View Full Version : Oh no....

02-14-2007, 06:42 AM
Embarrassing moments anyone?

Just experienced one of the most mortifying moments in my life, and decided that telling it here might at least give people a good laugh.

I was at a ceilidh - Scottish dance thing - to raise money for a friend to go to Namibia. On one side of the room was all his friends and a lot of other younger people. On the other side of the room was all his parents friends, some with young families, some much older couples too. In the middle was where the dancing was going on.

Dancing with my best friend, spinning round the room, when the heel of my shoe got caught in my very stretchy skirt, and the back of the skirt was pulled right down over my bum, giving the parent side a lovely view of my ass, clad only in a pair of black lacey french knickers...

Pulled my skirt back up where it was supposed to be and finished the dance in a fit of hysterical giggles as i explained to my best friend what i'd just done... Certainly didn't stop me from dancing the rest of the night though!

So please share your stories!

02-14-2007, 09:35 AM
Oh sweetie! At least it sounds as though you kept your head held high - and a friend of mine used to say, 'If there's any chance of you showing your knickers in public, just make sure you're wearing nice ones'. Sounds like you were.

As for embarrassing moments, I actually can't recall any right now, but I'm sure there have been them. I'll muse on it and get back to you.

02-14-2007, 11:09 AM
That's one sly way to assure the fund raising will be a success. :D I know just hearing about it raised a lot here. :boink:

02-14-2007, 12:23 PM
PF's old sticky hook on the heel trick strikes again.

02-14-2007, 12:42 PM
I was taking the elevator up to the roof with my maintenance guy so we could check out the rooftop evaporative cooler. We were alone until it stopped and the doors opened. As they were opening, he pushed me and said "NO MEANS NO!!!" and walked out of the elevator past them and away.


02-14-2007, 01:16 PM
...he pushed me and said "NO MEANS NO!!!" ...


I think that is going to be used a LOT. :D

02-14-2007, 01:22 PM
my daughter once asked me to open my bum so she could crawl in. we were bagging up some groceries at the store, and the look on the checker's face... :roflmao: i could tell he wasn't buying my story about how that meant i was supposed to make a tunnel with my legs that she could crawl through. i'm surprised child services didn't pay me a visit.

02-14-2007, 01:25 PM
he pushed me and said "NO MEANS NO!!!" and walked out of the elevator past them and away.
I'll bet he was wearing a wool sweater wasn't he. ;)

02-14-2007, 01:44 PM

One of my favorite bands!! :nana:

02-14-2007, 01:51 PM
Oh yeah...he was a funny guy alright!

02-14-2007, 02:03 PM
PF's old sticky hook on the heel trick strikes again.

Damn you PF!

You know if you wanted to see my knickers that bad you could have just asked... ;)

And poor WI... That was a hard way to learn that sometimes when people say they're going to "check out the rooftop evaporative system" they mean exactly that... :rolleyes2

wyndhy - he was probably just wishing you'd let him crawl in your bum... :buttsex:

Good stuff though :roflmao: - Keep your embarrassing stories coming!

02-14-2007, 02:12 PM
...and the back of the skirt was pulled right down over my bum, giving the parent side a lovely view of my ass, clad only in a pair of black lacey french knickers...

So... when does the Pixies' side get to see this view? ;)

02-14-2007, 06:28 PM
Hey, you got to go to a ceilidh, what can possibly be wrong with that?

02-15-2007, 03:21 AM
Growing up, we lived in a very large Victorian house that enabled my step-father to work from home. It also meant that our bathroom door didn't lock, but there was a small glass panel above it so you could see the light shine through it when it was occupied.

Unfortunately, no-one had communicated this 'system' to my step-father's male colleague, who, one day when I was about 17, decided to walk in on me sitting bolt upright in the bath. As you can imagine he got more than he bargained for, and I couldn't look him in the face from then on!

How could I have forgotten this?!

02-15-2007, 05:02 AM

02-15-2007, 05:59 AM
LMAO @ Lilith - you could be right! Probably means he can't remember the incident either!

02-15-2007, 07:35 AM
I was in a ski lodge with my ex in Killington Vt. We were sipping some schnapps and listening to the piano player. He got us involved with a song called, "Skeeter On My Peter". I had remembered this song from long ago, but he put a twist to it. He'd sing, "There's a skeeter on my peter" and we'd reply, "Whack it off!"

So it went like this...There's a skeeter on my peter, whack it off. There's a skeeter on my peter whack it off. There's a dozen on my cousin, I can hear those bastards buzzin', there's a skeeter on my peter...whack it off.

Then he suggested, "All you guys out there who might go muff diving tonight...yell whack it off". "There's a skeeter on my peter"...all the men replied with exuberance, "WHACK IT OFF"!

Then he said, "All the ladies who might go mustache riding tonight...yell whack it off". "There's a skeeter on my peter"...and I stood up and yelled "WHACK IT OFF" at the top of my lungs. I didn't hear a single soul say it with me. I turned around to face the crowded room and everyone was laughing their asses off. I took a bow...pointed to several of the other ladies there and called them liars...and made my ex stand and take me out of there!

I heard the piano player call for applause for me and he said he was taking a break because he didn't have an encore that could beat that!

02-15-2007, 08:13 AM
OMFG!!!!! :roflmao:

Lixy, you made my morning with that one. :roflmao:

Closest thing I can think of to an "Oh no...." for me happened about six years or so ago.

I was in a grocery store not paying a whole hell of a lot of attention to anything but trying to get what was on my list and get the hell out. I was at the deli counter waiting for them to get me my sliced turkey breast (not sure why I remember that is what I was waiting for) when this little old man came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. He said to me, "Son, the horse. It's trying to get out." I was in my own little world and it didn't really hit me what he meant. I must have had a confused look on my face so gave me a look that told me that I should probably check things out. Well, he was right. The zipper on the jeans I was wearing while changing the oil in my car earlier had apparently decided it was time to stop working. Of course I had chosen that day to go without underwear. Let's just say "it" was clearly visible. And he wasn't the only person who had noticed. Got a nice smile and a nod from a lady also waiting at the deli after he patted me on the shoulder and walked away. I could've died on the spot. :faint:

02-15-2007, 09:58 AM
Probably means he can't remember the incident either!

Go ahead and kid yourself. He's cherishing that moment!