View Full Version : Be careful Pixies
02-14-2007, 07:09 AM
Seems like there's enough bad weather all over the place that I just want to express my hope that you all stay safe, warm and instead of going to work, why not plan for a day at Pixes! :)
Seriously, if you're where the weather's bad, please be careful.
02-14-2007, 07:43 AM
Yes, be careful out there!!!
South of us got hit pretty good, we're just cold with a few snow showers off and on. I'm tired of shoveling the drive and cleaning off my car. It can start warming up any time now!
02-14-2007, 11:15 AM
Done! :thumb:
I called in and told them DB said I don't have to come in today.
02-14-2007, 12:01 PM
When we left work yesterday, it was "unofficial" that the office would be closed today. Since we're in the middle of a National Weather Service blizzard warning, and because there's a prediction of freezing rain/sleet in the middle of/on top of the 320592095832095 inches of snow we're due to receive, I had pretty much made up my mind NOT to leave the house today, regardless of whether work was closed or not.
Fortunately, I received a call from the office manager at 7:00 this morning to tell me I wasn't going to get in trouble. ;) She also acknowledged that *my* boss was probably going to come in, anyway...and would be there typing his own letters. ROFL!
02-14-2007, 12:10 PM
yup, we're snow bound too. and hoping we don't lose power
02-14-2007, 12:36 PM
This is the ironic part of my job.
When the weather is at it's worst, that's when I need to be here the most to make sure peeps are here getting it done.
If only I could somehow figure out how to announce a "no snow day".
02-14-2007, 12:53 PM
This is the ironic part of my job.
When the weather is at it's worst, that's when I need to be here the most to make sure peeps are here getting it done.
If only I could somehow figure out how to announce a "no snow day".
Could you just say, "Snow Days are for kids ... today's a Sunny Day so I won't be in?" :rolleyes2
02-14-2007, 01:26 PM
I got a call at six this morning saying they weren't going to open and there was no reason to come in. So I helped get the kiddo ready for the sitters, then went back to bed.
02-14-2007, 01:43 PM
Hello all its V day and i hope every 1 is haveing a great 1. To all of you snow bound please be cairful and stay warm..... :69:
02-14-2007, 02:44 PM
Work was closed yesterday and today. We got 10" of the white stuff and it is drifted in some places 3' or 4' deep and the wind is still blowing around 25 or 30mph. I'm not going anywhere today.
02-14-2007, 03:13 PM
Throw another log on the fire and open your Pixie ladies scrapbook, SC. That'll keep us all warm. ;)
We've got 17" (42cm) and 11F (-12C) and reported drifts up to 5' (1.5m).
(I say "reported", because I'm NOT going to be checking it out myself. :rofl: )
02-14-2007, 06:24 PM
We "officially" got 2" of ice. Not snow. Not rain. Maybe part of it was freezing rain, but it was 2" of ice.
My body fucking hurts from shovelling the shit. And I couldn't get the job done completely today.
And of coruse, the snow plow came by and walled-off the driveway from the street. No, I haven't been able to deal with that, either.
02-14-2007, 07:01 PM
... And of coruse, the snow plow came by and walled-off the driveway from the street ...
Yeah, he retired from the Baltimore DPW last year. Enjoy! :D
Irezumi Kiss
02-14-2007, 07:25 PM
Nothing but icy slush outside here. Earlier was nasty and biting, hopefully some of it has passed over by now, but the AccuWeather internet weather map thingie on my comp shows another grey mass of snowmakin' mischief encroaching on our area.
What a lovely Valentine's Day! I'm heading to the pub after work...anyone wants in, I'm buying!
02-14-2007, 07:49 PM
yup...heavy stuff here too.
we played outside today and the boy wasn't heavy enough to crunch through the top layer, except for that every-once-in-a-while step that would take him by surprise and make him face-plant right in the snow. :roflmao:
good times
02-14-2007, 08:57 PM
we got just a dusting of the white stuff,strong winds about 30mph sustained and temps in the teens to low 20s. But we did have some excitement the east side of the city had a 3.0 earthquake!They didn't know there was a fault there!
02-14-2007, 09:04 PM
....... But we did have some excitement the east side of the city had a 3.0 earthquake!They didn't know there was a fault there!
:yikes: I'll keep my snow.
02-15-2007, 01:25 AM
Anyone want to come visit me in CA? ;)
02-15-2007, 03:02 AM
It IS "be careful" now. We can't bitch with the mild winter we had so far, but it seems to be wanting to make it up all at once. Now it can actually get dangerous. Some real cold or real snow are doable, but when both together, it can fuck you up.
Pushing the record snow dump, is a deepfreeze cold front that can hurt you. We have -1F (-19C) forecast with wind chill of -10 to -20F, into the weekend. Being able to move though or get to someplace in the bitter cold, sub zero (sub (-18c), works. Breaking down or getting stuck bad when the cold won't really hurt you is only a pain in the ass. Both together can get you dead in less than a hour.
Here's a local story that is only in video. Go the "Teen buried by snow plow", click and give it time to load.
02-15-2007, 05:23 AM
How does one spell ... lawsuit ^^^^? :yikes:
(PS ... I was not running in downtown Cleveland ... even I know that's not a park. :D)
02-15-2007, 07:13 AM
I didn't think the 6" of snow was bad but then the freezing rain came and iced us over. They've clear the snow off the streets and what was left is a skating rink. Lotsa roads closed here today. They are trying to brine/salt as fast as possible but the temperature and wind are biting back. They clear it...the wind blows it over again. Bout 12F with the winds whipping to 30+ mph makes for a wind chill of 0F and below in some places.
Luckily the powder trucks for Mr. Lixy's job aren't making the trek today. Lucky for him and lucky for the people that might crash into them while sliding on the ice.
OK...I'm done with winter now!!!!
02-15-2007, 07:22 AM
Anyone want to come visit me in CA? ;)
On my way to the airport in Cedar Rapids right after I hit "Submit Reply". ;)
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