View Full Version : Stop Watching Hockey!!!

10-13-2005, 06:42 AM
and bend over for your birthday spankings!


:bday2: :spank:

10-13-2005, 06:57 AM
happy birthday!!!

10-13-2005, 07:24 AM

Happy birthday, madam. Have a great day! :wine:

10-13-2005, 09:19 AM

Happy Birthday!

Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your special day! :)

10-13-2005, 09:48 AM

10-13-2005, 09:59 AM
Happy birthday, SS! :cheers:

Great thread title, WI! :D

10-13-2005, 11:53 AM

10-13-2005, 04:11 PM
Happy Happy SS and may you have many more.

10-13-2005, 06:05 PM
Happy happy!

10-13-2005, 06:48 PM

One of Pixies most illustrious ladies;
and someone that's always been
a great friend.

Hope your day is the best ever, SS!

:x: and :hug:

10-13-2005, 07:48 PM
Happy Birthday!!! :x:

10-14-2005, 09:59 AM
But, WildIrish, I can watch hockey, *and* give SugarSprinkles her birthday spankings. :thumb:

10-14-2005, 04:17 PM

WI - What a fantastic subject line! It sure did get my attention in a hurry!
Thanks so much for noticing my birthday and posting this wonderful thread! If I was there right now I'd :hug: :x: you all over. ;)

wyndhy - Thanks so much hon!

jseal - Thank you very much, Sir. I appreciate your good wishes.

BIBI - Thanks lady! I had a nice day, talked to all my boys which was a great present.

Winston77 - Thanks so much!

Steph - Nice to hear from you. Thanks a bunch! And yeah, great title for the thread! But me stop watching hockey???? NEVER!!! :jump:

Aqua - Thanks so much, hon! :hug:

Scarecrow - Thanks, sweetie.......so nice to hear from you. I'd love to have more birthdays as long as I don't get any older. :D

bare4you - Thank you very much, hon. Much appreciated.

dicksbro - AWWWW.......thanks so much sweetie!! I do consider you a very good friend too. Sorry I haven't been around more lately. I do miss you, and all of my friends. Please give my best to the Mrs. :hug:

TT - Thanks girlfriend!! How you doing hon??

gekkogecko - You're absolutely right!! Nothing can stop us from watching hockey!! Shall I bend over now, or wait till later? ;)

10-16-2005, 08:39 AM

First...A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY SS! I'm soooooooooo sorry I am so late hun! I hope your day was wonderful and I wish for you fun, love, health and happiness in the cumming year...along with a lot of sexy stuff too! Love ya sweety! :x:

Second...The reason I am so late is because *ducks SS's flailing arms* I don't care about hockey and to tell me to stop watching it is like telling me I'll get burned if I jump into a bon-fire! In other words...the thread didn't seem like it pertained to anything I wanted/needed to know about so I passed it up till now. For some odd reason I got curious (<---I know...crazy, isn't it?), so I glanced my cursor over the title on the main page and nearly shit me fuckin trousers!

:nuts: to you WI!!!!! :rofl:

:bday2: SugarSprinkles

10-16-2005, 12:38 PM
:x: :hug: Thanks so much, hon. Better late than never, I always say. :rofl:
Now that I know why you didn't check the thread, all I need to know now is what's PF's excuse. :rofl: :rofl: I s'pose if it said something about SS's panties he'd have been here by now....or been to the other thread that jay-t started for me. Maybe I need Steph to take care of him for me, eh?

So how've you been lady? I haven't been here as much as I used to and really haven't kept up with everyone like I should. Thanks again for the belated b'day wishes. LOVE YA!! :x:

10-16-2005, 01:06 PM
I've got an idea to get PF in here...

Keep an eye on the new thread that pops up! (I'm so bad sometimes!)

I've been ok SS...just working too much is all! So, like you, I haven't been on (the puter) all too much either. How are you and yours? Gotta get together on IM soon, ya know? When, you ask? I don't know! LOL! *hugs n love*

jay-t started another thread for you????? OMG! I've gotta start perving more often!

10-17-2005, 01:34 PM
OMG! :faint:

I’ve been hiding in my bunker and didn’t even know it was daylight or WHAT day it is. I would have been here a lot sooner if I had seen the panties in my periscope. :lust:

I want you to think of the belated birthday wish as done on purpose so it event will last longer. :D (You know how I like it to last ;) )

:x: HAPPY all over ya lady :hug:

10-17-2005, 02:21 PM
'Bout time you showed up, PF!! :x: I was beginning to think you had me confused with Steph. :nuts: Hell, Steph even got here before you did........but then at least she appreciates HOCKEY and doesn't have to have a pair of panties dangled in front of her nose to get her attention. :spank:

Thanks for the belated wishes, hon. And yes it will just make my b'day last that much longer. And lasting longer is a very very good thing. :wiggles: :hug:

10-18-2005, 03:53 AM

First...A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY SS! I'm soooooooooo sorry I am so late hun! I hope your day was wonderful and I wish for you fun, love, health and happiness in the cumming year...along with a lot of sexy stuff too! Love ya sweety! :x:

Second...The reason I am so late is because *ducks SS's flailing arms* I don't care about hockey and to tell me to stop watching it is like telling me I'll get burned if I jump into a bon-fire! In other words...the thread didn't seem like it pertained to anything I wanted/needed to know about so I passed it up till now. For some odd reason I got curious (<---I know...crazy, isn't it?), so I glanced my cursor over the title on the main page and nearly shit me fuckin trousers!

:nuts: to you WI!!!!! :rofl:

:bday2: SugarSprinkles

What Lixy said!!!!!!!

I know nothing much at all about Hockey...... shoulda known WI didn't either!!

:bday2: SugarSprinkles......... nice to see your pics "pop up" again..... I'd forgotten how sexy they were! Love ya hun!!


10-18-2005, 08:33 PM
Thanks, dm, hon! Nice to hear from you. Hope everything is going well for you. I'm still on MSN if you ever feel like chatting.

And thanks for the comment about my 'ancient' pics. I sure was surprised to see them surface again.. Glad you enjoyed them again.