View Full Version : Finding the right drink

01-14-2006, 02:58 PM
Hey everyone! I recently turned 21 and I'm trying to find a nice alcoholic drink. I'm the black sheep of my family and actually don't like to drink that much. I've found that I like michelob light as a nice beer to relax with without actually getting drunk (never drink more than 2-3). But for those rare nights that I just feel like getting completely plastered, I want to find something a little easier to drink than just straight jim beam (YUUUUUUUUCKKKKK!!!!). I'm not a liquor guy at all and usually get way drunker than I had planned once I start forgetting how many shots I've had. LOL

I don't really know what I'm looking for. Maybe a cocktail, maybe a mixed drink, I really don't know. I'm looking for as high of an alcohol content as I can get in a drink that actually taste good. Strawberry daquri's are realllllllly good but not strong enough to get me plastered.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm looking for something that I don't have to mix myself, but if it's reallly simple and cheap to mix then I guess that would be okay. I just don't want to drink anymore than I need to, last thing I want is to become yet another alcoholic. I never have much money so I rather not waste it oon something that isn't what I'm looking for.

Thanks everyone,
me, who else?

01-14-2006, 04:42 PM
Kamikaze (http://www.drinknation.com/drink/Kamikaze)

I like this website for drink hunting.

01-14-2006, 06:03 PM
Vodka and orange, Scotch and dry, Southern Comfort and coke, Sambucca shots straight out of the freezer . . . .

Where do I stop?

More importantly, why do you feel the need to get hammered if it's not now a habit?

01-14-2006, 06:16 PM
Its not exactly a drink per se but jello shots with 151 or everclear. you can't taste the alcohol at all if mixed right and they're simple simple to make. Just mix your jello as normal minus the amount of water you're going to replace with liquor. When they're set you just suck em down.

01-14-2006, 06:29 PM
thanks everyone

01-14-2006, 07:57 PM
Since you have stated in the past here that you take meds on a regular basis, I would think that maybe you should speak to your doctor first about what adverse side effects could occur while ingesting alcohol. Some do not mix well with any amounts of alcohol.....

01-14-2006, 08:09 PM
Personally, I like scotch. Neat. :D

But I suspect a mudslide, or maybe a Long Island Iced Tea might be more to your liking. I have a friend with a killer metabolism who's gotten plastered on Long Island Iced Teas. And before you ask,,,,,,,yes I did take advantage of him. (this was a long time ago) :D :D :D

01-14-2006, 08:51 PM
long island iced tea has peaked my interest. It says on the bottle that you "just add sweet and sour mix and cola" but I just had no idea how that was supposed to taste like tea. By the way, I have a freakishly high metabolism right now but I'm only about 145lbs. now too.

Scotch had also peaked my intrest, I like history in my drink, something that can take me back to the better days.

Bibi, no worries there, all my doctors know that I drink on occasion. Thanks for the tip though.

01-14-2006, 10:36 PM

01-16-2006, 10:18 PM
I would suggest a gin or vodka and tonic or any variety of rum and cola.
Or a big ol margarita

01-16-2006, 10:20 PM
I would suggest a gin or vodka and tonic or any variety of rum and cola.
Or a big ol margarita

Can I buy you a drink? Me, oh I'm having a margarita the size of your head :D

01-16-2006, 10:27 PM
Can I buy you a drink? Me, oh I'm having a margarita the size of your head :D

I certainly wouldn't say no. In fact, I might have to buy you one in return.
I understand there's a place around here called Senor Tequila. Drink all you want, they'll drive you home. How brilliant of an idea is that!

01-16-2006, 11:41 PM
Yesterday(15th)was 13yrs7mo,since I had any alcohol!I'm not preaching,just
suggesting,that you might want to try it.Many years ago,I thought that I could stop any time.Doing it & saying it are TWO different things! Irish :cool:

01-17-2006, 02:56 AM
I cannot begin to imagine choosing a drink for the purposes of getting drunk. I love many alcoholic drinks, but the fact that they make you squiffy is kind of an unwanted side effect.

I drank Italian melon vodka at New Year, because it's my favourite and because it doesn't make me feel quite so unpleasantly 'out of it' as wine does. I ended up really quite drunk by my standards, but not because I specifically went out with that intention.

I would suggest that drinking to get drunk is the first step on the road to being like other members of your family......there is no such thing as drinking more or less than you 'need to' and if drinking alcohol becomes a 'need' in any way (i.e. I 'need' to get drunk) then you've already got a problem.