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10-26-2005, 06:33 PM
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Hawwwwwwwwwwwww!

That's right folks! I'm going to Texas!

Dallas, to be exact. Sometime at the end of January. For a blasting convention.

I don't have to participate in the convention what-so-ever!

So tell me...what does a girl do in the big city of Dallas while her hubby is schmoozing it up at the convention center with blaster's from all around the world?????

10-26-2005, 06:45 PM
Somehow Lixy Love I don't see you as being lost for anything to do anywhere. LOL I'm sure Dallas won't be the same after your visit. I envy those Texans.

10-26-2005, 06:55 PM
Two words GRAPEVINE MALL the wife and daughters go shoping there about 4 times a year they always seem to have a good time and prices are a little better than here in Okla. Lots of antique shops I'll have to ask the wife where else to visit.

10-26-2005, 07:16 PM
Eat good Mexican food!!!!!

10-26-2005, 07:35 PM
If you hit Grapvine Mills Mall, I also recommend taking a tour of the Gaylord Texan, a must see.

The Galleria is also a nice, large big city mall (Dallas North Tollway).

Then there is the Sixth Floor Museum and Dealey Plaza.

Eat lots of Mexican and Beef... if you know the area you are staying in, I can likely recommend a few places to try.

10-26-2005, 07:38 PM
I for one wish I lived closer to Dallas.... I would so love to meet you in person...

If I were you... I think that would be something I would do.. going to a strange town... meet up with some Pixies... have those that live near there explore along with ya...

10-26-2005, 08:09 PM

You could visit Dealey Plaza. The Book Depository building has a museum on the 6th floor with an exhibition focused on the events of November 22, 1963.

10-26-2005, 10:51 PM
Dallas has a nice zoo, also....I have good memories of visiting there when I was a kid.

What about attending a sports event?

10-27-2005, 12:19 AM
I for one wish I lived closer to Dallas.... I would so love to meet you in person...

If I were you... I think that would be something I would do.. going to a strange town... meet up with some Pixies... have those that live near there explore along with ya...

Hell YEAH!!!!!! :d: :halo: :d:


10-27-2005, 04:52 AM
Bear...And I'll not be the same either. I have a tendency to pick up accents almost immediately. Especially southern accents and the local slang! It wears off when I get back home...but when I am drinking...........*hick-up ya'll* LOL!

jay-t...I'm not much of a mall shopper...but the antiques sound wonderful! Note to Self: Bring empty suitcase for return trip!

Lil...Mmmmmmmmmm! I'm in love with Mexican food, but I fear it doesn't like me anymore. In as dainty a way as I can explain this here...It goes right through me and brings things out of me in the end (if necessary...I'll PM you to make that clearer). Yikes! Gonna have to find a pharmacy that stocks "bottom care" products it seems. I can't leave Texas without some Mexican...er...Mexican food that is! P.S. Is all Mexican food HOT? (<---sounds stupid now that I see it in print)

maddy...I don't know the details or itinerary of the trip yet...even how long we'll stay. I know the convention is 7 days but we never stay for an entire convention. Last one I went to was in Orlando, Fla. and we only stayed 3 days. I'll know more by this weekend. Taking note of your suggestions! TY! Also...Mr. Lixy's boss from Pa. is bringing his wife. His big boss, from Ohio, is coming as well (no wife or g/f). I've known them/her for many years and we get along well. Might have to hang out with her the entire time. It's not a bad thing...she's pretty cool, but I'd like a little time alone if I can swing it *shrug* Oh...and YES, I am a beef eater!

jenna...I would LOVE to meet you as well! We still have the future! As soon as I find out the details of this trip I will know if I should look up some peeps that I know live in the area. :hug: Great to see you!

jseal...Hmmmmmm...standing on that very spot...and even just thinking about it gives me goosebumps! I can see the reel playing in my head as I type. It's something to keep in mind...TY!

osuche...Haven't been to a zoo since I was a child. I was saddened by the animals pacing in the cages. I've been to open range parks since...but I get a sinking feeling when I see caged animals. It's my little quirk and I know some might be better for the care...but it's something I can't help feeling. A football game might not be out of the question (seeing as I am deep into the games this year...lol!). Have to look at the Cowboy's game roster and the timing of my trip. TY hun!

dm...I'm imagining you with a scottish/southern accent now! TYVM! LMFAO!

