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07-15-2007, 05:42 PM
I had something sort of strange happen to me today. I was driving along and a song came on the radio that brought back an old childhood memory. It was so absolutely vivid and strange.

The song was "Rich Girl" by Hall & Oates. The memory I had was of being with my mom, father and sister in a little pizza place in Monticello, Iowa called Primo Joe's. I remember hearing the song play right as the pizza was brought to the table (1/2 canadian bacon, 1/2 sausage). I swear I could smell the pizza as I was driving along. I also remembered going to the pop machine in the place and getting a can of RC Cola. It was in the mid-70's when they had baseball players on their cans and I remember being all excited because I got a Cubs player (Jose Cardenal).

It was just strange as hell how clearly I remembered it. No idea at all why it came to me but that song triggered it.

Anybody else have any songs that have triggered a forgotten childhood memory?

07-15-2007, 08:50 PM
Yes...."borderline" by Madonna is that way for me.

My dad was a bartender...and I remember listening to that song on the radio - I could have been 6 or 7 - and dancing across the bar. It wasn't open yet. ;)

I can still smell the stale beer and smoke, see the floors of the bar and remember dancing in the dark while my father was mopping the floors...

07-15-2007, 10:35 PM
"Orange Blossom Special" and "Tiny Bubbles" They were the first 2 45's I got at the age of 5. My dad was a cook in the T- Bird Bar & Grill and I would stand on a wooden pop crate and shoot pool. When the man came and took them out of the JukeBox he gave me them.

I should still have them in my box container of 45's if they made the move. I'm sure Lizz put them in the van, I think they may be in the porch closet. OMG......that makes them 36 yrs old.

07-16-2007, 07:13 AM
Songs my mother loved like "April Love" and "Tammy".

07-16-2007, 07:36 AM
Hearing 'La Bamba' reminds me of being driven to school in my Mum's convertible in the summer and being all giggly and singing along and waving to other cars who weren't as gorgeous as ours.

07-16-2007, 07:54 AM
Songs my mother loved like "April Love" and "Tammy".

"Tammy" is one of my all time favorite songs. I LOVE the Tammy movies! :)

Whenever I hear "Purple Rain" I'm transported to the day the love of my 17 year old life dumped me. I must have listened to that song 50 times while I laid on my bed crying and bemoaning my loveless life. :)

07-16-2007, 07:59 AM
ABBA's "Take a Chance". My mom would play the steering wheel of the station wagon like a drum while we all made train 'chuga ch' noises and she made the car dance.

07-16-2007, 08:22 AM
Whenever I hear "Purple Rain" I'm transported to the day the love of my 17 year old life dumped me. I must have listened to that song 50 times while I laid on my bed crying and bemoaning my loveless life. :)

Oooh, the Cranberries 'No need to Argue' takes me to that exact same place......same age and everything.

Lil, 'Take a Chance on Me' takes me to the first time I ever had to sing alone on stage and how I just about peed myself every night with the fear.

07-16-2007, 11:02 PM
Enigma was makeout music in high school.... ;) I can't hear it without getting horny :hot:

07-17-2007, 12:26 AM
For me, it's just about every song I ever heard takes me back to a time & place I first heard it...one that jumps to mind is "Spill the Wine" by Eric Burdon & War...in 1970 I was an addicted fan of EB from his days with the Animals, & I first heard that surreal tone poem on the radio of my mother's car somewhere on the road to Auburn, IN, where my uncle & his family lived...& I can still remember getting sick just before we headed back home from swallowing pool water... :eew:

07-17-2007, 04:49 AM
*walks in in costume so as not to be recognized*

"Do You Believe In Magic" takes me back to an old record player with a penny on top of the needle to hold it down. Mom yelling up the stairs to turn it down or turn it off.

*sneaks out before anyone can guess who I am in this Lady Godiva costume*

07-17-2007, 05:42 AM
"Unchained Melody" (with good versions done by several people) always brings back memories of when my wife and I dated. It was and still is one of our very favorite songs.

*sneaks out before anyone can guess who I am in this Lady Godiva costume*

I'm liking the sound of that ^^^^. Can we do our guessing in braille? Huh? Please! :D

07-17-2007, 09:02 AM
"You Dropped a Bomb on Me" by the Gap Band- Jr. High lip sync contest. (I nailed it!)

"Always" by Atlantic Starr- Folding pizza boxes for what seemed like hours at my first job.

07-17-2007, 09:14 AM
You Dropped a Bomb~ cheerleading routine at 1st cheerleading cmap I went to :p

07-17-2007, 12:04 PM
'Boys of Summer' by Don Henley reminds me of a snow day in Jr. High when I had the worst stomach ache ever.

'What I Am' by Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians brings to mind the smells of the pizza place I used to work in. We'd watch MTV during our dinner break and it almost always played. That and 'Finish What You Started' by Van Halen.

Teddy Bear
07-17-2007, 02:04 PM
I hear "Benny & the Jets" and I'm instantly in my Chevy BelAir almost to campus. It played at the exact time everyday so i knew if i was late or not. lol. If i was half-way up that hill i was doing ok. It was driving up the same hill i heard on the radio Janis Joplin was dead.

Any type of "Lawrence Welk" style music reminds me of saturday night at Dad's. We 3 kids visited him weekends. Westerns and Lawrence Welk were his favorites.

07-18-2007, 10:22 AM
*walks in in costume so as not to be recognized*

"Do You Believe In Magic" takes me back to an old record player with a penny on top of the needle to hold it down. Mom yelling up the stairs to turn it down or turn it off.

*sneaks out before anyone can guess who I am in this Lady Godiva costume*