prematurely...result was traffic stalled in one of the busiest areas of town (which I normally had to drive thru to work), while they scraped one worker's remains off the side of a semi with a spatula...

08-27-2007, 02:09 PM
A few years back, there was an incident here that spelled out all too clearly the price of letting blasters get sloppy...apparently construction equipment hit a primer cord that was being laid, & the charge went off prematurely...result was traffic stalled in one of the busiest areas of town (which I normally had to drive thru to work), while they scraped one worker's remains off the side of a semi with a spatula...
Yeah...see? That's the kinda stuff Mr. Lixy goes to safety meetings to review. Learning from others mistakes is a big part of precautionary measures. And as I said before, the mister appreciates his own over-cautious ways because it keeps him grounded (no pun intended) and not full of himself.

08-28-2007, 01:16 AM

No, just an interested kid who did some science at Teachers College and helped a mate blast stumps on his farm.

08-28-2007, 12:40 PM

No, just an interested kid who did some science at Teachers College and helped a mate blast stumps on his farm.
Ah, the good ole days, when "terrorist" was seldom heard, & TNT was available to anyone who had a need to blow stuff up...

08-28-2007, 04:53 PM

Much more mundane and inexpensive stuff, which strangely enough are now very tightly controlled.

08-29-2007, 12:45 PM
TNT is old school. The stuff Mr. Lixy uses now is a combination of stuff that can be purchased at a farm supply store and a gas station. Don't let Homeland Security find out you've been buying these components in bulk though!