View Full Version : Will I EVER get laid again?
03-12-2006, 06:08 PM
Ok, this is pathetic, I've actually lost track completely of how long it's been since I last got any. Now the fact of the matter is, I could probably hook up with some random girl at a club or something. But that's not what I'm after, I sure as hell wouldn't turn it down but it just wouldn't be the same. I only feel fully satisfied when I'm with someone I really care about. I'll be honest, it's not like I need to be in love but it's just soo much better when I'm with someone I at least have strong feelings for. Someone more than just a chick I met at a club.
There's no real point to this post other than to complain about a major case of blue balls I guess :D For all those of you that are getting some, bang her once or twice for all of us who aren'
03-12-2006, 06:44 PM
you and your partner should talk about it...
03-12-2006, 07:28 PM
I don't have a partner that's the problem
03-12-2006, 09:02 PM
Stop worrying about it, take the stray sex and maybe someone'll stick.
Alternately, rob a a bank, get caught and you'll have all the sex you can cope with for the next five to ten years.
Start a business as a discreet "toy-boy for hire" and make millions.
The world is full of choices, some of them good.
03-12-2006, 11:03 PM
It's not hard for me to hook up with guys. Apparently I'm one fine piece of ass to all the guys out there. lol But that's not what I'm looking for nowadays and the whole prison bitch thing doesn't sound too appealing.
To be honest, I don't have a clue as to how to go about hooking up with a girl for a one night stand type deal. I'm just too shy and held back to know how to go about that type of thing. Any suggestions? I'm still not sure if I want that type of thing though. But you never know, maybe I'll hook up with someone maybe I won't.
03-13-2006, 12:06 PM
Mix music, alcohol (you need not partake yourself if you wish), people bent on socialising and a will to enjoy yourself without regard to whether you'll dip the wick.
Add a dash of personality and a fair dollop of conversation, stir well and allow to set.
Enjoy small to medium serves as often as you can.
Caution, this is more addictive than brownies.
03-13-2006, 02:20 PM
It has been said: The truth shall set you free!
Honestly, and this board appears to be a place for honesty, my experience has been that guys that whine about not having a girlfriend or say they are the "nice" guy and how women don't really like "nice" guys, usually go home alone.
It has nothing to do with being nice. It's about having confidence in yourself and the situation. It's more than that, but it starts with confidence.
Look, we've all seen a movie where some nerd in high school ends up the head cheeleader (she's the one with the dirty knees). But, anyway, in reality, no matter how much confidence the nerdy guy has, it's not going to happen. It has to do with many things, peer pressure and the friends you hang with as well.
This will sound like I am a jerk, but I used to have many different types of friends. Jocks, nerds, stoners, etc .... But when I used to go out to the clubs to pick up women, I would only ask some of my friends. Becuase some of my nerdier friends said they didn't like clubs, but also, because I knew my chances of hooking up that night were far reduced when I went with them.
03-13-2006, 03:13 PM
They'd know better than I. :D
click here (
03-13-2006, 04:52 PM
shit i havent gotten laid in 2 years. i could really care less though. i have too much fun partyin. ill save that gettin laid stuff for when im ready to settle down...or if someone worth more than the usual partyin comes along. either or :)
"im havin the most fun...bea'in off my pickle...and feelin the music mate....know wha' i mean? kush mate...i KNEW ya wou'nt let me down" :P
03-13-2006, 06:16 PM
thanks for all the hilarious advice
03-14-2006, 06:36 PM
Dear wanderingsoul...
I seriously doubt that you and I are the only ones who can relate to your issue... at some point in everyones life... they find themselves alone... or worse.. lonely... and without the partner that one desires...
I do believe that we were created to be pairs... and as hokey as it may sound... I do believe that everyone has someone with whom they are meant to spend the remainder of their days.. whether one is lucky enough to identify them before they are gone is entirely a different matter...
Like you, I guess I could go to a bar... slam a couple back... and walk out with a man on my arm... will that particular man be "the one".... statistically the odds are not in his (or my) favor... is the 10 - 20 - 30 minute rushed conversation going to give me a clear enough glimpse into his character to determine acurately whether he is suitable... probably not.... and for these reasons (and the fact that I am not strong on the courage trait) I can't find my way into attempting it..
So instead... my dry spell continues... (with the exception of one 1 nite fling several years ago), I am going on 5 years solo without any form of sexual contact with a partner (unless of course you count batteries). It is a hard world out there... yes.. I have gotten emotionally close to a few select men here at pixies...BUT... unfortunately the net presents its own issues (distance being unfixable)... Over the last 5 years... there have been many a lonely night... but I am still here.... still kicking... and still hoping that at some point I will discover a suitable partner along the way... for me.. it is more about an emotional connection than it is about a sexual one... altho I miss sex... it isn't what keeps me awake... it is the little things that ones soul hungers for...
I wish you luck... and happiness... as your journey continues...
03-14-2006, 10:17 PM
Thanks, I really appreciate that. I understand and agree with everything you said. Especially the emotional connection part. As messed up as is sounds, I don't think I've gotten more than a few good nights sleep since my ex left. Knowing that you're with someone you love is a pretty damn good sleep aid!
