View Full Version : ch-ch-ch-changes

02-19-2007, 04:10 AM
“What's in a name? That which we call a rose/By any other word would smell as sweet” Shakespeare
Do you be leave a name is what Shakespeare is saying here just a name. It doesn't carry any great significance in who we are. That if someone changes names it doesn't really matter they are the same person.

“Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose“ Gertrude Stein
Do you be leave a name is what Gertrude Stein is saying here invokes strong feeling and images. A name is a important thing that carries a weight with it. If we change our name somehow we change who we are.

OK I know by now you are all sitting there scratching your heads think what is he talking about. I know the topic of the names we use at Pixies has come up a few times before. We've had a few members who have changed names in the past. What are your feeling on this.
Dose them changing their name change who they are?
Dose it just cause confusion if someone changes their name?
Do you feel that if someone wants they should be able?

OK I know you are still sitting there say what the heck is he rambling on about. Earlier we were discussing this in chat. One person who wants to change their name here at Pixies. Because the feel they have changed in the past almost 5 years. The name they signed up with doesn't reflect who they are any more. The name they had signed up with was one they had been using other place when the were 13. They feel they have matured and the name they are using doesn't really fit them any more. The other person was saying that they shouldn't change their name. The name they used here at Pixies was who they are(at Least at Pixies). It would just confuse everyone and people wouldn't know who they were any more if they changed it. Changing a name was just a frivolous whim.

OK I know you are all sitting there wondering is there a point to all this. My question to you wise people at Pixies is. Should this person be able to change their name or do you think they shouldn't change it?

P.S. I'm not going to reveal who wants to change their name or who is so strongly against it. They'll either reveal themselves or it will be up to you to figure it out.

02-19-2007, 04:45 AM
My thoughts on this is they hsould be able to change their name if they want. I know this person well enough to know it not just a whim. Knowing that Lilith has siad she will or can only change a name once. That if they feel like having thier name changed here it up to them. it may cause a little confusion at first and will take a little getting used to the new name. But I be leave most Pixes are inteligent enough that it won't take them long to get used to the new name. Thye will be the same sexy and inteligent person we grown to know just with a diferent name is all.

02-19-2007, 04:51 AM
Name change is up to the individual, but it may just need time for people to get used to the new nick.


02-19-2007, 06:17 AM

Other Pixies have changed their names. Why not this one?

02-19-2007, 08:35 AM
sure, why not change their name if that's what they want? all they have to do is re-join under their new name and start a thread that says, hi...i used to be memebr x, but now this is my new nic.

i'm confused ... not sure i see the problem. why does lil have to do it?

02-19-2007, 08:40 AM
sure, why not change their name if that's what they want? all they have to do is re-join under their new name and start a thread that says, hi...i used to be memebr x, but now this is my new nic.

i'm confused ... not sure i see the problem. why does lil have to do it?

Wyndhy Lilith can change it so all the post they had before will have the new name on them. insted of having post under 2 names it would just be under the new name.

02-19-2007, 08:48 AM
well, i agree with our good friend will...a rose by any other name... i still think if someone wants to change their nic, they should. if it's a matter of only wanting to if lil will adjust the posts and threads in the way you described, then maybe they don't want it bad enough.

02-19-2007, 10:08 AM
I do want it bad enough. :D

02-19-2007, 10:09 AM
ha ha I didn't know this was to be a group decision.

02-19-2007, 10:11 AM
I do want it bad enough. :D
i thought it was you! ;)
sooooooo...what's the new nic mean?

02-19-2007, 10:12 AM
Me neither! :rofl:

Neige is the French word for snow. It is pronounced /nεʒ/.

02-19-2007, 10:26 AM
I think many times when people register here they have no idea what the site and people may come to mean to them. They don't choose their nick knowing that they are going to become a part of this place. Many expect to never even post. I'd prefer to change their nick than to have them re-register.

02-19-2007, 11:03 AM
A lot is made about a person's "real" name. IMHO, your "real" name is what you want it to be. Doesnt' matter what your nick is, or what's on your ID, or what people call you. You is you.

