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View Full Version : Libby's Sentence Commuted

07-02-2007, 06:53 PM
Anyone surprised?

Anyone feel this was the right thing to do?

07-02-2007, 07:14 PM
Well given all the crooks our previous president let off the hook ... nothing surprises me. :(


07-02-2007, 07:49 PM
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. (http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=19277&highlight=ca+change)

07-02-2007, 07:50 PM
Two wrongs...

Back to Libby-

I know many thought he would be pardoned, do you think this will be seen in a more favorable light?

07-02-2007, 07:56 PM
More favorable than what?

07-02-2007, 07:59 PM
Bush Sr. had his share as well, db... http://www.usdoj.gov/pardon/bushgrants.htm

In both cases many (not all) of the pardons were for people that had been sentenced many years before that President was in office.

As far as W's treatment of Libby, I am not too surprised. His sentence was commuted because he has friends in high places. I am happy to see he was not pardoned. While he won't serve jail time, his rep is tarnished, he has a criminal record and he still has to pay the fine.

07-02-2007, 08:02 PM
So would it be reasonable to infer from these precedents that this is not unusual? Perhaps not routine, but not unusual?

07-02-2007, 08:08 PM
I think it may be unusual in that it was a recent sentencing and was not a full pardon.

I also think that it is more favorable than a full pardon. I suppose as a compromise it works.


07-02-2007, 08:09 PM
Time will tell.

07-03-2007, 01:07 AM
Given that this President has granted fewer pardons & commutations than any other in the past century, I do find it remarkable that he suddenly finds compassion in his heart when someone in the Old Boys' Club might do time in the big house. Seeing as how less than one third of the country supports him anymore, I guess he doesn't dare piss off what's left of his constitiuency...

07-03-2007, 01:23 AM
Second term presidents sure are bold....

This just makes me sad. :(

07-03-2007, 03:46 AM
Seeing as how less than one third of the country supports him anymore, ...

... which is much better than Congress. :(

07-04-2007, 10:26 AM
No surprise here.Scumbags stick together. I found amusing though,that the reports on Lewis Libby was broadcasted on NPR by a journalist by the name of Libby Lewis.

Wicked Wanda
07-04-2007, 10:56 AM
Given that this President has granted fewer pardons & commutations than any other in the past century, I do find it remarkable that he suddenly finds compassion in his heart when someone in the Old Boys' Club might do time in the big house. Seeing as how less than one third of the country supports him anymore, I guess he doesn't dare piss off what's left of his constitiuency...

This pretty much sums up my feelings.

This is the same category as the VP supporting his gay daughter, and still spewing hate at the rest of us.


Slow Grind
07-04-2007, 11:03 AM
The US has become very partisan and polarized.

No doubt that this act by Bush smells; however some of the Clinton pardons equally stunk.

Basically I fear the many things can still be 'purchased' if one has the right connections in the US political arena.

07-04-2007, 12:39 PM
The US has become very partisan and polarized.

No doubt that this act by Bush smells; however some of the Clinton pardons equally stunk......
Yes! Very!

It's 'Them' and 'The People'. :hair:

I am SO turned off by the total BULLSHIT and games from ALL of them. I really do not consider us having ANY government today. It is hard for me to see that ANY of them are concerned or doing anything for my country or the people that is not 100% campaign motivated. When over 2-1/2 years is focused ONLY on the next election, I can not see there being ANY purpose to them other than gaining or retaining power for their corruption. It is a game only between THEM and has NOTHING to do with what WAS a country "of the people".

How much cake are we going to let them feed us? :mad:

07-04-2007, 01:40 PM
It's been out of our hands for a long long time and I don't see it changing in my life time!
So sad

07-04-2007, 02:17 PM
It's only out of our hands due to our own laziness and complacency. This is still our country and if it goes to hell in a handbasket, it's because we let 'em package it!

07-04-2007, 04:05 PM
i am actually not surprised by it and ashamed of BUsh jrs. audacity. He will go down as the president that left so many dead with lies on the war in iraq.We need to get the fuck out now.I also think at the end of his presidency the pardon will come for Libby

07-05-2007, 05:21 AM
It's only out of our hands due to our own laziness and complacency. This is still our country and if it goes to hell in a handbasket, it's because we let 'em package it!

You are quite correct.

07-14-2007, 02:37 AM
I intentionally didn't read many of the other posts in this thread simply because I wanted to sort of throw out my own opinion without taking the chance of being influenced by what others thought.

Basically, I think it's pretty much to be expected that Bush would do this. He's a second term President with really nothing to lose by it. He can wait until later for the full pardon (which I believe he will grant) and thus it wouldn't make much sense to even bother with impeachment proceedings.

Nothing this President does surprises me.......... disappoints me in many cases but surprises me, no.