View Full Version : JonBenet
08-19-2006, 07:33 AM
Anyone playing Jr. detective on this case?
Do you think he did it?
08-19-2006, 09:43 AM
I have two opinion on this-
1: He did do it.
2: He confessed so he could avoid going to a Thai jail
Will just have to wait and see
08-19-2006, 10:32 AM
I'm leaning more towards option two.
08-19-2006, 04:31 PM
Nope i don't think he did it...
I go with option number 2 also
08-19-2006, 04:34 PM
Did he confess to get a free ride back to the states?
08-20-2006, 12:32 AM
Well the choice is go to a Thai prison. Which from what I've heard give Turkish prisons a run for the money on humane treatment, or cop to a high profile murder he didn't do and then whip out evidence that he was nowhere near Colorado 10 years ago. The crime he is charged with in Thailand is nonextriditable (sp) so once he's back in the states the Thai's can't have him back.
08-20-2006, 08:05 AM
When I heard he had moved at one point to Pedaluma and had contacted Polly Clas' killer I truly felt like he was a sick psycho wanna be.
08-20-2006, 08:53 PM
i think it's more likely that ^^^ as well than guilt. i mean, why choose jonbenet's murder to confess? there are plenty of other unsolved crimes he could have copped to; he chose her's for a sick reason all his own.
and now he's back in the states. yay.
anyone know? if he is found innocent here, can he be sent back to tailand to stand trial for his crimes there?
08-20-2006, 09:17 PM
I heard the Thai crimes are not severe enough for extradition. Although, trying to verify that has been tough. I tried to read up on the news this morning and couldn't find what crimes he might have committed in Thailand.
08-20-2006, 10:02 PM
Thailand had not charged him with any crime, they were just deporting him as an "undesirable"
08-22-2006, 04:14 PM
I also heard that he cannot be extradited back to Thailand. However, from what I've heard of his story - that he picked her up from school (on Christmas? what? at least do your research) - I severely doubt he did it, as good as that would be for her family.
08-22-2006, 08:51 PM
Sad to say, he doesn't seem to be the guy tho...but one hopes they can find something to stick him for, definately makes the top ten sick fuck list...
I am going to go with...guilty. The whole thing is too weird, and it is apparent that he does have a thing for little girls. I am hoping that the DNA evidence clearly identifies him as "the doer" or "not the doer". Too weird for gray.
08-24-2006, 01:00 AM
What I'm hearing & seeing is that he is probably a pedophile in his own right, but also a sort of "groupie" for the high-profile cases...he's shown an unnatural interest in the Polly Klass case as well...just when I thought the JonBenet case couldn't get anymore tragic, it looks like some loser may be just getting his fifteen minutes worth of fame at her expense...
I truly think the cheese slid off his cracker....... :sad:
I really don't think he did it, but what a guy! Imagine what his state of mind is as he trying to convince people that he did.
In saying that I hope he did do it so there can be resolution to this crime.
08-28-2006, 05:20 PM
It's official, all charges dropped. So what was he trying to achieve?
08-28-2006, 06:00 PM
It got him out of Thailand, back to the States, a million dollar lawsuit for wrongful arrest and a fortune from "Sicksty Minutes" or "Sleaze R Us Mag".
08-28-2006, 06:03 PM
What a shame.
Just heard that Sonoma County are extraditing him for Child Porn.
08-28-2006, 07:51 PM
can he really sue, and win, for wrongful arrest when he publicly confessed to the crime?
08-28-2006, 10:45 PM
I don't think he can sue, not after he supposedly confessed. Since the DNA didn't match up and there are strong arguments that he was not in Boulder when JonBenet was murdered, my guess is that he wanted out of Thailand. I think it was sick to give her family hope of closure knowing all along it was a lie. If there is a lawsuit it should go against him. Thankfully he is apparently wanted by the California authorities. He deserves to be nailed for something.
08-29-2006, 05:49 AM
I wouldn't be shocked to see him sue someone over this ordeal. His atty was speaking publicly yesterday about how horrible it was that he was dragged all the way back to the states without any forensic evidence. If that doesn't sound like the footwork to a lawsuit, I'm not sure what does.
08-29-2006, 09:21 AM
I wouldn't be shocked to see him sue someone over this ordeal. His atty was speaking publicly yesterday about how horrible it was that he was dragged all the way back to the states without any forensic evidence. If that doesn't sound like the footwork to a lawsuit, I'm not sure what does.
I suspect that the lawyer's hyperbole was just that, anything less than a vigorous defense of his client leaves an atty open to legal probs of his own...he's just a public defender, so his duty to his client is pretty much wrapped up with his "get out of jail free" card...while that doesn't preclude the family from hiring some legal eagle to start a wrongful imprisonment case, it would be a weak one, since this whole dungpile was started by this sad sack contacting a number of people (including the Ramseys) to lead everyone to believe that he might know more than he seemed to I suggested in my earlier post, he seems to have wanted his fifteen minutes, & now that he's gotten it, maybe we can all go back to ignoring him again...
...& of course, he still has the child porn rap in CA to deal with, so he still has some defending to do before he can mount an offense...
08-29-2006, 09:25 AM
One of the newsie's had an analyst describe him as being a "nothing". He has nothing to identify him in his personal life. He's been a failure at being married, and also as a teacher.
Now his name is known throughout the world.
08-29-2006, 03:46 PM
I was talking to my students about it today and also listening to a radio morning show talk about it.
He is away from the child he was currently after. I'm ok with the results.
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