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Free Ken
12-31-2006, 05:26 PM
Maybe its because im young and durable, maybe because im a martial artist... but in my experience, I have to say I love it when it hurts a little... errrr... alot. Up against a wall, nails in my back, heels dug into my kidneys, it it doesn't make me bruise somewhere by the next morning it wasn't great. (The exception to this has been the one time ive really made love, but thats because it was emotionally, soulfully attached.) Whats your take on this? I know many people here have turned 28 a couple times, and wonder about what their greater experience tells them.

12-31-2006, 06:15 PM

01-01-2007, 06:46 PM
Funny you mention the thing about the martial artist. I've been doing martial arts a long time...and I think it's actually put me off of pain somewhat.

Now lemme explain. I like rough sex, love it in fact. I enjoy making love, mind you, when it's specifically supposed to be about the emotional attatchment. But if it's sex for sex, ifwe're not doing the rough and tumble down and dirty FUCKING, it's just not fun in my mind.

But maybe it's because I'm tough (as much as I can be, anyway) or maybe she's just wimpy (and these are HER words, not mine), but she never really seems to be able to hurt me. Even when she scratches at my back, it doesn't seem to really do much beyond leave a bit of a red mark that goes away after a bit.

But this is kinda good. Because honestly, when I get hurt, I DO go into fight mode. Maybe it's just been conditioned into me, but I get all like 'okay, I'm hurt, who has to die?'. Only not quite so deadly and much more dorky looking when in actual action.

I've actually been trying to decide for a good while if my aggression and violent response to pain is due to my training, or from being picked on so much ^^;

01-02-2007, 10:37 AM
I've never linked practicing martial arts to sex before with the exception of from the standpoint of physical conditioning.

Interesting ideas though. I'll have to give them some thought. :D

01-02-2007, 12:19 PM
Yeah, there's a fairly large amount of crossover from martial arts training, and various rough sex/outright BDSM practices.

Only some of you really want to know how I know.

01-02-2007, 12:53 PM
See Self Defense Class below :D

01-02-2007, 01:42 PM
lol, nice story, Lilith. Unfortunately all the grappling I've ever done has been with guys, and seeing as on how I don't really go like that, I don't really tend to link Martial Arts with sex. Rough sex is good (really good :buttsex: ), but I don't think Martial arts enters into that, for me at least. If it did I'd probably end up punching and/or grappling my fiance into submission, and she'd probably be kinda pissed at me if I did that.

Though I do know a few interesting ways to restrain a person...and she does like to be restrained.... :idea:

I will say this; I've on a few occasions had to abstain from training, usually because I'm so swamped with studying and Nursing that I don't have time for pretty much ANYTHING else. And when my training lags, my stamina and staying power during sex fades a bit, whereas when I'm at the top of my conditioning and such, I'm able to keep up a nice thorough pace for a pleasingly length of time :D

01-02-2007, 03:57 PM
It's been a long time since I've had any thing remotely resembling rough sex.

While not something I long for, it was always enjoyable.

01-06-2007, 03:43 PM
I really, really, really like rough sex. If Mr Osuche really wants to get me going, he knows that all he has to do is bite my nexk, shoulder, thigh, or any other part. Hold me down. Force yourself into me. Kiss me until I feel teeth. Nibble on my tongue. Bruise me by pressing your body into mine.

There is no better way IMO to let sex and the sensations of the moment fully consume you.

01-07-2007, 08:09 AM
i personally always love it when theres a bit of pain, i feel it makes it sexier.

a bit of spanking here and there, perhaps a bite on the nipples, cant go wrong

01-07-2007, 06:59 PM
Rough sex hasn't ever really been my favorite. If she wants me to be rough with her, I can do that but I had an ex who sort of ruined the "her getting rough with me" thing.

The whole her biting me thing is where she lost me. I don't mind a nibble here or there, that's a turn on, but this girl really bit the head of my dick once and I thought I was going to die. I mean right below the head and I'm pretty sensitive there anyway. She drew blood and then tried to tear it like a damn dog with a bone. She damn near took a nipple from me once too. :mad: The thing is that she would throw an absolute fit if I got anywhere near rough with her. The whole thing just sort of turned me off to the real rough stuff.

I'm open to trying a little of it but just keep that lady out of my life and pants. :yikes:

Free Ken
01-07-2007, 10:32 PM
Rough sex hasn't ever really been my favorite. If she wants me to be rough with her, I can do that but I had an ex who sort of ruined the "her getting rough with me" thing.

The whole her biting me thing is where she lost me. I don't mind a nibble here or there, that's a turn on, but this girl really bit the head of my dick once and I thought I was going to die. I mean right below the head and I'm pretty sensitive there anyway. She drew blood and then tried to tear it like a damn dog with a bone. She damn near took a nipple from me once too. :mad: The thing is that she would throw an absolute fit if I got anywhere near rough with her. The whole thing just sort of turned me off to the real rough stuff.

I'm open to trying a little of it but just keep that lady out of my life and pants. :yikes:

thats twisted dude, im really sorry to hear that... dont let it ruin it for you.

01-08-2007, 12:20 PM
haha, owwch

01-08-2007, 01:44 PM
Idiot dominance game she was playing, IowaMan.

Myself, grasshoppers, I have a black and blue belt in the Marital Arts.

01-08-2007, 05:06 PM
Idiot dominance game she was playing, IowaMan.

Myself, grasshoppers, I have a black and blue belt in the Marital Arts.

lol, I'm trying to figure out if you're serious or playing on the words 'black and blue'. Y'know, black and blue...bruising...martial arts...aww, forget it.

Which styles? Just curious. Same question to everyone else posting and/or reading this thread. Ryu-Hon Kenpo and Shorin Ryu here, though I've had some training in several others, but not enough for me to claim them lol