View Full Version : Nobody Bakes A Cake As Tasty As A ®TastyKake
10-24-2006, 03:16 PM
Sharni's "Vegemite" thread inspired this...but a thread from Lilith (which I can't find) a while back made me think...hmmmmmmm...
I offered to send kathy1 some grits if she can receive them!
Not everyone knows of the ®TastyKake Co. and I would LOVE to turn you on to a product that remains "local" for some strange reason.
Ever have a butterscotch krimpet? How bout a chocolate cupcake with the bestest icing and filling known to man? Another fave is a peanut butter kandykake...mmmmmmmmmmmmm! Trust me folks...®TastyKake is a well kept secret!
I am NOT...and have never been...a representitive of this company. Just a local yokal who'd love to share the sweet treats with my "family".
Wanna try some? They'll come NO STRINGS ATTACHED...MY TREAT! I'll send them in a box filled with a case (a case of 12 cakes per box...for example). They'll be sealed in their original cases...but I'll have to box them so they don't get crushed.
Geezzzz...I feel like a drug pusher. But I just want to spread the sweetness...REALLY! I know most here have experienced "Zingers" and "Devil Dogs" (for example)...but NOBODY BAKES A CAKE AS TASTY AS A TASTYKAKE!!!!!!!!!
PM me for a strings attached...I'll destroy your home addy just after I send it...sample of my hometown (area) cake of ALL cakes!
10-24-2006, 03:50 PM
mmmmmm peanutbutter kandykakes
i feel the need to make a run to the local turkey hill and get me some
she ain't lyin' folks, them is gooooo-ooood kakes!
it sure is very kind of you lixy. :x:
10-24-2006, 05:15 PM
They have them here and I'm always tempted but have been tempted to grab a box and bring them home. The strawberry krimpets caught my eye this week.
10-24-2006, 05:22 PM
Yes’m They are great! I have been obliged to send some from time to time to my kinder who live too far away to be able to purchase them.
10-24-2006, 07:17 PM
Oh come on folks! Don't be shy! Ask...and ye shall receive! Take it from the above Pixies...they are good KAKES!
TY aforementioned Pixie's...for the endorsement!
For heaven's sake...I am a cake pusher! What has my life become? LOL!
P.S. I can pack them for oversea travel!
CAKE!! :slurp: :thumbs: :nod:
Now how do I get me some that are carb free?????? :huh:
10-24-2006, 09:00 PM
Butterscotch krimpets ... my PM's on it's way! :slurp: Never had them before but they sound delicious!
Have to admit though ... when I first thought of tasty cakes, it wasn't butterscotch krimpets.
10-24-2006, 09:15 PM
:slurp: :line: :slurp:
I've been wanting some of your 'TastyKake' in my mouth for a LOOOOOooong time. :p
(can you wrap mine in something pink? :D)
10-24-2006, 10:12 PM
Lixy ~~
I'd take you up on your kind offer, but only if I can send you something from San Francisco.
Some Sees candy? Some local oysters? Anything from SF you crave...or should I get creative? :D
10-25-2006, 04:39 AM
TT...They've just recently started making low cal cakes and I'll be glad to send you some but...the originals are the best of the best! The low cal stuff seems dry to me and they don't put the icing on them. I'll have a look around when I go to the store today and see if anything looks inviting. If so...I'll PM you!
db...Got your PM and krimpets will be on their way tomorrow!
PF...LOL! I'll pick something out especially for you!
osuche...Awwwww, no need hun! Really! I said no strings and I meant it. TY for the offer. Now what can I send? Cream filled chocolate cupcakes, butterscotch krimpets, peanut butter kandykakes...oh, there is such a variety! If you want, you can PM me with what you don't like (ie:jelly filled stuff for example) and I'll surprise ya with something yummy!
Anyone else curious?
10-25-2006, 09:03 AM
.....PF...LOL! I'll pick something out especially for you!.....
OK! :loveshowe
You pick out a surprise in pink and I'll stop by for trick-or-treat and pick it up. :p
10-25-2006, 04:49 PM let's see...
TT...I found a TastyKake called "Sensables". They are sugar free and only 13g carbs per serving. Serving size is 1 cake with fat total of 8g. Saturated fat =1.5g and no trans fat. Cholesterol is 20mg and sodium is 80mg. Dietary fiber = 4g and protein is 3g. They are chocolate finger cakes with chocolate chips (which will have sugar alcohol). Now I have never had them and I don't want to force anything on you so please feel free to pass on them! They are not iced like regular TastyKakes and the other type I tried from this line was a bit dry compared to the originals. I won't claim that these are the best in their line but they are a TastyKake none-the-less and so there is something of the originality in them. Let me know before Friday morning so that I can send them at the same time as everyone elses. No pressure don't have to feel bad if you don't want them. Mr. Lixy will be glad to take them off your!
db...A *NEW* product from TastyKake is called "Doublicious" and they've taken the butterscotch krimpet and iced it twice! The icing makes the cake and the cake makes the you are in for a real treat! One suggestion...if the icing wants to stick to the wrapper, replace the wrapper and rub the iced side of the cake gently on your sleeve (make sure you replace the wrapper first or this could get rather messy) then slowly peel the wrapper away. I never usually do this cause I like to clean the wrapper with my finger and suck it off. Um...the icing...I was talking about the stuck-on icing! LOL!
osuche...I sent you a two part PM. Please get back to me before Friday morning...TYVM!'d swear you forgot your costume if I didn't know you better! I triple dog dare you to go trick-or-treating like that...AND TAKE MORE PICS! I got my pink all picked out and I've chosen, what I think will be, the perfect TastyKake for you! They are cream filled Koffee Kake cupcakes. Mmmmmmmmm! If you want...I'll suck out the cream for you if you don't like it in there! (<---door is WIDE open)...*giggle*
So...if/when all the orders are in I'll be sending the packages off on Friday afternoon.
Oh...and for those peanut butter lovers...they have a double filled peanut butter kandy kake now! *drools*
Anyone else????
10-25-2006, 10:09 PM
Koffee Kake cupcakes!!!!!! They sound as good as chocolate filled ones.
Is it too late? May I have one?
/me clicks over to PM Lixy.
10-26-2006, 04:36 AM
Soda...It's not too late! Check your PM's! I'm glad you joined in!
10-26-2006, 05:50 AM
10-26-2006, 06:15 AM let's see...
db...A *NEW* product from TastyKake is called "Doublicious" and they've taken the butterscotch krimpet and iced it twice! The icing makes the cake and the cake makes the you are in for a real treat! One suggestion...if the icing wants to stick to the wrapper, replace the wrapper and rub the iced side of the cake gently on your sleeve (make sure you replace the wrapper first or this could get rather messy) then slowly peel the wrapper away. I never usually do this cause I like to clean the wrapper with my finger and suck it off. Um...the icing...I was talking about the stuck-on icing! LOL!
:loveshowe :x: :loveshowe :x: :loveshowe
10-26-2006, 10:19 AM let's see...
db...A *NEW* product from TastyKake is called "Doublicious" and they've taken the butterscotch krimpet and iced it twice! The icing makes the cake and the cake makes the you are in for a real treat! One suggestion...if the icing wants to stick to the wrapper, replace the wrapper and rub the iced side of the cake gently on your sleeve (make sure you replace the wrapper first or this could get rather messy) then slowly peel the wrapper away. I never usually do this cause I like to clean the wrapper with my finger and suck it off. Um...the icing...I was talking about the stuck-on icing! LOL!
Ummm........... Lixy, can I see the video of you doing THAT?? ^^^^^ :D
Can I get a butterscotch too? PM flying your way!!! Thanks!! :loveshowe
10-26-2006, 03:59 PM
Ummm........... Lixy, can I see the video of you doing THAT?? ^^^^^ :D
Can I get a butterscotch too? PM flying your way!!! Thanks!! :loveshowe
Hmmmm...a vid eh? How bout if/when I endulge in the butterscotch ones I make a pic for ya?
/me thinks I might have an idea for a new pic thread
Check your PM's babe!
11-03-2006, 09:04 AM
Hmmmm...a vid eh? How bout if/when I endulge in the butterscotch ones I make a pic for ya?
/me thinks I might have an idea for a new pic thread
Check your PM's babe!
Mmmmmmmmm.... endulge..... endulge away!!!!! Just let me take the photos!!!! :D :kisser: let's see...
TT...I found a TastyKake called "Sensables". They are sugar free and only 13g carbs per serving. Serving size is 1 cake with fat total of 8g. Saturated fat =1.5g and no trans fat. Cholesterol is 20mg and sodium is 80mg. Dietary fiber = 4g and protein is 3g. They are chocolate finger cakes with chocolate chips (which will have sugar alcohol). Now I have never had them and I don't want to force anything on you so please feel free to pass on them! They are not iced like regular TastyKakes and the other type I tried from this line was a bit dry compared to the originals. I won't claim that these are the best in their line but they are a TastyKake none-the-less and so there is something of the originality in them. Let me know before Friday morning so that I can send them at the same time as everyone elses. No pressure don't have to feel bad if you don't want them. Mr. Lixy will be glad to take them off your!
Lixy you are sooooooooo sweet! Probably much sweeter than a TastyKake. :)
Thanks for the info, but I think I will pass. I have heard that sugar alcohols can do nasty things to the body and I DON'T want to go there. Plus, 13 carbs is still a lot for someone on a low carb diet and if I'm going to splurge I believe in going all out and having the thick and creamy icing on my cakes. ;)
11-06-2006, 12:23 PM
Thanks again Lixy!!!!
Ours showed up Sat..
Abner and I enjoyed one this AM. Strange cat likes cake products but not the meat off your plate.
11-07-2006, 09:56 AM
Mmmmmmmm.... I got them last night while away at work.......... so I had you for breakfast sweetcakes!!!
Thank you ... they are delicious!
11-07-2006, 11:41 AM
I think this kind of says it ...
11-07-2006, 03:43 PM
Saturday was the day I started building the alter. :p
(More report to cum at 11) :faint:
11-07-2006, 04:59 PM
Yeah! It seems almost all of the packages made it! TY for the PM's and the posts here ((((everyone))))!
Now if only the Pixie's packages had done the same...damnitalltohell!
Hoping osuche's package made it too!
So glad everyone enjoyed!
11-07-2006, 05:02 PM
Saturday was the day I started building the alter. :p
(More report to cum at 11) :faint:
An alter to ®TastyKake? Hmmmmm...*wonders if I should notify the company of the honor*
Can't wait for the report! :huh:
11-07-2006, 05:58 PM
Saturday was the day I started building the alter. :p
Will Steph become the altar guardian, too? :confused:
11-07-2006, 07:56 PM
11-07-2006, 08:14 PM
No package. Yet. But I hope soon!
11-08-2006, 05:55 AM
No package. Yet. But I hope soon!
Oh No! I'm getting a bit worried then. I sent them all out the same day...what...last Tuesday? Hmmmmm...It was only cake so I didn't insure them and so I doubt I can track them. I did get a receipt but I think that's only in case the postage came off it. The chick at the post office said they'd know how to send it anyway (even if the postage came off for some reason) because of the bin she'd put it in. We discussed that because I noticed her putting the postage over some of the tape I taped the boxes up with.
OK...well, we'll give it another day or so and then I'll see what I can do on this end osuche!
*fingers crossed*
11-08-2006, 11:12 AM
I suspect it just takes longer to make it the 2200 miles to California. :) Don't worry, Lixy -- the post office is relaible!
11-10-2006, 05:34 AM
No cakes yet osuche?
Maybe today...huh?
*crosses toes too*
11-10-2006, 10:35 AM
Nothing yet....But I hope soon!
11-10-2006, 09:46 PM
NEVER doubt Lixy!
..... I got my pink all picked out and I've chosen, what I think will be, the perfect TastyKake for you! They are cream filled Koffee Kake cupcakes. Mmmmmmmmm! If you want...I'll suck out the cream for you if you don't like it in there! (<---door is WIDE open)...*giggle*.....
She does exactly what she says! She is not only sweet, sexy, and generous, but loves to openly share good things with her Pixie family as all the TastyKake people can tell you. Myself, even more so. :D
I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the delicious treat she sent. :sad:
The pleasure of nibbling on these yummy delicacies was more than I could believe. I could hardly wait to taste this sweet treat. When I pressed my tongue to the creamy center I knew I was in heaven.:slurp: The texture was absolutely heavenly.:slurp: There is no question that these are the best treat anybody can ever have and I GOT THEM. :loveshowe
11-10-2006, 09:50 PM
Like the queen she is, she can bestow great pleasure and honor with her gifts. :) She has made ME the High Priest of THE Panties with the surprise gift.
:loveshowe :line: :loveshowe
The cup cakes were good too. Thanks. :p
11-11-2006, 11:29 AM
Man! Lixy is special!
11-11-2006, 11:51 AM
Lixy's the bomb!!!!!
11-12-2006, 12:18 PM
OMG sure do have more time on your hands than I realized!
And HEY! BTW...who's that chick on the puter screen in the first and last pic? (TKinPink-a.jpg and TKinPink-2a.jpg)...huh?...huh? That ain't me!!!
Tis my pic in the "LixyAlter" one though...I have to admit!
Glad you enjoyed glad you enjoyed!
11-12-2006, 12:22 PM
osuche...Since Sat. was Vets Day (no mail) I'll give it another day (Monday) and if you still don't get the package I'll send another...INSURED/OVERNITE! LOL!
Let me know hun...I'm determined now!
*walks away mumbling...those friggin postal workers are gonna get a piece of my mind I'll tell ya. Hope they enjoyed the cakes. I'll bet that's what happened...razzafrazzamotherhumpers!!!!*
11-12-2006, 01:09 PM
.....And HEY! BTW...who's that chick on the puter screen in the first and last pic? .....
She is one of your 573194573495739535667375 handmaidens that keep the place warm when your alter flames aren't burning. ;) I change desktops like DB & Sharni changes avatars. :D
11-13-2006, 02:19 AM
Sheesh...all this talk has made me hungry...and not just for cupcakes...PF!
11-14-2006, 03:37 AM
Jiminny Crickets osuche! Ya think they reinstated the Pony Express?
All I'm picturing now is the little box being bounced back and forth at postal holding stations...the poor little thing just sniffling in the corner somewhere, looking for it's new home!
Tell me if you still have faith in the postal system...k? My patience is wearing thin. Good thing I didn't send anything critical!
11-15-2006, 01:37 AM
I just got them today!! I came back from a long-ass business trip to a box from Lixy.
Thanks, sweetie. I'll investigate the contents tomorrow. :slurp:
11-15-2006, 03:41 AM
(((((osuche))))) Enjoy!
11-15-2006, 08:10 AM
... I came back from a long-ass business trip to a box from Lixy..... :slurp:
I did too. :D ……………. Well the next best thing to it ……… or the best thing next to it. :loveshowe
11-15-2006, 10:18 AM
((((Lixy)))) ~~ I'll try them out tonight
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