View Full Version : Virus

10-04-2001, 06:38 AM
Hopefully this will help someone at pixies out!
Yesterday(10-3-2001)I was working in my yard.My telephone rang
and it was my wife,calling from work.(Liberty Mutual,Dover,N.H.)
I often send her e-mails;at work;because if I telephone her;the
management;can bitch at her for receiveing too many personal
calls at work!She told me not to send her;any more;e-mails to
work with attachments on them.It seems she got one;that said;
that it was from [email protected]'s me.Thinking it
was from me--She opened it!Her computer at work was hit with
a virus.I was outside and hadn't sent her anything.It seems that
someone is overloaded with time and gets the commonly sent
addresses and sends them with a virus that attaches itself to
;all of;the things in your computers address book!BEWARE! Irish

10-04-2001, 07:10 AM
do u use outlook or poutlook express Irish???

10-04-2001, 08:09 AM
TDK--I'm not giving you a smart-ass answer.I don't know.You're
talking gibberish to me.I'm what could be refered to as" computer
illiterate."I am 57yrs. of age and I had to take a night course at
the High School;last year;because I never learned to type!I have
;always;been a working Foreman&head mechanic.I have worked
as a marine,aircraft,helicoptor,motorcycle,automotive,etc.,
mechanic.I have built and raced motorcycles&cars.I ran two
customizing&repair shops of my own.(Reliable Cycle)I never had
;a need;to learn anything but mechanics and organization!All that
I know;is that;my wife downloaded a Norton anti-virus program
last night.The moral is-Educate yourself on everything.You never
know when you will need it!Luckily,my wife says;that I am a fairly
fast learner. Irish

10-04-2001, 08:40 AM
oh ok, understandable Irish :)

well if ur wife has d/led Nortons then its all should b fine :)