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12-10-2006, 08:40 AM
WARNING!! A small ramble will follow, please feel free to leave while you still have the chance! :rofl:

On Monday 12/11/06 "my baby" will turn 18 and I can hardly believe it! I look at my oldest son and think, "there is no way this tall, handsome, really great young man is my little 4 pound, premature baby!!"

We were sitting in the living room one day last week when he looks at his feet, looks at me and says, "mom my toes are huge...I mean my big toe is massive!" :roflmao: I tell him that he would look pretty silly with little feet and that when he was born my thumb was bigger than his entire foot!! Yes, we have some strange conversations in this house! lol

In early 1986, briefly after getting married, I found out I was pregnant and although I spent the last few weeks on bedrest, I was very happy and amazed that a PERSON was growing inside me. I will NEVER forget the first time I felt my baby move, it was like the soft flutter of butterfly wings.... :bfly: However, Joseph was meant for greater things than life on this earth and he is now in Heaven watching over us all.

The following two years I tried so hard to get pregnant again and every month my hopes were dashed; I had finally given up and of course, that is when I got pregnant! lol I cherished EVERY single second of my pregnancy, even those times I was convinced he was swinging on my ribs or dancing on my bladder!! lol ........but, I was also scared, scared to death that I was going to loose another child.

I will never, as long as there is breath in my body, forget the day he was born. My mom and I had been Christmas shopping and I had taken her home. We got the packages in and out of the blue I asked for a gown, which I put on and then sat on the couch. I have no idea why I wanted a gown, I was feeling fine, not sleepy, nothing. However, a few minutes later I notice my tummy is making a HUGH ridge, just bunching up right now the middle and it was wild....I felt absolutely no pain. I called mom in to look at what was happening and she FREAKED telling me I was in labor!! We called the doctor and timed the contractions and then contacted my then husband. IT WAS CHAOS!! My mom called my ex at work and he was gone to lunch. She then called all over town to any place he might have been eating lunch. When she finally located him she said, "This is your mom and Teresa is in labor" and hung up. Well, ummmmm, she isn't HIS mom and he was headed to the wrong house! She called him back immediately and things worked out fine.

When he got there I told him the contractions had stopped, but he INSISTED on taking me to the hospital, where they finally had to break my water. We agreed to let him come a few weeks early since we didn't have any idea at that time what had caused Jospeh's death, other than he outgrew my placenta at 8 1/2 months. Well my son was born, a tiny little thing with no eyebrows or eyelashes and little slits for his ear canals....and here he is now, growing up before my eyes and there is no way on Earth I could be more proud of who he is becomming.....Happy Birthday Adam Ant (:D)

12-10-2006, 08:47 AM

That is tender, touching, and beautiful. I'll never have the "woman's perspective", but I can connect with your pride and, yes, surprise at seeing what your baby has become.

Thank you for letting me in. :)


12-10-2006, 08:54 AM
((((TinTennessee)))) I don't know what to say other than happy birthday to your son and the wonderful lady he has for a mother. You know what, I think I'll give you a few more hugs to go with the ones I already gave. ((((TinTennessee))))

12-10-2006, 09:30 AM
((((((((((((((((((((((((( T ))))))))))))))))))))))))

Happy Birthday to Adam!!!!

12-10-2006, 10:45 AM
Happy 18 Adam :cake:

12-10-2006, 12:29 PM
Aren't they wonderful things, able to break your heart and swell you with pride at the same time.

Have fun explaining birthday wishes from all round the world, from people he has no idea who we are.

Happy birthday, young man.

12-10-2006, 01:49 PM
Happy Birthday Baby T!! LOL :wine:

I hope he realizes how great his mommy is!


12-10-2006, 01:50 PM
Happy birthday to your son, TinTennessee!!!!

12-10-2006, 02:49 PM
Happy birthday to Adam! It sounds like he's a great kid, and he probably has his wonderful mom to thank for that. Your message was very touching, T, very inspirational and warming, thank you for sharing.

So he's 18, huh? You know what that means. Unless his friends beat you to it, you're required to buy him porn :jester:

12-10-2006, 03:29 PM
Happy birthday Adam :hb: and Happy birthday to you mama T :cheers:

My baby will be 15 next month. How does this stuff happen so fast????

12-11-2006, 12:24 AM
Happy Birthday, Adam ... and thanks, T, for warm and humorous recollections of the Birthing Day 18 years ago. Have a fun birthday celebration.

12-11-2006, 03:03 PM
Wow--that was beautiful.

I can sure identify, I have a daughter turning 18 in March. :sad:

12-11-2006, 03:31 PM

Thank you for sharing part of ou with all of us!

Happy Birthday Adam!

12-11-2006, 04:09 PM
Happy Birthday...........

you know he has been raised by a great mother!! Congrats to you TT......... for not wringing his scrawny little neck and obviously doing a great single parent job!!!

Now comes the part when you can sit back (a bit) and observe them making their decisions and ASKING YOU for advise!!!! Enjoy!

12-11-2006, 08:16 PM
You guys are all so wonderful and Adam ended up having a really great birthday, my mom even felt up to coming over for dinner :D I cooked like a crazy woman and watched everyone I love enjoy themselves....it was a wonderful evening...my baby is growing up! Oh and porn? Excuse me, but I don't even know what that is!!! :roflmao:

Slow Ride
12-11-2006, 09:42 PM
tell Adam I said Happy Birthday...........and tell "T Dawg" I said hi ;)