02-16-2007, 10:26 PM
So, I got this brilliant idea the other day. My sweetie's 40th birthday is Sunday, so I'm going to send him a surprise in his email inbox. Actually, several surprises. He'll log on sometime Sunday morning to find 40 birthday e-cards.
Trying to be creative, I was looking around the web some tonight for different websites offering free ecard service. One of the more unique ones I found was this (http://www.sayitwithboobs.com/). I honestly don't know whether to laugh or shake my head or send in a picture. :D
Trying to be creative, I was looking around the web some tonight for different websites offering free ecard service. One of the more unique ones I found was this (http://www.sayitwithboobs.com/). I honestly don't know whether to laugh or shake my head or send in a picture. :D