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View Full Version : I thought i'd let ya know....

07-30-2007, 07:47 PM
....whats been happening down under for me & mine *L*

1/ As i have said, my eldest son was diagnosed with Aspergers. He's been seeing a person at the mental health unit also, for anger management and to assist him with social skills. Now school has always been a nightmare, he just plain doesnt want to be there, even with the teacher aides that ferry him around for the day. SOOOOOO. The new thing is the Special Education Unit (SEU) head lady is organising for him to do some TAFE courses, Denise Kable (special school that helps them learn essential life skills as well as 'easier' type courses, like cooking, woodwork etc), also trying to place him in Work experience, which will possibly lead to a traineeship. Esentually he will be not doing conventional schooling, to be honest i'm a bit worried, but for the time being, i see it as a way forward for him, if he is forced to stay at a school he hates (truency is becoming an issue) i can see him being there for appearances sake only and learning absolutely nothing. At least this way there is certainly a hope that he can learn enough skills for him to survive in the world.

2/ I've taken up some extra hours at work, so that is keeping my internet/me time to a bit more of a limit. And the me time i do get is taken up with my kids & furkids *L*...but hey i love the stinkers (kids too *L*) :loveshowe

3/ We are looking into moving house, had enough of the feral neighbours and the horrendous traffic noise from the main road we are on. So i may very well disappear off the pixies radar for a bit before, during & after the move. Don't panic...i'm sure i'll be back *L* (i can hear the groans from here *LOL*)

4/ Bilbo is also contemplating (off & on) moving to a new job. He cant seem to make up his mind on that one *L*...but i'm sure he'll figure it out eventually.

So all in all..i'm busier than a blue ass fly at present *L*...i'll pop in when i can...hopefully once my son is sorted out a bit...i can get more time here with ya all

*hugz* to all that want em :D

07-30-2007, 07:53 PM
(((((((((hugs))))))))) Nice to hear from you!!! Good luck with everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-30-2007, 08:03 PM

I think if they can find something he is interested in and help him to find a way for that to become a profession he may do what is necessary in order to be able to do what he likes.

I hope you find peace in your home, that Bilbo's decision leaves him feeling satisfied and that you find time to pop in and let us know you are ok every once in awhile.

Peace, love, and happiness to you and yours, from me and mine.

07-30-2007, 08:07 PM

We will wait for as long as you need. See you as and when.

Good luck!

07-30-2007, 08:11 PM
Sharni, take care of the home front and we will keep a chair warm for when ever you have time to pop in. Good vibes to you and yours.

07-30-2007, 10:49 PM
Hugs Sharni...................hey, would you like a Pirates popcorn tin? It has a nice pic of orli. :D

If I can't send the popcorn in it, then we'll gladly empty it for ya. :D

07-30-2007, 10:58 PM
Thanx all...all will work out for the best here i'm sure...for the moment i just gotta go with the flow *L*

Soda ~ *L*..would i say no to anything Orlified? ;) Popcorn filled or not *LMAO*

07-31-2007, 03:46 AM
*hugz* to all that want em :D
Can't very well turn that down now can I? :D

I hope the move goes well for you and you find yourself checking back in here before you know it.


07-31-2007, 04:17 AM
(((((Sharni, Bilbo & family)))))

I wish you all serenity and that the road to get there has very few bumps! Take care and we'll keep your seats reserved for as long as it takes.

07-31-2007, 07:11 AM
((((orlifanatic))) and (((family)))

07-31-2007, 10:35 AM
(((((Orlifanatic))))) - we miss you (well, I do anyway!)

I am glad there are alternatives for your son that will allow him to learn something and hopefully keep him engaged in school. I'm glad you and Bilbo are looking at some greener pastures, too.

Have fun, and we'll be here when you need us. :x:

07-31-2007, 10:43 AM
((((((((Sharni and family)))))))))

Here's to everything falling into place just the way they should. :)

07-31-2007, 11:05 AM
What ^ they all said...and more besides...wishing you better luck with your AS kid than I've had with mine... & lotsa (((hugs))) as well...

07-31-2007, 12:25 PM
When you know your moving PM me your new addy and I'll send ya a house warming gift. *wink wink*.

Make sure the new house has a room for Orli. :D

Teddy Bear
07-31-2007, 07:42 PM

Been thinking of you the past few days.... now I know why.

Wishing you all the best with son, job, Bilbo's job, move, kids, kritters, and on and on...

Take care of you and pop in when ya can. :D

08-01-2007, 09:30 AM


Of course, I meant (((OrliFanatic)))