Long ago I was hoping that pixies would maybe lead to that special someone, as I've hoped for with many websites. Maybe it'll happen on the net, maybe it'll happen at a club or bowling alley, maybe it'll happen when I'm not even looking for it, but I'm pretty sure it'll happen eventually. Thanks again for the encouraging advice.
03-15-2006, 01:37 PM
BUT... unfortunately the net presents its own issues (distance being unfixable)...
But that doesn't mean it should stand in your way....look at Mayhem and Lizz, or Cathy1 and Catch22....very large distances hasn't stopped them. :D
03-15-2006, 03:48 PM
But that doesn't mean it should stand in your way....look at Mayhem and Lizz, or Cathy1 and Catch22....very large distances hasn't stopped them. :D
Indeed it sure hasnt stopped me and lizz. Distance sucks sometimes but then it makes the meetings so much sweeter. I havnt seen my angel since November and that hurts BUT we talk everyday on the phone and here and it helps. Usually just hearing her voice can cheer me up.
I was of the same mind.. "when am i gonna find someone" i actually thought that it wouldnt happen to me and getting married. The right person is out there for everyone youjust dont know it yet. Stop looking and they will show up!
03-22-2006, 06:12 AM
;) ;) Dear wanderingsoul...
I seriously doubt that you and I are the only ones who can relate to your issue... at some point in everyones life... they find themselves alone... or worse.. lonely... and without the partner that one desires...
I do believe that we were created to be pairs... and as hokey as it may sound... I do believe that everyone has someone with whom they are meant to spend the remainder of their days.. whether one is lucky enough to identify them before they are gone is entirely a different matter...
Like you, I guess I could go to a bar... slam a couple back... and walk out with a man on my arm... will that particular man be "the one".... statistically the odds are not in his (or my) favor... is the 10 - 20 - 30 minute rushed conversation going to give me a clear enough glimpse into his character to determine acurately whether he is suitable... probably not.... and for these reasons (and the fact that I am not strong on the courage trait) I can't find my way into attempting it..
So instead... my dry spell continues... (with the exception of one 1 nite fling several years ago), I am going on 5 years solo without any form of sexual contact with a partner (unless of course you count batteries). It is a hard world out there... yes.. I have gotten emotionally close to a few select men here at pixies...BUT... unfortunately the net presents its own issues (distance being unfixable)... Over the last 5 years... there have been many a lonely night... but I am still here.... still kicking... and still hoping that at some point I will discover a suitable partner along the way... for me.. it is more about an emotional connection than it is about a sexual one... altho I miss sex... it isn't what keeps me awake... it is the little things that ones soul hungers for...
I wish you luck... and happiness... as your journey continues...
Hey Jenna and Wandering. Truth be known, there are probably more of us here without relationships than with. If these people on here, not all of them mind you, but more than you realize, were in these fantastic relationships and having all of this hott sex, than what the hell are they doing spending all of their time on here?? I have been married and divorced twice. When I was younger, I would pick up anything in a bar and go home and do the deed just for the sake of getting laid. At my age now,47, I have been pretty much alone for almost ten years. Probably been with someone six or eight times in that period. I have been set up on blind dates by friends, gone out to the bars just looking, the whole gamut. The women that I have met seem to have more baggage than a redcap at Midway and more hang-ups than a telemarketer on a bad Tuesday night.
I have gotten to the point that I really enjoy being alone. I can call work, tell them I won't be there for a few days and just take off for parts unknown, no one elses approval needed.
Jenna, I liked what you said about each of us having someone else that we are supposed to be with and ride off into the sunset together. I feel that way too. Like you, I miss sex but there is more to it. I mean...believe me. Eating pussy is right up on the top of my list, right after breathing but to reach out in the night and feel a warm body next to you, to slide over and just cuddle and be close, to be standing at the stove cooking and have someone special come from behind and wrap their arms around you and just hold you, nuzzling your neck with their lips. To sit by a campfire on a cool, dark night, holding hands and looking into that special set of eyes. That's what I miss most. Sex is easy. I have my right hand, and if I am feeling like a little strange...I switch hands!!
I hold out hope that someday that special person will come along but until then, I'll be here hoping for all of us. Have a great day!!
03-22-2006, 05:31 PM
It's all a crapshoot for better or for worse, whether it is in real life or the net (the net being worse in my experience, but that is just me). You do what you can, when you can and basically have to hope for the best, I know that sounds almost...pathetic but it's true. Nothing can be forced as much as you might wish or hope for it. But don't mind my post, I am cynical at the moment, so perhaps I am not helping...
Coach Knight
03-23-2006, 03:24 PM
Feeling sorry for yourself is not a turn on.
03-23-2006, 04:39 PM
maybe it'll happen when I'm not even looking for it, .
I think you've hit the nail square on the head, hon. That's exactly when it will happen. I gave up on men many years ago....sick and tired of being treated like crap and then dumped. I decided I was just going go out and party with my friends and stop looking for "Mr. Right". And vowed that I would be the one to do the 'screwing over' the next time around. Well, wouldn't you know that's when I met my husband. I met him in a bar.....we were introduced by a mutual friend. And this June we'll be married 34 yrs.
So don't give up. It will happen when you least expect it.
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