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04-22-2007, 11:56 AM
cockroach cockroach cockroach cockroach cockroach cockroach cockroach COCKROACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crawling on my freakin BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:eew: :eew: :eew: :eew: :eew: :eew: :eew: :eew: :eew: :eew:

04-22-2007, 12:01 PM
Friday when I left my classroom I packed up my turtle, fish and crabs, and set off a bug bomb. I have a student who just comes infested. I don't want to insult him but I consider asking him to leave his backpack outside all the time.

04-22-2007, 12:05 PM
Hard to avoid in dorm rooms, sadly.

Usually there are men about who will take care of it for you.

This is the one place I am sexist - men who care for me better be ready to handle a bug or 2!

04-22-2007, 12:16 PM
But I live in a girls only dorm!!!!!!!! :boohoo:

04-22-2007, 01:27 PM
You only need worry if it is larger than the sole of your shoe. ;)

04-22-2007, 01:33 PM

:eew: :eew: :eew: :eew: :eew: :eew: :eew:


04-22-2007, 02:47 PM

After enjoying your reaction (and recalling my daughter seeing her first "brown cricket" on a restaurant wall in Chicago :rofl: ), I'll share some common precautions if you're interested.

One of the few advantages of packaged and preprocessed food is that it's 'less' likely to carry stowaways. Watch your fresh produce closely, especially in paper bags.

Being in a dorm raises the probability that they are in the building and that you can only keep them from YOUR area. You can't get rid of them. The construction of the building can make it harder/easier to control too. If they are in the walls of a frame structure, it's a bigger pain than with cinderblock construction as is used often in newer dorm type buildings.

You may want to try a trap type (like Roach Motel) control to see how much of a problem you have, first, if any. There are sprays and powers that can help maintain a perimeter around your place.

Check any type of used appliance, like stove or TV that you bring in if you are not certain where it came from. They love the warmth and seem to have a taste for electrical wire insulation. :shrug:

As long as you don't have something that 'attracts' them, you need only pay attention to their means of 'import'.

(You may want to get a pair of pointy toe shoes so you can get the one in the corner) :roflmao:

04-22-2007, 02:54 PM
(You may want to get a pair of pointy toe shoes so you can get the one in the corner) :roflmao:


We're actually forbidden to use traps/poisons here, since it drives them to the rest of the building. First thing tomorrow morning I'm bringing in the "evidence" (I have it in an empty juice bottle) to the dorm reception and they will fumigate the place.


04-23-2007, 12:12 PM
Which would they rather have...poison or men?

Which would you choose? :hot:

And some would say they're one and the same. lmao

04-23-2007, 12:13 PM
And some would say they're one and the same. lmao

and once again WI, cuts directly to the point. BRAVO!!, well played sir!

04-23-2007, 06:58 PM
:rofl: WI!!!

Well I brought them the bug today and I was told the exterminator will be coming.

04-23-2007, 08:17 PM
"Yum", says the lizard. (Though personally I far pefer grasshoppers).

04-23-2007, 08:19 PM
You can have them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't mind grasshoppers though. Nor most other bugs. This bibitte creeped me out though!!!!!!!

04-23-2007, 08:41 PM
Just thinking about your visitor. :rolleyes:

A first sighting on your blankets is not the most common. If you've seen no other signs around food storage areas or in dark hiding places, I'm pressed to ask what you brought into your dorm in the preceding 24-36 hours. Did you bring something from a storage locker into your place? Where did you visit or shop the day before? Did you bring news papers, books (they LOVE :bite: old book binding glue) or magazines in?

While it's seldom that you find a roach, you may have gotten lucky and been the transportation system for a soul stowaway. :shrug:

04-23-2007, 08:52 PM
I had brought back my recyclables at the store. I had my book bag on the floor for a while for the time I fed the empty bottles and cans into the machine - it did cross my mind that I might have picked it up there.

When I found it, I had just come back from the washroom (shared with 4 other girls) and sat down on my bed again. I did wonder whether it might have hitched a ride back on me, but that freaks me out even more! *shudder*

Finally, my neighbours have been moving out since it's the end of the semester. I did wonder if maybe the bug had been in someone else's room and then moved into mine after not finding anymore food in its old room.

04-24-2007, 07:43 AM
Please elaborate how you shared the washroom with four other girls. :hot:

04-24-2007, 09:35 AM
Yikes c'est pas mal plate ca. My first appartment had roaches. It was an experience. At the time we used the roach chalk. you just draw a line around the walls and doors of your room, if roach walks accross it, ... bye bye baby. Of course if you have pets I think it's bad for them. I presume in a dorm you don't have pets. Alors si tu es en dortoir, viens-tu de l'exterieur de la ville?

Fumigation helps, but I'm sorry to be realistic, they will return eventually, especially in a big building like that, but not likely for some time. I used to live next to a bar. They would spend their days there feasting, and come over when the bar was busy at night.

04-24-2007, 10:24 AM
WildIrish, wouldn't you like to know... ;)

GreenChef, I am in a dorm (je suis néo-écossaise), but only until the weekend because I'll be moving out since it's the end of the semester. I really don't want them crawling into my boxes for when I am unpacking if there are more!

04-24-2007, 10:30 AM
WildIrish, wouldn't you like to know... ;)

I've already made up a really good story in my mind.

And on the carpet. :p

04-24-2007, 10:31 AM
The bathroom is tiled, not carpeted. :p

Slow Grind
04-24-2007, 11:00 AM
It stops the roaches but is not harmfull to humans.....i used to live in a dorm in college and we had a similar problem.

good luck!

04-24-2007, 11:02 AM
Cool! If I see anymore after the exterminator has come I may try it!

04-24-2007, 11:09 AM
or when you pack up.

just leave the clothes behind, who needs those :D

04-24-2007, 11:36 AM
I think they like to hide in silky things. You better send them all to me. :hot:

Your trip to the recyclable muncher with the dripping, smashed beverage cans and all, sounds like the PERFECT place to find your buddies. If you told me to locate some roaches, that is the type place I would look first.

Just keep your eyes open. You may have dodged the bug bullet.

04-24-2007, 12:25 PM
Heck, only a week left. I guess that leaves out the chance a pack of pixie pardner's could come riding in to the rescue search the premises. Rats! :(

04-24-2007, 08:33 PM
There is one nearby, who could save the day
I love aiding damsels in distress