View Full Version : got milk?
10-21-2005, 04:09 PM
We just started getting milk delivered to our home. I didn't know there were still people out there doing that!
10-21-2005, 05:11 PM
we used to. i had no idea people did it either. i mean just milk...i know alot of grocery stores deliver...we even had a 'milk box' in the house i grew up in but now it's used for mail. it the same price as the store? and is that all you have delivered? or do you get all the groceries delivered?
10-21-2005, 05:31 PM
When I was a kid we had a milk delivery thing as a novelty for a bit. When my grandfather was in the process of passing away, the last conversation I had with him, he thought he was still the milkman and he was thinking back so fondly about it.
Teddy Bear
10-21-2005, 07:37 PM
My oldest dated a milkman very briefly. He started his route around 3:00am, which means he was ready to sleep mid-afternoon. Kinda hard to date and have any social life.
10-21-2005, 10:52 PM
Delivered milk was the norm when I was a child, and milk runs were sufficiently lucrative that
the milko always drove a new car and a milk run was worth about half the price of a modest house.
Then times changed.
Hmmmmmmm, full cream milk poured from the bottle on a frosty morning.
10-21-2005, 11:55 PM
Milk and extras?????
There's a lot of Hmmmmming at the moment.
10-22-2005, 09:13 AM
Hey! I am related to a milkman!
10-22-2005, 09:21 AM
Kind of a good/bad memory for me.
We had an older milkman for a long time. I liked him. He delivered Sealtest® milk...and bread, cakes, pie, cottage cheese, etc...(geezzzz I miss their Garden Style cottage cheese...mmmmmmm!)
My mom would allow him in for coffee from time to time. He was a sweet old guy and had lots of interesting stories that he'd tell us.
Then he retired and we got a younger milkman. Had him for nearly a year when he discovered I was pregnant (I was showing like crazy...and I was only 15). I guess he thought I might be easy since I was so young, yet pregnant. He came in one day to drop off our delivery and pulled me into his arms and tried to feel my breasts. I pushed him away and called for my mother. He left in a hurry! I told my mom what happened and she called Sealtest and we never saw that milkman again!
Hmmmmmmmmmmm...wonder what happened to that pedophile?
OMG...I just realized the correlation between the milkman trying to feel my breasts and the title of this thread! Oh...I am a sick pup!
Leaving now!
10-22-2005, 09:51 AM
I live in a small country town and had milk delivered up unto recently whem our milkman passed away, when we first started getting it delivered we found our milk cartons had holes in them, this went on for 6 months and finally i had enough and wrote a letter to the milkman and abused him for giving us cartons of milk with holes in them, did we piss you off i wrote, anyway the next morning i got the milk and there was a letter from him stating no we didnt piss him off and when he left the milk it didnt have any holes so he suggested someone was playing a trick on me, and yes the carton once again had holes in it, so i decided to get up early the next day and try and catch the smart arse that was putting the holes in my cartons.
next morning i got up and waited for the milkman and he arrived and left my milk out the front near the letter box as usual, abot 20 mins later it was getting light and i could see the carton very clearly now when a bloddy crow landed on my front lawn ran over to my milk an proceeded to peck holes in my carton, so i ran into the milkman the next day down in the main street and with a very red face i had to apologise for accusing him for the holes and i now no it was a bloody bird, he just laught and said he accept my apology
10-22-2005, 04:55 PM
we had milk delivered while living in Kan.City then moved to a small town and then went straight to the dairy for our milk. A whole different taste .
10-22-2005, 05:07 PM
I think my daughter in Indianapolis gets milk delivered. Kind of neat. Haven't seen that done in a long time. :)
10-23-2005, 11:08 AM
Up until a couple of months ago, we had our milk delivered to our house. The milkman retired, and we decided that we now pass by the store often enough to get it ourselves instead of getting the new milkman to come to our house. It did cost about 25 or 30 cents more on 4 litres than at the store.
10-24-2005, 06:45 AM
It's easy to compare the cost, but not the value. We're paying $2.32 per half-gallon, as opposed to $2.39 per gallon in the convenience stores (where it's cheaper than the $3.29 they charge in larger grocery stores). The benefit is that it's free of BGH.
Other items available that we haven't opted for delivery of include most any variation of a dairy product, eggs & OJ. We've looked into PeaPod, a grocery delivery service available through one of the larger chains in the area, and will probably try it just to see how it works out.
Oh this thread brought back memories. My grandma had milk delivered. Those glass bottles in a crate on the back step every few days. She would also get butter and eggs from them.
10-24-2005, 04:44 PM
I'd pay a ton to have BGH-free milk delivered. It would be worth the $$ to me.
10-24-2005, 07:29 PM
Ucky, I know which store uses Pea Pod out here, and that's not my favorite store. But, ya know, I observed that the convenience stores are considerably cheaper for milk than the grocery stores and I just don't understand that!
10-25-2005, 03:24 PM
We always had Anthony's milk delivered to the house when I was growing up...when they went out of business, that stopped...but before it did, I remember the punk kid across the street took it out on me because the milk truck ran over his the late '80s or early '90s Purity started offering home delivery again, I took that offer up, & as I recall, the prices weren't too far out of line with what I was paying at the grocery stores...
10-25-2005, 03:29 PM
Kind of a good/bad memory for me.
We had an older milkman for a long time. I liked him. He delivered Sealtest® milk...and bread, cakes, pie, cottage cheese, etc...(geezzzz I miss their Garden Style cottage cheese...mmmmmmm!)
My mom would allow him in for coffee from time to time. He was a sweet old guy and had lots of interesting stories that he'd tell us.
Then he retired and we got a younger milkman. Had him for nearly a year when he discovered I was pregnant (I was showing like crazy...and I was only 15). I guess he thought I might be easy since I was so young, yet pregnant. He came in one day to drop off our delivery and pulled me into his arms and tried to feel my breasts. I pushed him away and called for my mother. He left in a hurry! I told my mom what happened and she called Sealtest and we never saw that milkman again!
Hmmmmmmmmmmm...wonder what happened to that pedophile?
OMG...I just realized the correlation between the milkman trying to feel my breasts and the title of this thread! Oh...I am a sick pup!
Leaving now!
Yep .............. one sick pup .................. But we Love you anyway.
10-25-2005, 03:30 PM
Ucky, I know which store uses Pea Pod out here, and that's not my favorite store. But, ya know, I observed that the convenience stores are considerably cheaper for milk than the grocery stores and I just don't understand that!
Nobody's discovered that they change the expiration dates. :grin:
Actually maddy, the price discrepancy is something Mrs. WI & I caught on to a few years ago...when the price of milk shot up overnight. I don't quite understand why they can sell it for $1 less a gallon either but with a family of five milk drinkers...well, we go through a gallon a day and it adds up! Now that we're having a local dairy deliver milk, we're back to paying what the grocery stores charge.
I'm not crazy about Stop & Shop either, but have heard good things about PeaPod. I've actually been through the delivery center for Connecticut and it really is an impressive operation. Supposedly, they ship a better quality of meat and fresher produce because it's cheaper to provide you with a better product than it is to send the driver out to exchange one you're not happy with. I'll let you all know how it shakes out for us.
10-26-2005, 05:01 PM
I'd pay a ton to have BGH-free milk delivered. It would be worth the $$ to me.
it's sold in groceries here.
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