View Full Version : Ok...yet another stupid question

08-28-2006, 09:53 PM
As some of you might recall, I've been divorced now for 8 months. I'm now getting to the stage where I might want to start a new relationship.

Thru another website I met a friend, but due to circumstances, she has found someone else to make her happy, and for this I am glad, because I don't believe that I was what she truly needed. We are still friends, but not as close, and that is probably my fault.

After all that I have been thru, I'm ready to move on. For a while, and even now occasionally, I realize I'm not ready to "settle down" again, but at the same time, I readily admit I am a TERRIBLE, "Single" person. I like my space, but I also hate being alone all the time, and miss having adult company.

I get time with my son and it is well and good, and getting better....... YIPPEE, but still.

I've looked into some "on-line" dating services, and even some more "adult" personals websites. (IT amazes me how they can get away with "advertising" ads there, like "WetNReady", 28F, Burton, when actually the profile for the person says she lives in Texas, but we are lead to believe she is "local".)

Sorry, I digress.

I also placed an "ad" on YA-hoo, in the hopes of finding someone that I can get to know, and hopefully, grow with.

Has anyone had success with "on-line" dating? I'm feeling stuck.


08-28-2006, 10:04 PM
I've met a few women from "dating" sites. Two turned out to be very expensive mistakes. One turned out to be a very good friend. Otherwise, it was just a way to pass time.

Best of luck to you!

08-28-2006, 10:05 PM
Answer him Boog. :rolleyes: It's addressed to you. :D


08-28-2006, 10:36 PM
Just had a thought, (RUN for cover, everyone!!!)

My previous post might sound a little scatter-brained, and quite possibly offensive. That is not my intent. I'm not trying to place myself in a position to objectify women, with a "one-night stand". I really DO want more, but I'm just not sure of how much.

I don't have any friends that can "set me up", and I'm not good at the "bar scene", besides I've been there, done that, and just bought lots of drinks for ladies who wanted to get drunk on my tab.

08-28-2006, 10:36 PM
Answer him Boog. :rolleyes: It's addressed to you. :D

Excuse Me!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

What do you mean by that????
Are you refering to me??????
Think again old man!!!!!!!


08-28-2006, 10:40 PM
I say just let it happen.....when you least expect it you will meet someone. :D

Just remember to let them know what you are or are not looking for or expecting.

Sometimes ya gotta be friends first before lovers.

08-28-2006, 11:14 PM
Excuse Me!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

What do you mean by that????
Are you refering to me??????
Think again old man!!!!!!!

I was NOT referring to you. It didn't say "Ok...yet another sexy question" ;)

08-29-2006, 02:20 AM
Never done internet dating, but met someone at Pixies who became a very close friend, and when we met up in person it was just right.

We're now coming up on our first Wedding Anniversary and are expecting a baby in November! It can work out, but my advice is just go with the flow, rather than go out searching for dates. Perhaps you should concentrate your efforts on finding yourself, rather than finding someone else. In my experience, that's when you end up bumping into Mr/Miss Right.

08-29-2006, 09:49 AM
Hi Sweetie, good to see you posting again. :wave:

I have to go with the other posters and say it's best when it just happens. I met my JassWolf on Literotica when I was looking for help with a story. It was a wonderful thing that we happened to click from the start.

I'm not opposed to the online dating scene. I have had friends who have tried it and didn't have much luck and I know of a couple of people who it has worked out for. I would suggest its best to be yourself and make as many friends as you can. When the right "her" comes along you will know it.

Good luck! :x:

08-29-2006, 01:31 PM
I don't know what to tell you sweetie as I'm as stumped about the dating thing as you are. I am divorced and raising my sons and have decided I need more in my life, but the men that want to be in my life only want a sexual relationship and I want more. I don't know that I will ever be ready for marriage again, I don't know that I could trust anyone that much again, and I like my alone time (what there is of it), but it gets old being alone sometimes.

All I can tell you is just do what you think is best for you. I hope everything works out for you sweetie (((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))

08-29-2006, 06:37 PM
<<Cracked record mode>>

Think of what you like to do as a hobby, pick one which also attracts women, throw yourself into it.

You will probably meet a lot of people who won't be sexual partners but will fill some of the lonely space.

You may get lucky.

08-29-2006, 08:47 PM
[QUOTE=Oldfart]<<Cracked record mode>>

OF, are you implying that you've given me this advise before and I ignored it?


08-31-2006, 05:46 AM
Think of what you like to do as a hobby, pick one which also attracts women, throw yourself into it.

Be careful. If you pick knitting and throw yourself on the needles, that could hurt. JK.


08-31-2006, 07:04 AM
Im with TinTennessee on this one, im just letting life take it's own course.
I too have some trust issues due to how my marriage failed, but with the help of friends here at home and here at Pixies i am working on it.

The best advice i was ever given is: Just go on living :thumb:

09-01-2006, 05:02 PM
1nutworld, not to you but it has been said here many times, each with equal validity.
No offence intended.

db, I was referring to the ancient and honourable hobby of female naked butterscotch sauce wrestling, under the rules laid out by the the Earl of Calorie in the 18's, 69 I think. Just as an example .

09-01-2006, 09:09 PM
I certainly wasn't offended, even IF the comment was a repeat directed at me.

I'll take critcism when deserved, I don't have a problem with that.

Good to know that wasn't the case though.

09-02-2006, 01:39 AM
I too am a divorcee now engaged to a pixies lady and due to marry her as soon as the damn visa arrives

Im with everyone else her and i know you have probably heard it befrore but just be yourself. It usually works

11-17-2006, 11:08 AM
I've looked into some "on-line" dating services, and even some more "adult" personals websites. (IT amazes me how they can get away with "advertising" ads there, like "WetNReady", 28F, Burton, when actually the profile for the person says she lives in Texas, but we are lead to believe she is "local".)


I found this on another personals site. ...........this is the "false advertising" that I'm talking about. According to her profile, she is from Lansing, MI, 40 minutes from me, yet in her introduction she's in New Hampshire???

I am a: Woman

And interested in
meeting a: Man

For: Erotic Email or Cyber Sex, Discreet Relationship or Casual Sex, Other Sexual Activities

Age: 31

Introduction title: hello fellas!!

Introduction text: I\\\'m Taylor..I live in Amherst New Hampshire. I work at a Hollywood Tans in Nashua which is simply amazing! I Just recently graduated cosmetology school and I\\\'m starting out working at a salon in the around where i live.. Just ASK if you wanna know more! <3

Describe what you are
looking for in person: im looking for that tall dark and handsom guy. you know who you are...hit me up so we could kick it some time!!cant wait to hear from you!!

City: Lansing

State: Michigan

Country: United States

Advert last updated: 2006-08-28 12:14:13

11-17-2006, 12:32 PM
Shame, 1nutworld.

She's obviously a lady of very very broad interests.

11-17-2006, 12:45 PM
I found this on another personals site. ...........this is the "false advertising" that I'm talking about. According to her profile, she is from Lansing, MI, 40 minutes from me, yet in her introduction she's in New Hampshire???

40 minutes....at 1191 mph


11-17-2006, 12:52 PM
40 minutes....at 1191 mph



Captain Kirk, can I borrow the starship tonight?

11-17-2006, 01:28 PM

Captain Kirk, can I borrow the starship tonight?

Remember to refuel, and don't bring back any of those stupid furry things this time! :p