View Full Version : British Summer Time Begins!

03-24-2007, 04:38 PM
So all you brits, get to bed early tonight to make up for the hour of our lives that's going to go missing tonight...

*sigh* and I'm working tomorrow too...

03-24-2007, 06:54 PM
Okay, just when I was starting to figure out what the time difference is between here and there. :mad:

You'd think I would be able to do the simple math and just add another hour but my mind doesn't function that rationally. :p

03-24-2007, 07:12 PM
Thank goodness it's changing - these past two weeks have been miserable trying to remember that GMT was ET +4 rather than the usual +5 - and it really messed with me for trying to figure out the time in Australia and India!

03-25-2007, 03:31 AM
A simple rule of thumb ...


03-26-2007, 01:01 AM
QLD Australia doesnt do DST....bastards!

W.A got with the program this year....but noooooo not the QLDers....it'll fade the curtains....the cows wont milk...kids wont go to bed....i miss an hour of my day....blah...bloody backwards idiots!

There still 24hrs in a day....ya dont lose or gain anything!

DST Fan here...can ya tell

03-26-2007, 04:43 AM
Thank goodness it's changing - these past two weeks have been miserable trying to remember that GMT was ET +4 rather than the usual +5 - and it really messed with me for trying to figure out the time in Australia and India!

But we're not on GMT now, we're on BST which is GMT + 1! We spend 6 months of the year on each time, so it's not a case of one being 'the usual' I'm afraid.

03-26-2007, 07:14 AM
Interesting, I didn't know that the name actually changed. It does here as well from EST to EDT, and I've given up and just don't use the middle letter which is quite common form. But I never knew that the naming completly changed from GMT to BST.

At any rate, my point was the US, Canada and Bermuda changed time two weeks early this year. Normally we are either on the same schedule or only one week off - not a full two. When you work in a global environment it's challenging to keep track of.

I believe if I recall, this will be an issue in the fall as well, as the US is changing the clocks ahead two weeks later than in the past.

03-26-2007, 07:47 AM
You'd think I would be able to do the simple math and just add another hour but my mind doesn't function that rationally. :p

Your mind doesn't figure out that there are other places in the world, besides your computer room where there is a time difference :roflmao: