View Full Version : LOST spoiler/discussion thread

10-04-2006, 10:43 PM
OK, I don't know how many of you are Lost junkies like me, I know there's a few out there, but I am obsessive about talking about the show and needed to share that. So I thought I would start a place where I could vent and hopefully someone would read and share their thoughts, too.

That being said, if you live somewhere in a different time zone, and/or you don't want to know what's happening because you haven't watched yet, hit Back. :) Precautionary measure.

On to season 3 and my thoughts from the first episode "A Tale of Two Cities"

1. WTF?!?

2. WTF?!?

3. I totally thought for most of the episode that Juliette was Penny, Desmond's rich-ass girlfriend. Having searched on imdb and paused last season's finale for inspection, it is not her. But that was a weird twist.

4. A town? WTF? I was ok with the beginning until I saw Ethan pop his fucking head out. And Henry Gale? 'Ben'? WTF? Why did they infiltrate? What is this town in the middle of the island?

5. Why are Jack, Kate, and Sawyer being kept in a zoo?

6. I know they weren't going to address it, but what is up with Locke and Eko?

Damn it, having to wait til next week!

10-05-2006, 04:40 AM
I caught moments of the show and it seems they are going back to the bizarre feeling the show had originally with the polar bears and all.

10-05-2006, 05:42 AM
If they are lost how come they are on TV?

10-05-2006, 06:39 AM
FallenAngel, the only things I can say about last nights show was WTF and WOW!!!! I was blown away by this first episode. So much detail and so many new questions on top of the old questions. Yeah, where is Locke and Eko??? And that seen with Kate and Sawyer in the cages. The look on his face when he was looking at her. Swoon!!! I :loveshowe this show!!!

10-05-2006, 06:50 AM
I had read and/or heard that tonight's episode would focus mainly on the kidnapped Lost-ers, while next week will go back to Locke/Desmond/Eko.

I agree with Lilith that this was reminiscent of the first season. I was talking to one of my roommates about that actually. The thing is, JJ Abrams actually wrote tonight's episode, as he had many of the first season's episodes. He was MIA most of last season, as he was doing MI:3, which is why last season had a less supernatural feel. But this season appears to be going back to it. Exciting stuff.

10-05-2006, 07:05 AM
1 and 2. lol, yes, I to keep thinking the same thing

4. is the town possibly a utopian society experiment? it would explain why they want the kids who havent been as exposed to as much of normal society, but on the otherhand they obviously have access to the outside world to get all the info Jack.. so i guess we will have to find out later

5. the Hydra , which I think is the Zoological research facility that was noted on the map on the wall in season 2 .. where the polar bears came from?
there is a note on the wall also that says (i think) somethings about
accelerated deteritorialization of Ursus maritimus (polar bears) through gene therapy and extreme climate change ... also in the show there was the mention
of the bears only taking 2 hours to get a fish thingy


6. from what I understand, they will be adresses in episode 3

10-05-2006, 05:35 PM
1 and 2. lol, yes, I to keep thinking the same thing

4. is the town possibly a utopian society experiment? it would explain why they want the kids who havent been as exposed to as much of normal society, but on the otherhand they obviously have access to the outside world to get all the info Jack.. so i guess we will have to find out later

5. the Hydra , which I think is the Zoological research facility that was noted on the map on the wall in season 2 .. where the polar bears came from?
there is a note on the wall also that says (i think) somethings about
accelerated deteritorialization of Ursus maritimus (polar bears) through gene therapy and extreme climate change ... also in the show there was the mention
of the bears only taking 2 hours to get a fish thingy


6. from what I understand, they will be adresses in episode 3

A few new points :)

As per the animals... I was talking to my roommate about the animals, and she mentioned Rousseau - who was on a ship with animals on it. Perhaps this was the origin of the sharks and polar bears, which the Dharma people tagged and experimented on?

I've seen screen shots of the pull-out to reveal the town and the island, which makes the island seem fucking huge, but also looks like the possibility of 2 islands. It also raises questions for me. The first being that it looked like the tail section crashed on the side of a cove. Wouldn't they have seen the other side and explored it? Or told Jack? But they were being kidnapped, so they didn't want to venture so far, I suppose.

Another thing, Desmond said that what's-his-name, the guy that was in the hatch before him, oh yes, Kelvin, had been making the map on the hatch door with the guy before him. If they had explored the island well enough to create this map, why had they not found the island? And if they had, why hadn't Kelvin told Desmond? He told him everything - almost - and why didn't Desmond tell Locke or someone?

So many questions... not including the ones created by the 'utopian town' theory. :sad:

10-05-2006, 07:21 PM
I'll be back.

10-05-2006, 08:54 PM
I'll be back.

:jedi: ?

10-11-2006, 09:44 PM
did I miss something?

when did they find the fake village and the boat?!?!

10-11-2006, 09:55 PM
The boat was the end of last season.

10-11-2006, 10:14 PM
ahhh, i have the last 2 episodes of last season i havent seen yet.. fixing that tonight, lol

i'm guessing thats when they discover the village too?

10-13-2006, 10:23 PM
Yes, Michael first, then Sayid.

I think that this episode was good, I liked seeing how Sayid, Jin, and Sun fared, and I also liked the backstory that we were presented with.

I was disappointed that Eko, Locke, and Desmond were not this week, but I'm excited for next week now.

Thoughts, anyone?

10-14-2006, 01:24 PM
Man, this show sounds complicated!