View Full Version : It’s funny how life works out sometimes.

07-29-2006, 01:44 AM
Let me tell you about myself, I’m an average type of guy 39 years old 6’1” tall about 195 pounds.
I work as a sales rep so I travel a lot every week. It was a move through work that put me in the little seaside town I live in. Nice enough people but very guarded about “new” folks, so it has not been easy getting to know any of them. So to stop the lonely hours from becoming depressing days I hooked up to the Internet and ventured into the on-line community.

An old friend from where I used to live suggested I check out a place called Pixies, “they seem to be as friendly and open minded as you”. I looked and found and signed up, wow this was a fun looking place. At first I just looked around, then posted a few replies, bit of perving, quid pro quo put a few pics of myself up and have been having a ball ever since.

What you don’t know is that I was receiving encouragement from a pixie lady. While I was trawling through the threads I spotted her nick a few times, being curious I looked at her profile, don’t ask me why or what but something about her just hooked me and I sent her an e-mail.

Had I been to forward or brash? Thankfully I had not, she contacted me and we began to chat. Cautiously at first we chatted, getting to know one another. Our talk becoming easier and pretty soon we found that we could talk about anything. We are still learning more about each other but I just wanted to write this to say THANK YOU to her for giving me the courage to mingle with strangers and just leap in and have fun.

I have a new friend in my life, which has made adjusting to my new area a lot easier. Also a thank you to all the pixies I have met so far, and I hope get to know a alot more of you while I’m hanging around the forums, just seems to get better and better.

Long Live Pixies

07-29-2006, 02:25 AM
I haven’t heard Pixies described in a better way, Stuyvo. :) You have put into words, not only the particulars of your situation, but the ‘spirit’ of what our little village is about. A special Pixie lady and I had a 45 minute conversation about this exact thing just this week. There is an honest open bonding that goes beyond the sensual part of all of us. Perhaps it’s the fact we are able to be open and comfortable with sensuality FIRST, instead of it being a driving thing BEHIND all of us that allows the true feeling of closeness to build real friendships among real people about real life.

I have found that this old dog has learned new tricks about life and myself as well as gotten comfortable and open about what I am and what I am not. As time goes on, I find these friendships grow into a caring for the people that is the rarity under real life conditions. Welcome to not only Pixies, but to the Spirit of Pixies.

mildy kinky cpl
07-29-2006, 03:29 AM
hi there,
we feel exactly the same about pixies. it's a very friendly site, welcoming and warm.
we are very honest ppl, too honest u might say as we have been burnt in the past by opening up. however the friendly little community of pixies seems to be exactly our kind of place.
we too come from a small community in the hills, the ppl are very judgmental and hard to please, close minded. allthough we have a lot of connections in our town through the business, some ppl are shocked to hear we've been here for 8 yrs now. everyone just keeps to themselves.
but anyway, it's fun so far and we are having a ball. have even shared a couple of our own pics for the 1st time ever, lol.
we look forward to not only making friendships with others, but strengthening our own relationship.

07-29-2006, 05:58 AM
Stuyvo, you said it very well. Pixies is a special place. My wife doesn't really do that much on the computer (although I finally got her using e-mail) has also become very attached to Pixies and many of the folks I've met here. There's something very special about that.

We flirt and joke and tease about things sexual ... but I'm not really sure that's what drives Pixies. I think it's a sense of family and friendship where we can share life's joys and sorrows. In that sense, sex is more the dessert than the main course.

Glad you're here Stuyvo and the same is true for mildy kinky cpl. You have already added a great deal to our neighborhood. Thanks.

07-29-2006, 08:09 AM
I'm very glad that we have what we have here. It's been a lot of things to a lot of people. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to get to know so many wonderful, sexy people.

Please pass on word of our community to like minds you find in your travels through the cyber world.

07-29-2006, 10:07 AM
I always said Pixies has heart. :)

07-29-2006, 04:56 PM
Pixies is my home away from home...and most here i would class as family...some obviously closer than others...

I know i've been scarce lately...but i've got a lot on my plate and some things to deal with...but the thing i love about here...is people let you know your missed and check to see how you are...and when you do get to come back ...you are welcomed with open arms

After 10+ yrs as a member i'm pretty sure i won't leave until i get called to a higher place (and even then i'm gonna haunt some *LOL*)

07-29-2006, 08:40 PM
:wave: Hello Stuyvo! Welcome to the best site on the net! PantyFanatic put into words exactly the beauty of this place. It is truly like a family. Well, maybe a bit incestuous. :3way: :grope: I look forward to getting to know you. :)

07-29-2006, 09:38 PM
Pixies means a great deal to me also. The people here are wonderful and I have made some great friends here. Like I have always said...I want to live in Pixieland.

07-30-2006, 12:03 AM
And here I was just about to get a little cynical about Pixies, just because it has been a little slow this week...I just needed a little reminder of how special a refuge this is...

07-30-2006, 06:47 PM
Thanks Stuyvo for reminding me again as to what keeps me here... you are right... this is a wonderful place that has a great ability to touch the soul... Glad you found as much here as the rest of us have.

07-30-2006, 07:27 PM
I gotta agree with what everyone else has said. I, too, have made some special friends here. Some who have been thru a lot of things with me and shared some very special moments in my life.

I'm glad to hear others feel the same as I do!

08-02-2006, 05:11 AM

It is good to be reminded what Pixies Place really means to its members.

Thank you. :)

08-04-2006, 12:52 PM
Pixies is where I met Mayhem, the love of my life. So I am deeply grateful that we were both here at the same time to meet and fall in love. We are just one of the many Pixies' couples that have met and fell in love.

I have also developed great friendships here, ones that I hold as dear to me as my friends that I can touch. I fret over how they are doing when things are not going so well, and rejoice with them when good things happen in their lives. I would have really loved to have gone to PAGAN in niagra falls to meet in person so many of my friends that I have come to love. I am hoping for a PAGAN part Deux next year.

PantyFanatic said it perfectly.

08-23-2006, 10:47 PM