I'll be finding out more details as time goes on. I'm loving all the suggestions and I'll be able to pin point more places when I know more details!


10-27-2005, 05:03 AM
Another "Yellow Rose of Texas" salute ...

Well, Lixy goes to Texas,
The cowboys raise a cheer,
The rodeos are bonkers,
The bars stock up on beer.

You can have your little ladies;
You can have your handsome beaus,
But the Lixy Chick from PA,
Is the best by far ya knows.

I can see the inns all filling,
I can see the city key,
The whole towns gettin' ready,
To see our dear Lixy,

She's the pride of Pennsylvania,
She's the joy of Pixies Place,
She's the sweetest little lady,
From her tootsies to her face.

:cboy: Those lucky Texans. :cboy:

10-27-2005, 05:59 AM
Not all mexican food is hot.... I swear to it... Like I said, once you know the area of town you will be in, I might be able to suggest some excellent places to dine.

10-28-2005, 05:02 AM
db...Oh db! That's your bestest work EVER! I'll be singing it all day! TY sweety!

maddy...Gonna get the poop, the whole poop, and nothing but the poop as soon as all the arrangements are made. Can't wait to find out myself! Good to know not all Mexican food is hot...whew! I love spicy food...but it doesn't love me in the end...lmao!

10-29-2005, 12:00 AM
end of January, huh?...damn, I was hopin' you'd come to see me for my birthday instead...not much I can tell ya about Dallas, I passed thru it once on the way to visit a friend in Arlington (home of GW's ballpark, halfway between Dallas & Ft. Worth), I did notice the Frito-Lay plant along the interstate...my big regret is that I didn't get a chance to see 2 of my cousins who live there, & that I wasn't able to persuade our hosts to direct us to Dealy Plaza...

10-29-2005, 12:21 AM
Going the last of January is good.:rolleyes2 You can save the Mexican pig-out :bite: for the last day, then hurry back to PA so you can wipe your butt with snowballs for the next week.:hot:

10-29-2005, 03:20 AM
Going the last of January is good.:rolleyes2 You can save the Mexican pig-out :bite: for the last day, then hurry back to PA so you can wipe your butt with snowballs for the next week.:hot:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Now, THAT'S something I'd like to see......

Lixy's ass, I mean!!! :devilish:


10-29-2005, 09:55 PM
Don't encourage him dm................

or I'll have to shove a snowball up your ass TOO!!!!!!!! :jester:

PF? Keep your BALLS to yourself!!!!!!!!! :rofl:

11-08-2005, 07:43 PM
Hiya again! Got a little more info!

Jan 29 - Feb 1, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA

With Special ISEE (International Society of Explosives Engineers) Presentation on Safety & Security

ISEE info (www.isee.org)

So...we'll probably only be going for the "blaster's" weekend...Friday 27th, Saturday 28th, Sunday 29th...and either leave on Sunday or stay till early Monday morning.

As far as I can tell (and it's early in the game) we'll be staying at the Gaylord Texan Resort (wherever the hell that is?) and, from the photos I have of it, it's pretty damn posh!

Mr. Lixy's big boss always picks the best of the best so he can show off. He's a major sponsor of this event every year, and this year they have billed him as a "Gold Level" sponsor. I'm hoping that's because I am coming along...lmfao!...but it's more accurate to think it's because he's been in the biz for many moons!

Anyway...this is what I know now. When I get more info I will be back to request local sites to visit while they are in the boring blast meetings!


11-08-2005, 08:33 PM
pssst... Lixy ... Gaylord Texan was on my recommended list of sites to see... you've got it covered now! Grapevine Mills, which was also recommended is in the immediate vacinity as well.

Now I'll be thinking of places to eat ... and sites to see... I know precisely where you will be :)

11-09-2005, 06:45 PM
Oh...WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I really need more time to reread the shit I posted and got replies to maddy! So sorry!

Soon as I know more of our schedule I'll get back here and give and get more info!

Please Stand By!

