View Full Version : FYI!(Money)

03-06-2007, 09:55 AM
This is strictly up to you,but for your information:

This new coin came out this month. The U.S. Mint hopes the redesigned $1 coin will win acceptance with consumers.

It does not have In God We Trust on it. Another way of leaving God out.
Send this on and let consumers decide if it will win acceptance or not.
Lets just keep spending our paper money forget the new coin Irish :sad:

03-06-2007, 10:06 AM
if you mean the new golden dollar coin, we got a few as change at the aquarium last time we visited and i'm 99% percent positive that it does. not sure why it matters so much.

ah, i see now, you meant the new presidential coin, and it does say in god we trust on the edge. http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/dollarcoin.asp

03-06-2007, 10:20 AM
not sure why it matters so much.
Same here...people sure do get worked up about it though, don't they...

I seem to recall that "In God We Trust" started appearing rather late on the money, maybe well into the 20 century, as I recall...and if one goes back to the early days of the republic, coinage instead contained a slogan that I often wish we'd bring back;

"Mind your Business"

03-06-2007, 01:55 PM
The Anthony and Sacagawea dollars both had "In God We Trust" on them, which obviously wasn't enough to make them popular. I've been working on and off in the tourism industry since the Sacagawea dollars came out, and I have been surprised many many times by how many Americans refused to recognize them as American currency when we tried to give them as change.

I, though I am Canadian, really love the idea of the new dollar coins with the images of the past presidents on them. And to have the Great Seal, the national motto and the year on the edge of the coins instead of on their faces is really different and makes me eager for the tourism season to start for us to start getting them here!

03-06-2007, 02:20 PM
if you mean the new golden dollar coin, we got a few as change at the aquarium last time we visited and i'm 99% percent positive that it does. not sure why it matters so much.

ah, i see now, you meant the new presidential coin, and it does say in god we trust on the edge. http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/dollarcoin.asp
Thanks for posting the link wyndhy!

03-06-2007, 03:51 PM

03-06-2007, 04:52 PM
Can't remember which nation it was, but among the coins of many countries that my daddy left to me I recall seeing some that had the edge imprinted...BTW, the traditional knurled edge that we're used to seeing on many US coins came about when they were still real silver, & some clever folks would shave a little off the edge of each flat edged coin they got a hold of, until they had enough nearly pure silver to melt down...the ridges were added to put a stop to that...

03-06-2007, 05:30 PM
Is it bigger than the Anthony and Sacagawea? Cause that was confusing to some peeps...that the dollar was nearly the same size as the quarter.

But ya know...if it spends like a dollar I don't care what it does and doesn't say! I mean, I don't get pissed that atheist's aren't recognized in monetary form. "In God We Trust" on money isn't going to sway me one way or another. If you're a believer I think you should trust that if it isn't in front of your face all the time you'll still have the faith in your heart.

Geezzzzz...with all the things wrong in this world...yada, yada, yada!

^^^Not directed at anyone...just my thoughts out loud!

03-06-2007, 11:08 PM
BTW, the traditional knurled edge that we're used to seeing on many US coins came about when they were still real silver, & some clever folks would shave a little off the edge of each flat edged coin they got a hold of, until they had enough nearly pure silver to melt down...the ridges were added to put a stop to that...
Thanks Zoid, for the info.............. Very interesting. :) Kinda makes you think you need a God to trust in because it isn't going to be your fellow man you can trust. But now I'm confused about exactly who's image my fellow man was made in. :confused:

And thank you Wyndhy for that link. :)
This new series, the Presidential $1 coin Program, features dollar coins identical in size, ..........
I'll repeat my statement that "until a dollar coin is larger than a quarter of a dollar coin, it will NOT be accepted, regardless of the image or color" (coloUr ... for the Kanucks).

One traditional feature that has been left off the new dollar coin is the appearance of the word "Liberty".
I noticed that before I saw the coins. :rolleyes2:

03-07-2007, 06:39 AM

The first reference to the Almighty on Federal coins was "GOD OUR TRUST" on 1861 Half Dollar pieces.

03-07-2007, 08:39 AM
I don't normally give a rat's ass about the '"separation between church and state", because it is usually so well defined, but IN GOD WE TRUST, needs to be on our money somewhere, somehow.

I've never met an athiest that has refused to get paid because the currency in question has those words on it.

03-07-2007, 08:48 AM
"Truth or Fiction.com".It IS printed on the edge.Check that website under
spiritual or religious.SORRY!
To err is human.To forgive is devine.Now I've proven that I'm human & you
have to show that you're devine!Just kidding! Irish

03-07-2007, 11:18 AM
It's size will be its downfall, just like the last two dollar coins.

03-07-2007, 11:41 AM
i can believe that americans won't accept it in the long run, we've got enough coins in our pockets already, but refusing it?...only in america would we consider money no-good. :rolleyes2

but i'm pretty sure the govn't does this kind of stuff just to soften the masses a bit, like the 15 second feel-good piece on the 6-o-clock news. “everything’s pretty peachy, we're coining money. it's even collectable...could be worth MORE money in the future...and we're honoring our heroes at the same time.” it's all just subliminal propaganda. :D

we love checking out the new coins we come across, we’ve even got a little collection going of some of the more interesting ones. which reminds me, slightly off-topic … anyone know if it's really illegal to deface money? my girl has a collection of those squished pennies from every place we've ever been that had a penny squisher, and if it's illegal, then why do they have penny squishers in the first place?

03-07-2007, 11:58 AM
anyone know if it's really illegal to deface money? my girl has a collection of those squished pennies from every place we've ever been that had a penny squisher, and if it's illegal, then why do they have penny squishers in the first place?
I've seen the machines you're talking about in the tourist trap shops, they have a disclaimer on them stating that "defacing" money is only illegal if done for fraudulant purposes, i.e. adding or taking away something to increase its value...squashing a penny makes it worthless as legal tender, so the only one losing anything (theoretically) is you...

The more important ? to me is, does anybody know a valid reason why the mint continues to churn out pennies that nobody wants, & aren't worth the cheap metal they're made from?

03-07-2007, 12:06 PM
so we can squish them?

03-07-2007, 03:53 PM
As I age,my weight varies,so much,that most of my newer pants have an
elastic type waistband.If I get ANY coins,I put them in a separate container,
when I get home.Because of the weight,I don't carry any coins,so except to
deposit them,in the bank,they are just extra baggage to me!The new coins would be the same to me.I carry my wallet,in my shirt pocket & my operators
license in my pants pocket. Irish :2cents:

03-07-2007, 05:12 PM
With a Visa Check card you don't need cash any more.

03-07-2007, 06:35 PM
Just heard on the local evening new that some of the new dollar coins are now consider as rare coins. The wording "In God We Trust" was left off. They said that they are going for hundreds of dollars each. So there is some truth to the rumor of that phraze

03-08-2007, 09:38 AM
i saw that on the snopes page, too, scarecrow. minting errors sure do hike up the price of collectibles.

keep your eyes open neige, maybe you'll find one. :D

03-08-2007, 11:58 AM
:blink: <- looking around for them :D

03-08-2007, 12:02 PM
minting errors sure do hike up the price of collectibles. Once sold an old dollar bill on Ebay that was just slightly off-center for several times the face value...

to err is human, to figure a way to profit from it is even more so.