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11-13-2005, 10:41 AM
For those of you who are curious about them, here is a video that was captured last night of one that went thru Woodward Iowa. Amazing footage, but not very smart to do.


The newschannel that we were watching was acutally in the vicinity of Woodward and they had special cams on top of their storm chase vehicles and recorded this tornado as it developed and then work its way to the town. Amazing - the people in this small town were also watching and most of them made it to shelter because of the coverage of the storm team. Kudos to those guys!

11-13-2005, 10:44 AM
I'd read online and in today's paper about this...I was amazed that tornado season had been stretched to November, and wondered about the logistics of moving everyone from a football stadium to Hilton Colliseum. Wow.

11-13-2005, 10:52 AM

The weather is nuts!!!!

11-13-2005, 11:02 AM
IAKG - from what I understand there were few problems - they had plenty of warning. Friends of ours had gotten tickets for this very game - the dad was taking the daughter to it and mom stayed home. I called her just as she was getting out of the shower - she had no idea that this was going on (doesn't watch TV that much) and of course her husband and daughter were listening to a CD in the car. She called them right away on the cell phone and they turned back. They were running late (good thing) and weren't quite to Ames yet.

The newschannel that we watch was predicting this type of weather event possibility the day before. The meteriologists had been to KY and IN the week before and studied the before/after weather events that happened there, and saw the same pattern here. That was why they had storm chaser teams in the area to monitor and they had the ability to forewarn the residents in plenty of time - even before sirens.

11-13-2005, 11:07 AM
Cheyanne, thank you for sharing that. What amazing pictures. You really do capture the terror, the horror and the power of a tornado from that film clip.

11-13-2005, 11:17 AM
Glad our trip by there was last weekend.

Feel bad for all those who lost their homes.

11-13-2005, 12:12 PM
I'm so glad to know your tribe is safe Chey.:hug: November tornados are NOT what we normally have to worry about.

That was amazing footage, but I have to say I’m not impressed with their smarts for standing and watching it head for them.

Wind is transparent and when they see the black funnel, hundreds of meters wide, moving across the ground, it’s the earth that they are watching being torn apart and shot into the clouds. Why are people surprised then that wind reaches some boards nailed together, or some tin arranged over some seats and an engine, that there is damage? Talk about hitting the mule with at 2 x 4 to get his attention. ROFL

11-17-2005, 04:15 PM
Speaking of which, our mules in the Volunteer State got smacked around a little couple of nights ago...not a new experience to drag the kids & the dog down to the basement anymore, but in November? That's gotta be a first...