01-26-2006, 09:22 AM
Hey Ya'll!!!!

The time has come...

We will be leaving from Philadelphia International Airport on Friday, January 27th. We are flying US Airways/Express Mid-Atlantic Airways, flight 1693 at 11:20am. We'll be flying non-stop to Dallas/Ft.Worth...arriving approx. 2:15pm.

We'll be returning on Tuesday, January 31rst on US Airways, flight 840 at 10:40am from Dallas to Philadelphia...arriving approx. 2:47pm.

Wasn't thinking much about Osama Bin Laden till Mr. Lixy asked me if I was a little bit afraid to fly now since Bin Laden's latest threat. My response was "NO"...because he and I are flying together. If he was taking this trip alone I would be shitting me feckin trouser's over it! But since we'll be together, we'll die together if something should happen. I know it's a really remote possibility, but one can't help thinking of it at some point during a trip these days! And that we will be attending an International Blasting Convention...well, that strikes up some really odd thoughts too. I ain't dwelling on it though...I'll tell you that!

Anyway...so we are off to Dallas tomorrow...YAY! Boss's wife and I will be taking a spa treatment one day while the boys meet with other blaster's. There are soooooooo many to choose from but I think I've settled on the reflexology treatment. It sounds so soothing and therapeutic! The hot rock massage sounds good too. Oh...decisions, decisions!

We are staying at the Gaylord Texan Resort (http://www.gaylordhotels.com/gaylordtexan/)

Check out the services and amenities ^^^

Can't wait to tell you all about it! Wish us luck and safety! See ya when we return!


Love Ya!

01-26-2006, 09:25 AM
Have a safe and wonderful time Lixy.....is Texas ready for you????;)

01-26-2006, 09:30 AM
I've packed my bestest "ya'll" and I'm "fixin" to use it as often as possible BIBI!

They'd better be ready...they have NO choice! LOL!

Thanks hun!

01-26-2006, 10:44 AM
Have a SUPER time Lixy!!!!

01-26-2006, 12:06 PM
TY (((((soda)))))!

01-26-2006, 12:15 PM
We'll be expecting vacation slide shows when you get back!

And y'all come back now, ya hear? :D

01-26-2006, 01:44 PM
have fun!!! and be safe

((((mr and mrs lix))))

01-26-2006, 05:17 PM
Do you have your ten gallon hat yet?

Have a safe trip and have loads of fun.

01-26-2006, 06:48 PM
Take some water with you... Texans will appreciate it :)

Have a great time... and if you get a chance to dine outside of Grapevine try some of the following:

Three Forks (North Dallas Tollway) - bestest steak in DFW!
El Fenix (North Dallas Tollway) - excellent and reasonably priced Tex-Mex
MiCoccina (McArthur Blvd, Irving - near Target) - less greasy and slightly more expensive Tex-Mex. Also has a location at the Galleria Mall (North Dallas Tollway)
Red River (I-35E and Northwest Highway) - a true Texan Cowboy bar... an absolute MUST SEE!

Have a wonderful time- the Gaylord is tremendous and beautiful, but be sure to take in some other sights and sounds of DFW too.

01-27-2006, 02:50 PM
For those of you interested...

Lixy's flight departed 24 minutes late and just landed safely!!!!!!!!!!

How the hell did they take off 24 minutes late and land 26 minutes early? :confused:

Oh well...they're safe and that's all that matters! Yaaaaaaaaay!

01-27-2006, 02:57 PM

01-27-2006, 03:30 PM

They were going downhill! :D

01-28-2006, 03:54 AM

They were going downhill! :D

Yup............ that'll do it alright!! :rolleyes:

o'course, they might have greased the wing feathers a bit, or left all the luggage in Pa.......... but I'd go for that, WI, no worries!! ;) :cool:


01-28-2006, 09:57 AM
The Gaylord (*snickering childishly at the name*) looks beautiful!

Have a great time & I'm looking forward to the stories & photos, too!

