View Full Version : PF Can you check their math? Does this compute?

10-21-2005, 05:05 AM
I am posting this (http://www.timetravelfund.com/) cautiously, knowing some people may try to contribute for others. :D

10-21-2005, 09:34 AM
The math is right on compounding interest. I am working on a conversion table for what I expect to be the medium of exchange at our current rate of progress. I’m not certain how many baskets of corn and number of goats you’ll get for $39 Billion.

I like their plan very much. I just sent a request to them for a measly $563,871,982.31. If sending money TO these people can get me into the future, I figure them sending money to ME should get my into to past. According to their calculator, that should take be back about 413 years. I’ve gathered a bundle of wood and want to take it back in time to a party for Steph. I’m planning on meeting her in about 1692 :rolleyes2 ……………… in Salem, Mass. :hot:

10-21-2005, 01:46 PM
The math is right, but the basic is flawed.

The scheme requires the interest rate to be higher than the inflation rate consistently

over the 500 years.

What's the point of having a zillion bucks which will only buy a small ice-cream?

10-21-2005, 04:47 PM
....The scheme requires the interest rate to be higher than the inflation rate consistently over the 500 years...
And that’s before the bank’s “service charge”. You’re going into the future as an indentured servant. :rofl:

10-21-2005, 06:31 PM
That indenture will last for 700 yrs. plus interest. :devilish: