Phishing is one of the fastest growing "cyber crimes" there are a few simple thins you can do and look at that will stop you being caught out.
1. If you get an email to confirm any of your personal details with a bank or other company ignore it or as Lil says pass the details onto the company being abused.
2. Never follow a link from an email if you need to log on to internet banking or ebay or a paypal account then go straight to their website from your browser then you know you are going to the correct place.
3. Most of the emails appear to be text based but you will find all the text is actually a picture embedded into the email, this prevents it being stopped by spam filters. Now depending on your email client if you hover over the picture it may show you the URL it's pointing to and it will rarely, if ever, be what it's pretending to be. The next time I get one of these type of emails I'll post it somewhere so you can see what I mean.
4. If you're lucky like me then you can customise your email address for each company you give it to. For example my bank have a different email to say eBay...... I can use
[email protected] and only my bank has been given that address or I have
[email protected]. Now if I get an email that says it's from m bank but it's been sent to
[email protected] I know it's not really from them and I can ignore/delete/report it.
Just be careful and you'll never get caught out! If you're in any doubt speak to the company in question before taking any action. They'd much rather that than have to pay out compensation and spend loads on anti fraud measures.
I Want the good old days abck when the internet was just used for porn and all the spam emails was advertising porn! :D:D
Finaly smooches to sexy Lilith for bringing this to everyone.