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02-18-2007, 05:28 PM
Who is your favorite screen actor and/or actress and why.

(The Lixy approach or Long Way Around ;) )
Today I watched 'Contact' with Jodi Foster, on the stupid-tube. Because of the book (and it's author) I made a point to get to a pre opening before any review could shade my own considerations. While I told myself I was interested in seeing how many of the concepts presented in the book would be done by Hollywood, I guess my mind was not as accepting as I wanted to believe and didn't give it as high a rating as I did today. I was shocked to find it's been 10 years and perhaps that is why today's viewing was much more acceptable.

Now! All this is to qualify 'my' perception of what constitutes a Great actor/actress. I personally find the 'paparazzi industry' not only disgusting and insulting, but distracting from the one thing a personality is exceptional at doing. As I watched Contact today, I became totally engrossed in the character Jodi Foster was portraying and recalled her roll in 'Nell'. A performer that can make me COMPLETELY 'feel' ONLY the image presented is a superb actor to me.

Jodie Foster joins my ancient and not the most popular short list with Anthony Quinn, Humphrey Bogart, Al Pacino, and a few others.

So who are some of your favorites and why?

02-18-2007, 05:35 PM
Can we count the surprise appearance of Red-Green at Niagara? :shrug:

Truly an inspiration. ;)

Irezumi Kiss
02-18-2007, 06:11 PM
Is this a "serious" actor/actress favorite, or anyone goes?

He's not everyone's cuy of tea for Academy Awards material, but my personal favorite go-to-guy is Vin Diesel. I just like him personally, his style. He's never lost his inner child and he's worked damn hard to get to where he is, taking a lot of lumps and doesn't play the H'wood rich celebrity scenester games. His flicks always entertain me and he's the most like what I'd want to be physically if I could spend quality time on my body. And women go niz-uts for him. I read one fan site of him once and it was maybe 90% female. One woman had posted something like, "I want him to fuck me hard and shoot every last drop of his cum inside me."

I was like, GOTT-DAYUM motherfucker! I mean, a lot of celebs have people shook like that, but sheee-it...

My favorite actress...hmmm...that I can't really decide on. Too many parameters. I like Thora Birch but she hasn't done much. I like Sandra Oh but she's mostly small, side-roles. I like Kate Winslet but really only dug liked her last two films, not everything she's done. I like Sigourney Weaver a lot, but mainly because I'm a diehard Alien franchise fan. I like Helen Mirren now, but that's because she woke up that GILF fetish inside me. Charlotte Rampling, too.

When it comes to women, I don't think I can ever completely make up my mind, and that extends to actresses.

02-18-2007, 06:31 PM

I find Will Smith’s and Jim Carey’s performances convincing. On the distaff side, Meryl Streep, and Kate Winslet satisfy.

02-18-2007, 06:52 PM
My favorite actor is Humphrey Bogart. I could sit and watch Bogart movies all day long (and have done so on many occasions). I really don't think he's close to being the "best" actor I've ever seen but his films are the ones I enjoy the most. Casablanca is the best movie I've ever seen and you can't tear me away from The Big Sleep or Key Largo. Treasure of the Sierra Madre...... it's Bogart for me.

I also enjoy Tom Hanks an awful lot. And I think maybe the best performance I've ever seen was by Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas.

As for the actresses......... oh man, here goes my "Man Card" with this one. Got a big soft spot for Meg Ryan. I just can't help it. I guess the hopeless romantic in me is just sort of swept away by her.

The actress that I think is the best right now? Dakota Fanning. Hands down.

02-18-2007, 09:12 PM
Treasure of the Sierra Madre......

That's not a movie...... It's a parable from God. :thumb:


02-18-2007, 10:17 PM
I like Jodie Foster too. I like actors who are not confined to one type of role.

02-19-2007, 04:54 AM
Mmmmmmmmmmmm Charlotte Strumpling . . . I mean Rampling.

02-19-2007, 06:23 AM
The actress that I think is the best right now? Dakota Fanning. Hands down.

Absolutely. I'll be really interested to see what happens to her when she really grows into hollywood. I hope she isn't swallowed up the way most child actors seem to be.

Other top actors...
Dame Judi Dench. What a lady. Meryl Streep is brilliant at making her every character individual and believable. Kevin Spacey, again, brilliant. I'm sure there are plenty more, but they're the ones coming to mind just now.

I'm going to throw Patrick Stewart in there too... Yes that's Captain Jean Luc Picard from Star Trek or Professor Xavier from X-men. It's not that I'm a big sci-fi geek or anything (lies... but that's not the point here), but he's a really good classical actor too. He also features on a list I made once of "100 things to do before I die" under "Hug Patrick Stewart".

He just seems a huggable guy.

Oooo... just thought of a couple of actors that probably only the Brits on here will recognise. TV actors Lesley Sharp and Andrew Lincoln.

If I don't hurry up and just post this there's going to be a *very* long list here...

02-19-2007, 06:27 AM
And isn't Vin Diesel homosexual?

Maybe the ladies just have a bad case of wanting what you can't have...

02-19-2007, 11:02 AM
Henry Fonda. What more can I say, in "Mister Roberts" he proved the old saying that a good actor should be like a good cat burgler...you shouldn't notice him doing his job. By contrast, his good friend James Stewart was a tremendously good actor, but somehow, I could never let go of the idea that it was Jimmy Stewart on the screen, regardless of what he was doing. Tom Hanks would be my modern favorite, an actor who's not afraid to take chances or re-invent himself for a role (tho I sometimes worry about his health when he gains or looses substantial amounts of weight just for a part)...he's made some great movies, some not so great, but even the lesser movies he brings something to the table, & doesn't just phone it in...

Irezumi Kiss
02-19-2007, 01:26 PM
And isn't Vin Diesel homosexual?
Maybe the ladies just have a bad case of wanting what you can't have...
Nah. That's just a rumor. He steps out with ladies. He was dating some European model when he was doing "XXX" and I think the last lady he was supposedly linked with was Maria Menounos. Not only that, Karinne "Superhead" Steffans gushed about how he rocked her world in bed in her tell-all celebrity-groupie memoir.

I can understand why the gay guys would wanna claim him, though. Purty hunky.

02-19-2007, 03:07 PM
Actually the straight guys in my college class will be pleased to hear that such a figure of masculinity *is* straight after all. When they thought he was gay, the only thing they would say was "I bet he's a giver..."

Doesn't really do it for me though, it's got to be said.

Give me Johnny Depp any day...

Fuck! Johnny Depp! He should have been on my list too. His Cptn Jack Sparrow is so inspired - though because they knew he was the best thing in that film, the sequel plays on it a little [I]too[I/] much...

Anyway. He's much more fuckable than Vin Diesel.