07-17-2006, 08:56 AM
Ok , so i get up from my desk walk to the front halway to see about the progress of the laundry in the dryer.
BUT WAIT!!!! there is something wrong........something is missing. OH MY GOD my entire shelf of penguins is missing!!!
OK calm down. this cant be right......... but there not there, nothing is there . someone broke in and stole all my stuffed penguins . HOLY CRAP i feel so violated .
I turn slowly as if ina dream.
dazed by my loss , going to the phone to call the police to report the robbery. ........ still in disbelief.
how could they get inwith out me hearing them ........... how come the dogs let them take "My Preciuos"s ..........
what do i see
on the sofa
are my eyes playin tricks on me
is it really them
ya u dumbass remember ur daughter was "fishing for penguins" how the hell can u forget that ,
god im dumb
u gotta admit that this made u laugh today!!! and on a monday to!!! u know what, u can thank me later
BUT WAIT!!!! there is something wrong........something is missing. OH MY GOD my entire shelf of penguins is missing!!!
OK calm down. this cant be right......... but there not there, nothing is there . someone broke in and stole all my stuffed penguins . HOLY CRAP i feel so violated .
I turn slowly as if ina dream.
dazed by my loss , going to the phone to call the police to report the robbery. ........ still in disbelief.
how could they get inwith out me hearing them ........... how come the dogs let them take "My Preciuos"s ..........
what do i see
on the sofa
are my eyes playin tricks on me
is it really them
ya u dumbass remember ur daughter was "fishing for penguins" how the hell can u forget that ,
god im dumb
u gotta admit that this made u laugh today!!! and on a monday to!!! u know what, u can thank me later