01-28-2006, 11:11 AM
.....How the hell did they take off 24 minutes late and land 26 minutes early? :confused: ....
Lixy was on that plane. :D

01-28-2006, 12:49 PM
Lixy was on that plane. :D

And that would even get the Auto-Pilot excited

01-31-2006, 08:06 PM
*Stands tapping foot, arms crossed…… glancing AGAIN at watch*
...We'll be returning on Tuesday, January 31rst on US Airways, flight 840 at 10:40am from Dallas to Philadelphia...arriving approx. 2:47pm....

OK young lady! What do you have say for yourself? You were suppose to be home over five hours ago! :mad:

First I want to hear that your ass is safe and sound where it belongs. You can tell me the rest of the details after I bend you over my knee. :p

:welcome home kissy, huggy, rub hands over ass smilie:

02-01-2006, 10:23 AM
OK Texas. Give her up!

They must have rustled and hog-tied her.:eek: I guess they want more Yankees coming to visit ……………….. at the Alamo :mad:

02-01-2006, 10:25 AM
OK PF, we gotta go get her back!!!!

02-01-2006, 10:57 AM
Oh lixy chicky....... where are ya...... spill your guts girl!!!!!

How the weather was warm and ya'll had a great time! (((((Kisses))))

02-01-2006, 11:02 AM
Im' Back! Yee Haw!

Oh my...where to start?

First off...we had a long lost friend visit us the evening before we left on our trip. He lives in West Virginia and told us he "might" be able to swing in for a quick visit while up to see his grandma here in Pa. Turns out he had more time to visit than he originally thought and ended up staying the night. That was no problem though. The problem was that Mr. Lixy and I didn't get to bed till 3:30ish AM and musta did something wrong when setting the alarm. We got a wakeup call from his boss at 8:45 AM (the time we were suppose to leave for the airport). I checked the clock and couldn't figure out the reason it didn't go off...but that was neither here nor there cause we were now running late!

Luckily, I had packed most everything we needed the night before so we just had to shower and throw all the stuff in the bag that stays out for last minute prep. We would ride right past the hotel that our friend and his family was staying, so we slowed down to 10mph and threw him out on the way to the airport...See ya, Love ya, Bye...lmfao!

We made it to Philly International in record time (35 minutes...and that's unheard of!) and tried to check-in with our e-ticket at the skycap station outside. As per our luck we were 5 minutes late for check-in and the flight was closed. Mr. Lixy went to park in the long term-economy parking lot (fancy name for WE CHARGE AN ARM AND A LEG FOR THIS PRIVILEDGE YOU SUCKER) and I went inside to the self check-in kiosk's. WI was right...the flight was delayed (for some mechanical reason) and I thought there still might be hope. There are attendants at these kiosk's, but ya think anyone would help me? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! As soon as Mr. Lixy got back from parking the attendants were all, "Is there something I can help you with sir"? I said, out loud, "I know I'M here...I saw myself come in"! Oh...I need to work on my patience!

Turns out our plane was still on the tarmack <sp?> but had moved to make room for another plane to load...and the sumnabitches wouldn't back it up for us to get on!!!! LOL! Oh...I've gotta laugh at it now, but I nearly puked from nerves when it was happening. I should'a puked on the shoes of those ignorant attendants...but that's another story. We got booked on the next flight to DFW...which left us 2+ hours to kill. Where do you think we went? Yep...where's the bar?

Anyway...we arrived at DFW a bit after 5 PM, got a taxi to the resort, and the pictures we saw on the website didn't do this place justice at all! The Gaylord Texan Resort is a 5 star hotel and the room prices prove it. A sign in the closet in the room's reads...Daily Room Rates - Standard Guestroom $500...Deluxe Suite $1000...Presidential Suite $10,000 :eek: :eek: The I.S.E.E. had reserved rooms for individual companies in the blasting industry at a special rate ($149.00 daily) even before the completion of the hotel in April of 2004. Our company and an affiliate company from Ohio had 8 rooms reserved for the bosses and family members. They paid for everything but my airfare...WHEW!

