View Full Version : Feedback: Lesbian stories in genreal

the earthling 2
06-17-2006, 01:40 AM
why is ther almost always a strap on? Im a lesbian cause I don't like guys, why whould I like a girl that had a fake dick?

06-17-2006, 01:53 AM
Cuz penetration ain't that bad a thing?

Sex is still ultimately a power thing?

I want you to fuck me & I want to feel the thrusting?

the earthling 2
06-17-2006, 02:00 AM
wow very cryptic message.

06-17-2006, 08:12 AM
...why whould I like a girl that had a fake dick?
Dunno....how bout you tell us why you dont like a strap on?

Wicked Wanda
06-17-2006, 02:09 PM
You remind me so much of the "extreme" lesbians I have known, not the just the ones who sneer at me for being bi, but the ones who totally reject the idea of any kind of penetration because of its' "symbolism", representing subjugation by men. The same lesbians who refuse to have any male friends.
Well, I LOVE penetration, I love the feeling of a cock (real or a toy) parting me, entering me, and spreading me wide open.
I love someone thrusting into me, making my entire body rock back and forth, making even my little boobs bounce up and down...
I also love sex with women, so the idea of now and then me or my partner slipping into a harness and literally fucking each other, penatration and all, is delightful.

I don't know, why WOULD YOU like a girl with a fake dick?

I can say I sure do!!!!

Dickless, (sometimes, sometimes not)

WW :kissass:

06-18-2006, 05:11 AM
A lot of the lesbian stories are written for others, not lesbians, so points of relevance are problematic.

If you want "purist" lesbian stories, submit some and see what you drag out.

06-18-2006, 02:55 PM
Im a lesbian cause I don't like guys

Wow....I wonder if that means I'm heterosexual because I don't like women....no...no...I'm pretty sure I'm heterosexual because men turn me on.

Lots of guys like strap-ons in them too...does that mean they like guys too, or maybe they're just sexually attracted to latex?!

the earthling 2
06-18-2006, 03:33 PM
Wait... how this get in genreal sex talk? Im pretty sure I submitted it to Feedback...

06-18-2006, 04:46 PM
No, you put it into general.

It just means you get a wider range of response.

Stories seem to have phases where suddenly everyone is talking about strap-ons this month, butterfly vibes next month and improvised dildos the month after.

They are ultimately merely the exploration of themes, not biographic pulitzer material.

06-18-2006, 04:54 PM
The thread might have been moved by one of the moderators. Happens from time to time when they feel it is better suited for a different part of the board.

06-18-2006, 06:06 PM
Twasn't my alter ego that moved it *LOL*

I thought it had always been here actually

06-18-2006, 06:33 PM
I moved it because it was not in reference to any particular story. If you want to get a variety of opinions this forums will afford a better opportunity.

the earthling 2
06-18-2006, 06:34 PM
Well, thank you then.

06-19-2006, 08:57 PM
If you want to see lesbian stories without strap-ons, why not make a request?

06-19-2006, 09:24 PM
I'd read a story without mention of strapons from the earthling if she'd write one. I think it would be insiteful and erotic. But I'm sure she won't do it just because I asked.... she hates me already! :(

06-19-2006, 09:38 PM
Coaster, I'm sure it's nothing...personal...lol. Honestly, when I write my "lesbian" stories, I tend to just throw a strap-on in there. In my Succubus stories, a strap-on isn't mentioned. Hmmm...when I figure out why my brain works the way it does, I'll give you a better answer....

06-21-2006, 01:11 PM
When reading a story that involves lesbian sex, or watching a movie that features scenes or is centered around women pleasing each other, I've found it much more exciting to see them perform cunnilingus than to see them use a strap-on. That's probably because when I see pussy licking, it's like I'm there in the scene. I taste the juice, I feel your lips and clit on my tongue, and I smell your sweet scent. Mrs. WI enjoys watching the same scenes because she likes to see cunnilingus and for some reason...hetero porn is more likely to show three licks of a twat followed by 25 minutes of fellatio and intercourse. That having been said, I don't object seeing strap-ons...it's just that I'd prefer to see cunnilingus.

07-04-2006, 01:45 PM
When reading a story that involves lesbian sex, or watching a movie that features scenes or is centered around women pleasing each other, I've found it much more exciting to see them perform cunnilingus than to see them use a strap-on. That's probably because when I see pussy licking, it's like I'm there in the scene. I taste the juice, I feel your lips and clit on my tongue, and I smell your sweet scent. Mrs. WI enjoys watching the same scenes because she likes to see cunnilingus and for some reason...hetero porn is more likely to show three licks of a twat followed by 25 minutes of fellatio and intercourse. That having been said, I don't object seeing strap-ons...it's just that I'd prefer to see cunnilingus.

Ain't that the truth. I see so much porn where there's a perfectly good pussy right out there in the open and NO ONE is licking it. There oughta be a law!