01-25-2007, 06:45 PM
The U.S. military has developed a “heat ray” machine it showed off today in Georgia (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6297149.stm), which is supposedly a non-lethal weapon to be used for dispersing hostile crowds. The snazzy name for this is “Active Denial System (https://www.jnlwp.com/ActiveDenialSystem.asp)”.
It looks like something out of my juvie SciFi mags from back in the 60s! I sure hope they've secured the area of all heavy weapons before they drive in what loooks to be a HUGE target.
It looks like something out of my juvie SciFi mags from back in the 60s! I sure hope they've secured the area of all heavy weapons before they drive in what loooks to be a HUGE target.