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View Full Version : For those who love 80's toys

01-24-2007, 06:55 PM
Hello my fellow Pixians,

I came across an interesting article on a website i frequent, I am not sure if I am allowed to say the website by name. So if one of you smart pixians will tell me I'll post it. Suffice it to say, I was resarching gi joe online trying to see about getting my ancient 3 1/4 inch line figs sorted out what go's with who etc. in an attempt to sell em to get some spending cash, when i came across this article that says Hasbro the maker of G.I.Joe is relasing a set of 25th anniversary line figures based on the 80's real american hero line. They have released 3 pictures of the 25 new figures they look alot like the characters in that wonderful cartoon we all know and love. The first three are Storm-Shadow the evil cobra ninja, Duke the first seargent, and Scarlett the femme fatale of G.I.Joe. If you pm me or tell me it's ok to name the site i found the pics on I'll tell you. You fellow Joe fans will love the new designs. Way better looking than the 80's stuff, I can't wait to see who else the release in the coming days and weeks. There will be 25 totall new sculpted designs for the 25th anniversary of the real amreican hero line.

So YO-JOE TO ALL MY FELLOW JOE FANS. and here's a quick question. If you were a joe which one would you be. Pick one that already exists or create your own. Me I'd be Snake-Eyes the baddest Ninja around. lol

01-26-2007, 05:47 AM
I'm thinking everyone is preoccupied with their 2000's "Real Doll" dolls ironhide!

I never got into GI Joe but I remember Mr. Lixy telling me that when he was a boy he would make parachutes for his Joe's and fling them off the highest places he could find. Boys will be boys!