I truely don't know how to put in words just how incredible this hotel is! Everywhere you look and walk there is something to see. The landscaping inside the atrium and outside on the grounds is breathtaking! The waterfalls, the architecture, the pools, the spa, the complimentary gym, the restaurants, the entertainment, the food...etc., just amazing! We went to a sports bar that had a 53' TV screen, showing 5 different sporting events simultaneously...but could show one event (the Superbowl, for example) over the entire width and height of the screen when necessary. Smaller TV's were all around the ceiling of the bar as well. Even though I am not a sports nut, I chose to hang out at this bar more than the others for the mere fact that it's one of the only two places I could smoke inside the resort. Mr. Lixy quit smoking on New Year's day, but wasn't put off by the environment because they had a fantastic filtering system.

We attended a private party at Dealy Plaza/Book Depository one evening. A select few friends of a certain blasting related company held a reception on the 7th floor of the Depository. We took a bus from Grapevine (the actual town that the Gaylord Texan is in) to Dallas and got a chance to see the museum at our own pace without a guide to hurry us along. I didn't know were weren't supposed to take pics inside the museum, so I took two before I was stopped. It felt kind of disrespectful to be partying in such a historical place...but I was just glad for the chance to visit and didn't think I'd have the time any other day. To stand on the exact spot where Oswald stood was eerie! They have the window where the shots were fired from out of it's place and encased in plexi-glass so as not to destroy the paint and such. You can stand at the replacement window and look down to x's on the street where the bullets hit Kennedy in his limo. I'm telling you peeps...it's a weird, weird feeling!

I took lotsa pics of everything but haven't had the chance to sort through them just yet. This post is getting a bit long so I'll just wait to blab more when I post some of the pics.

Had a wonderful time but it's nice to be back home! TY for all the advice and well wishes!

Love ya! XXXOOO

P.S. maddy...I got to talking to a local who raises sheep. He told me he had some new lambs and was afraid they'd get hurt or killed due to the large crevices in his pastures fore the lack of rain (hadn't seen rain in about 9 months). We woke on Saturday morning to a nice steady rain. It rained all day and the local weather channel told us to enjoy it. The funny thing was, we left Pa. and such a rainy season. I didn't mind really. It seemed to please the Texan's to no end. I saw the local guy later in our trip and he told me that the rain from Saturday had helped immensely. His crevices had all but closed. He thanked us for bringing some of our Pa. water! He asked us to send some more when we got back home...lol! The rest of the time we were in Texas it started out cool and got unseasonably warmer throughout the day. It was sunny and 70 one day and sunny and 72ish the next. Nice weather all in all. I sure hope they get more rain soon though. As we flew out we could see some of the wildfires from the plane. Got pics of them too. Will post later!

02-01-2006, 11:08 AM
Cool............ glad you had a great time................ but then again, you always do!!!

02-01-2006, 11:34 AM
Thanks (((((Coaster)))))

02-01-2006, 01:50 PM

I tracked the plane you weren't on! LMFAO

02-01-2006, 03:09 PM
Welcome Home Darlin'!!! Glad to see you back with us. Oh and next time careful about wording your PS, you know WI almost broke his neck to read that part LMAO

02-01-2006, 04:19 PM
you know WI almost broke his neck to read that part LMAO

I'm waiting for the pictures. :D

02-01-2006, 04:22 PM
YEAH! :D I want LOTS of Lixy pictures. :p

......... and I want to see some from the trip too. :)

02-01-2006, 06:34 PM
The voices have spoken - we want photos!!!!!! :cool:

02-01-2006, 07:11 PM
I'm glad you enjoyed the resort - it's on my list of recommended Dallas sites ... it is simply magnificent. When I was living in the area, I took visitors there just to see the atrium area and such. Dealy Plaza is also amazing. I've only driven through the area, but it was strange to see all the markings on the road. I felt as if it should be completely closed to the public for the eery factor.

Please tell me you got to eat some of the best mexican (tex-mex) food in the world... please, please, please... only so that I can be incredibly jealous.

I just heard today that Dallas received rain over the weekend - and yes they are truly greatful for it.

02-02-2006, 04:32 PM
Welcome back, sweetie! Glad to see you survived those dangerous hairyplane thingies!! :) Ya know, if God meant us to fly, he'd've given us wings of!

(I often used to think that, just before I jumped out...... but I digress!)

What was I going to say then? Oh, yeah......

WHERE'S THE PIX?!?!?!?!?!?!?!