02-19-2007, 11:08 AM
Changing your nick is fine with me. I'm a member of a couple of boards & don't like my name at all but I don't really post enough to change my nick at either place. If you become a part of an online community & want to change your name, I think it's a cool idea.

Je suis malade de neige mais je t'aime "Neige" :)

02-19-2007, 11:14 AM
J'adore la neige! :D

02-19-2007, 12:50 PM
I think many times when people register here they have no idea what the site and people may come to mean to them. They don't choose their nick knowing that they are going to become a part of this place. Many expect to never even post. I'd prefer to change their nick than to have them re-register.
i'll keep that in mind. :D

02-19-2007, 12:57 PM
except yours^^^ you will always be wyndhy :p

02-19-2007, 01:00 PM
Doesn't make much difference to me. PixieSprite or Neige, she's still a sweetheart in my book. ;)

02-19-2007, 01:01 PM
Should an member be "allowed" to change their nick? .... Sure! Why not? :shrug:
I understand a one-change limit solely to keep it from becoming an administrative pain in the ass.

My other question is why would they? :confused:

If the nick has some negative connotation in our community, perhaps that would be a good reason to want to change it. That certainly isn't the case for PixieSprite. :p

Perhaps they found it to be too close to an existing nick that may cause confusion. A "Lilly" might want to change their nick soon after finding their way around our board.

Convenience could be a motivation to change a nick to an abbreviated form. "Sharnique" becoming "Sharni gave cause for some joking, but little cause for confusion.

If there is a desire to make a complete change of the persons image, manner and character for some reason, that would make sense to me for a nick change. Although if there is going to be a complete change of the person, there would be no reason to be associated to posts of the past and would be easier to reregister with a new nick and become that person.

If the purpose of a nick is to identify that person, I do have to say calling a rose, a tulip next week isn't going to change it's color or scent for me but will create unnecessary confusion. I would not be shocked to see that 13 year old wanting to change their nick frequently because they DON'T know who they are yet. But when someone has become an entity of nothing but positive characters and admiration like our PixieSprite, I'm not sure how a nick change is going to add to that. Perhaps our other members do not share my image of her as being one of the most intelligent, witty, lusted after and together young people in our village.

If a nick change is going to improve her own image to her, up to the image I already have, go for it! We're here because this is the place we come to feel good and she sure does that for me. :slurp:

(without a nametag I can recognize, just wave that hockey stick high so I can find you in the crowd. ;) )

02-19-2007, 01:03 PM
except yours^^^ you will always be wyndhy :p

crap...i so wanted to be miss pussytwat panties 1828.:p:D

btw, neige...i love your new nick and i'm so happy for you. :x:

02-19-2007, 01:10 PM
..... Perhaps our other members do not share my image of her as being one of the most intelligent, witty, lusted after and together young people in our village.
This member shares that image of her completely PF. I think she's an incredible young lady............. and she'll continue to be thought of as such no matter what her Pixies name.

Miss Pussytwat Panties 1828....... :roflmao:

02-19-2007, 01:12 PM
I must also say that I have never met anyone who loves snow as much as she does. She used to have to traverse great gobs of snow to try to get to her car and talk about it like it was a trip to Disney :D

02-19-2007, 01:31 PM
i also figured pf would be the one balking. :p:D

02-19-2007, 02:54 PM
i also figured pf would be the one balking. :p:D
Not to worry. I'll find you in the dust cloud. :D
(I like the idea of identifying by feel :undies: )

I like change for change sake. We get to see the government do it all the time. It just cost more for a department to change the name of the same incompetence. :roflmao:

02-19-2007, 03:49 PM
crap...i so wanted to be miss pussytwat panties 1828.:p:D

btw, neige...i love your new nick and i'm so happy for you. :x:

I wonder if the first 1827 have considered changing at all? :)

02-19-2007, 04:02 PM
How could you improve on that?

02-19-2007, 04:05 PM
1828 is a year...a very good year for pussytwats. :p:D

02-19-2007, 04:20 PM
..... She used to have to traverse great gobs of snow to try to get to her car .....
Spoken like a true snow bunny. :rofl: :roflmao: :rofl:

02-19-2007, 05:50 PM

Do I sense a December February thing here?

