View Full Version : It's final
01-30-2006, 04:23 PM
Greetings all my pixies friends,
You've all heard me complaining (prolly for what seems like years) about my marriage and all the twists and turns it took, but today my divorce became finalized.
Thanks for all your support and wisdom that you have shared with me thru this journey.
I am sad because like many, I didn't get married to divorce, but after being separated for 2 years now, it is a relief to finally have this end.
01-30-2006, 04:25 PM
(((((nutworld))))) This is not the end of a story merely the beginning of a new chapter. Wishing peace and love for you!
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Ride on 1.
01-30-2006, 06:26 PM
Greetings all my pixies friends,
You've all heard me complaining (prolly for what seems like years) about my marriage and all the twists and turns it took, but today my divorce became finalized.
Thanks for all your support and wisdom that you have shared with me thru this journey.
I am sad because like many, I didn't get married to divorce, but after being separated for 2 years now, it is a relief to finally have this end.
i am new here but i want to let you know it will get better....i was married for 18 years....i have been divorced now for nearly 2 is getting a lot easier each day.....big hugs and kisses for you.....good luck.....
((((Nutworld))))... it is indeed sad that your marriage came to a point where the best solution was divorce.
I am glad that you can begin living your new life however. Here's to a great new start! :cheers:
01-30-2006, 07:24 PM
Subdued congrats, nutworld. I know you've had a tough time & I hope you can move on as soon as you're ready. (((((((((((nutworld)))))))))))
01-30-2006, 07:38 PM
Thanks gang!!!!!!!
I can't say how nice it is to still know I have support when I need it.
Sad day indeed, but also an even greater relief.
A new chapter will start soon.
01-30-2006, 08:01 PM
You've climbed over the wall.
Now graze carefully.
A friend of mine married the same girl three times, different face and name, but the same girl.
Just because some-one seems to be a chance to "do it right this time" doesn't automatically
make them right, but don't let that stop you from having fun along the way.
01-30-2006, 08:49 PM
You sure that wall ain't crawled over ME ??
A few minutes ago, the reaization totally hit.... I'm a FREE man again.
And immediatly after those two thoughts came flooding forward came this one
NOW WHAT!!???!!!!!!???!!?????
Yes I'll be more involved with my son again, and can "date"...
BUT................................... (mean ole Mr 4-0) is staring me down and winning.
NO I don't want her back (or specifically her kids problems)
BUT..... I don't want to be single for life either. (Sorry for entering PANIC mode this early)
01-30-2006, 09:05 PM
If you sweat it,you'll end up jumping in the same frying pan again.
If it takes a couple of years to find "miss right enough", so be it.
There are tens of thousands of gunshy girls who have clawed their way out of abusive
and hostile relationships, afraid of the same frying pan.
You need to trick them by being yourself, treating them with humour and dignity.
This way they find out if they really like you, or are just clutching to you to hold back the darkness.
Above all, relax and have some fun. If an opportunity turns up for meaningless, consentual safe sex, take it.
I just re-read this and it sounds so pompous. Sorry, but I stand by the words.
01-30-2006, 09:09 PM
Thanks my friend
I need a calm voice of reason as I confront this new "chapter" as Lil so kindly put it.
LOL...OF you are ANYTHING but pompous
01-30-2006, 09:11 PM
Any time.
01-30-2006, 09:23 PM
It didn't sound pompous to me, OF.
When I've had my heart broken, I may have had flings but I wasn't looking to jump in the frying pan again. Besides, it's when you're not looking that you find something.
Nutworld ... sending hugs and positive thoughts your way .... it's a difficult time, but soon it will be behind you and you will begin the newest adventure in your life ... may it be filled with fun and pleasant surprises and eventually lead to all that you hope it can be.
01-30-2006, 09:35 PM
Besides, it's when you're not looking that you find something.
Well here's hoping I NEVER look for anything again!!
Isn't there some sort of opposites thread in here somewhere??
01-30-2006, 09:47 PM
Keep your chin up......
01-30-2006, 10:11 PM
Best of luck nut........ don't look back and keep moving forward
01-30-2006, 10:21 PM
Well here's hoping I NEVER look for anything again!!
Isn't there some sort of opposites thread in here somewhere??
LOL I've found that my brain tells me I'm not ready for months after a serious relationship but then, one day, my heart tells me otherwise. It lets me know it's healed that way.
Awwwwwwww, I just gave myself a mush attack. :gag smilie:
01-30-2006, 11:40 PM
01-31-2006, 12:08 AM
A lot of prospectives you can gather here.:rolleyes: That’s a good reason in itself to keep coming back. ;)
The sheet of paper in front of you is not completely clean but it’s the only one you get. You didn’t scribble all over and are only half way up the page. With all that open space ahead, you have time to scratch around a little before you make a streak in any direction. This time you are bringing a lot of coloring experience with you and have a chance to make a masterpiece. :) Now get your crayons and start coloring……… but don’t run with them. ;)
….. or was that the scissors? :confused:
01-31-2006, 12:31 AM
WOW PF..............
Nutworld a new chapter is starting in your book of life.....enjoy the ride!!!
01-31-2006, 10:34 AM
Thanks everyone!!
You have all been so supportive thru this ordeal.
I'm sure none of you were stopping what you were doing ...thinking to yourselves...."I wonder what is happening with Nutworld, and if he's EVER going to divorce".
But, you have all stopped what you were doing whenever I need some help, advice or support. (and sometimes a good kick in the head!!!) - Lil???
I wanted to let you know that it is done.
And with all your friendships I can move on.
Thanks again
01-31-2006, 05:32 PM
Without knowing all the details, I still knew enough of your history to detect the aroma of a doomed relationship, & I can well imagine the mixed feelings at finding Lover's Lane was really a dead end street...still, one door closes, another one opens, not much I can add to the wisdom that's already been dispensed...
01-31-2006, 05:40 PM
Nutworld, may your future be better than your past. Just relax and let life happen.
01-31-2006, 07:19 PM
thanks again to all of you who have taken the time from your lives to share your support and thoughts with me.
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