View Full Version : Hypnosis

10-23-2005, 09:47 AM
I was just reading through a paper and saw an advertisement for weight loss/smoking cessation through just one hypnosis treatment for a mere $40.

I'm curious have any of you been hypnotized? For the purpose of ending a habit? For entertainment? For another reason? Has it been successful?

10-23-2005, 10:08 AM
I was hypnotized. For entertainment. It was very successful. I think it could be done on a regular basis by someone who was professional and it help with breaking habits. That being said, I believe if you meditated and developed a routine and mantra, you could save the $40 a week and do it yourself.

10-23-2005, 10:48 AM
I was hypnotized to quit smoking on two seperate occasions...in those seminars where they hypnotize the entire audience all at once.

The first time...I knew I was under when I realized I was crying about something that the orator suggested we think about. After I realized I was aware that I was hypnotized I couldn't keep my mind off of the accent the woman had who was putting us under. It started to get more annoying than not and then I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying, but instead kept trying to figure out where she might be from. I tried, in all earnest, to take her suggestions to NOT SMOKE. When hubby and I "woke", we bought the tape to help us stay quit and layed in bed each night, for 3 nights in a row, listening to THAT voice tell us to relax...etc. On the 3rd night I jumped from bed and went down and opened a pack of cigs I still had laying around...and as I walked back upstairs, I found myself saying..."If you shut up and let me smoke this cigarette...I'll relax just fine!" Mr. Lixy asked me for a cig and he turned off the tape...never to listen to it again!

The second time, I learned from the first experience...so even before we payed for the seminar I went to talk to the orator. He had an American accent (not that I'm opposed to accents...but that I couldn't concentrate fore it the first time). It came time to "go under" and as relaxed as I was...I couldn't be hypnotized! We got our money back after the seminar (guaranteed) and went outside and lit up!

I keep thinking that I might do better at a one-on-one...over several visits...hypnotist, but haven't made that plunge to date! One bitten (twice in my case), twice shy I guess!

10-23-2005, 11:09 AM
I think this is a situation similar to what Lixy describes... a group hypnosis - and it's a "one time" shot. I thought about giving it a try for weight loss ... but I don't know that I could relax enough in a group setting to allow my self to be hypnotized.

10-23-2005, 11:11 AM
I went to a comedian hypnotist one time, I got pulled on stage and when I didn't actually go under I figured I would be sent off stage with the others that it didn't work on, the man pulled my shoulder to stay.....so...I had to act it out the whole time...hubby knew I wasn't under cuz I would look at him, but everyone else we were with thought I was..... It was a lot of fun tho---except for the man next to me talking to his penis!

10-23-2005, 01:08 PM
I am way too controlled for that, submitting to someone else's control.

Same mind-set that keeps me from drugs.

10-24-2005, 06:25 AM
And, not everyone tells you this but you shouldn't wear contact lenses when going to be hypnotized.

In order to get into that really relaxed state you'll have to close your eyes and look up...way up...way way up. The way you get as you are drifting off to sleep naturally, actually. With contact lenses in you'll have a tendency to adjust your lenses inside your closed eyes and it'll screw you up everytime. It shouldn't feel uncomfortable with a need to adjust anything. The more you are able to relax and follow instruction...the better the results.

10-24-2005, 01:02 PM
I was pulled up on stage at a hypnotism show at a fair and didn't 'go under' so they sent me off stage.