02-19-2007, 05:57 PM
I just use the same name on every forum. If you see another Jude30 on another message board there's a 99.999999~ that it's me.

I post under only one other name. My first character in the game Everquest was named Lilum, and I post under that name on two game related message boards.

The Lilum were a cult the worshiped Lilith, Adam's first wife. :)

02-19-2007, 06:14 PM
No wonder you found me here ;)

02-19-2007, 08:31 PM
btw, neige...i love your new nick and i'm so happy for you. :x:

Thank you!!!!!!! I'm really happy too! :D

02-20-2007, 04:20 AM
I would want mine changed far too often...Lilith would end up killing me *L*

So i just make new me's...it's easy...i don't use them to troll...i use them depending on my mood

If i could name change myself, i would (no that was not a hint), but i just dont like annoying poor Lil 5 times a day :D

02-20-2007, 04:21 AM
1828 is a year...a very good year for pussytwats. :p:D

The year PF became legal?

02-20-2007, 04:30 AM
i thought it was you! ;)
sooooooo...what's the new nic mean?

And here I thought it would be Michfoundsoul or Goober. Oh well. :rolleyes2

Oh yeah ... I like Neige ... ;)

Of course, I thought PixieSprite was kinda neat, too. Just goes to show, it's the lady ... not the name ... that's so special. :boink:

02-20-2007, 05:04 AM
Neige, melts in your arms, or your mouth.

It shows promise, dear one.

02-20-2007, 11:28 AM
Thank you, Oldfart! :D

02-20-2007, 12:53 PM
I see that since nobody else has spoken up in a negative connotation to this name change, I will be the only one.

Story of my life...the cheese stands alone.

There should be a harsh penalty for those requesting a name change.

Naked pictures would be fine. :D

C'mon guys! Am I the only one that sees this missed opportunity? I can't be here for everything! I need some help here! :roflmao:

Seriously, I think your posts and your personality are what defines you more than your screenname. Sometimes you become your online identity, sometimes it becomes you, and sometimes you go through a lengthy process of finding it. You could call yourself chopped liver (1828 of course, cus apparently that was a good year for more than just pussytwats) and still be the same bright, driven, sexy and friendly lady. And as long as Lilith is ok with the physical function of changing your name (cus I hate when she's cranky), who am I to argue? Though I still do believe we should've held out for boob pictures.

Welcome to Pixies, Neige. We've been waiting for you. :)

02-20-2007, 07:51 PM
While I'm sure you would prefer more pics, WildIrish, perhaps you could insist that she keep an av such as the current one so you don't ever forget who it is that is posting?

02-21-2007, 09:31 AM
While I'm sure you would prefer more pics, WildIrish, perhaps you could insist that she keep an av such as the current one so you don't ever forget who it is that is posting?

Good point...whoever you are. Can you turn around for me so I can recognize you? :p

02-27-2007, 02:25 PM
A lot is made about a person's "real" name. IMHO, your "real" name is what you want it to be. Doesnt' matter what your nick is, or what's on your ID, or what people call you. You is you.
Damn straight!

I missed this whole thing and didn't realize PS had changed her nick until I saw her infamous 'I Love Lake' sig under the new nick. I'll miss the ease of typing 'PS'... :p

Nice to meet you (again) Neige. :D :wave:

02-27-2007, 02:43 PM
Firstly - love the new nick Neige, my OH was ahving a nosey on the site for the very first time and he took one look at the page and declared he had something important to tell me about "my" site. It had to do with french (he's a french lord) and as soon as he said that I turned round and said "it means snow, I know" and he was so cheesed off that I already knew a french word before he told me it! So thanks for the chance to seem a bit brainier than him for once :D

I think I grew into my nick. It's been with me for a while and was originally just a pun on a book I was reading when I first joined a forum. But it's been with me so long on various forums that I've merged with it, and I'm very proud to be ReaperWoman. Meh.