View Full Version : Sexual preference?
01-24-2007, 05:00 PM
in a boss. Do you have a preference? Is there a reason for this preference? Just nosey.
Working with kids I have mainly had female bosses. I was wondering if people had a preference and if so, what is that preference based on?
01-24-2007, 05:08 PM
no preference. treat me with respect, appreciate my efforts, give me a chance to take on bigger and badder things, and i'm good.
01-24-2007, 05:37 PM
I have one of each! :p
I get along with pretty much anyone so gender doesn't make a difference. :D
01-24-2007, 05:58 PM
^^ what wyndhy said ^^
01-24-2007, 06:35 PM
I dunno, I've had several bad experiences with bosses. I've had a few male bosses and two female bosses. All the male bosses I've had were power tripping assholes. One of the female bosses I think was insecure about her position as a manager amidst other, male, managers, and overcompensated by being WAAAAAY overbearing and trying to prove she could do a good job and be tough with people. The other female boss I had was understanding, firm, but considerate, and tended to see you as a person rather than 'worker 104'.
So I guess since my only positive boss experience was a female, females win :)
01-24-2007, 11:39 PM
I prefer female over male. The males seem to have no eye for detail or organization. They think their word is gold and have no idea what they are talking about most of the time. I have'nt found out yet but I'm pretty sure most of our coporate office is male. I hear a lot of male names and the crap that comes from them has to be from males.
No offence guys.
01-24-2007, 11:49 PM
The best boss I ever had was female as was the worst one I ever had. I've never really thought if it in terms of gender as to who makes a better boss though. I think it's strictly a case by case thing.
01-25-2007, 02:23 AM
I've had only male bosses but for one female which was a stunning disaster.
I tend to prefer men, because I get along with men better than women. But I've found some close gal pals recently, so my personality may be changing.
Net-Net: Depends on the person, slight preference for guys
01-25-2007, 02:38 PM
As for bosses,the less kornspikuous the better.I work nights,so most of them are gone before I go to work.
Irezumi Kiss
01-25-2007, 02:55 PM
^ I second that. All a boss really needs to do for me is delegate work. I know exactly what to do to get the job out and it's amazing how things still run even when the higher ups aren't around.
No real sexual pref in general...but I did enjoy the few months waaaay back in the mid-90's when I did a freelancing stint in a medium-sized ad/design agency where the staff was majority female, including my immediate supervisors. The air was just...different. I can't really explain it.
One of the women I work with now, she's not my direct boss so I don't really have to jump when she barks, but since she runs the weekend show, I have to work with her...and she's cool as a person but I can't stand her wishy-washiness when it comes to making a decision.
Some of the male bosses here can be egocentric babies. Give ’em their bottles and they shut up.
01-25-2007, 03:22 PM
Ah, the boss gender issue...over the years, I was cursed with a wide variety of bosses, I usually worked for small to medium sized companies, & I noticed a pattern: The Big Boss was usually male, who inherited his position (tho the last place it was a female who did the same), & generally someone I'd like to buy for what s/he's worth & sell for what s/he thinks s/he's worth :rolleyes2 ...the dept heads I worked for over the years, I became aware that they were mostly female (& all but one of those were alledged to be lesbians...not that there's anything wrong with that ;) ) Of those females I worked for, they all seemed fair & tough when they needed to be, (one of the alledged lebsians did have some personal issues that were a challenge to work around) ...all in all, I go with the answer, give me some respect & dignity for the work I do, be understanding when I have the occasional problem, pay me a living wage, & I don't care what your gender is...if you're one of the insecure asshole bosses who makes everyone under you suffer for your inadequices, do us all a favor & die of natural causes on a Thursday afternoon so we can have a 3-day weekend off... :nana:
01-25-2007, 04:57 PM
I have sorta 1 of each...and i must say i REALLY prefer the male
01-25-2007, 06:59 PM
Working with both genders, I prefer male bosses. I dont' know if, while working for a female boss, it was because of the insecurity of the position or what, but it was a nightmare!
I would also prefer co-workers to be males as well. I get tired of the 'fashion police', where you get your nails done, etc. In my experience, female co-workers are back stabbers and if another female gets a promotion it isn't because she worked hard, it was because she worked it hard on her back... stupid shit like that.
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