View Full Version : Food Shelf Question

11-10-2005, 07:51 PM
Okay, question. Figure someone here might know. I am doing a fundraiser for a local foodshelf. My company will match $1 for $1. So, I was thinking I might personalize the fund raiser a bit by mentioning that a $1 donated to a food shelf can do X (X being = feed 1 person, 1 meal or whatever). Anyway, does anyone know of any facts or links to facts on this topic. I did a quick search of the next and came up largely empty. Found one link that said could buy $9 of groceries with every $1 donated, but I am not sure that is really right.

11-10-2005, 08:16 PM
I am guessing that the food pantry is collecting donations/items for a Thanksgiving meal?

Based on that assumption I would guess it would take $4.00 per person. Our town has an area wide Thanksgiving meal served at a local church and they use that as a goal in order to plan how many they are able to serve. Keep in mind, that the $4 per person also includes disposable plates, cups, napkins.

Here is a link http://www.fb.org/news/fbn/html/thanksgiving.html that may be of help to you - it is from last year and may vary slightly, but may give you an idea.

11-10-2005, 08:33 PM
Thank you..Exactly what I was looking for. Much appreciated!

11-10-2005, 08:50 PM
Best of luck Jax! Let us know of the follow up...k?

11-10-2005, 11:22 PM
And left-overs!

Jax, don't forget the left-overs.

11-11-2005, 09:40 PM
Well, mixed bag. We only raised about $20 today. But add it to the $35 we got last week..and we're getting there. Trying to get to $100 by the end of November. We've got quite a few drives going on, so the results are okay. But the other thing I am trying (I am a mid level manager) is to get people to talk a little bit more about these things. Work is tough right now, so I want to spread the focus a bit. Try and get some morale and comaraderie going.

If any one has any other info on what $s mean to a food shelf that'd be helpful too. The Thanksgiving info was good.

11-11-2005, 10:10 PM
You got me thinking... so I went looking...


Also, if you are collecting food items as well as cash, suggest to people that they donate the "get one free" of the "buy one get one free sales" at their local grocery

11-18-2005, 07:22 AM
Thanks Maddy, we're trying again today to see what we can do. I cut out some info from that link and will post it and see what we can do. Wish me luck.