View Full Version : Non-Smokers NOT Welcome!!

10-11-2005, 12:50 AM
Don’t get me banned from Pixies. :mad:

If you are not a smoker, or were not a smoker for at least 20 years, stay the fuck out of this thread. :mad:




If you do, ……..I’ll be on you like a flying monkey with the screaming shits in banana harvest season, and then Lilith will get all pissed with me again and won’t believe I gave you warning. :hair:

Now for the societal lepers this thread IS intended for. I want a place where we can speak openly without having to dodge rocks of the righteous. I especially would like the Pixies that have posted their current wrestling with the beast, to be able to come here without fear of laughter or scorn. For us to talk before the Pharisees is like a dog talking to a fish, and not going to let us know what we each are finding in our personal dealings with the addiction.

Myself,……. It’s now almost a half century since I started puffing on the damn things. The first couple years was the typical smoke after school with the ‘cool’ guys and hiding my Luck Strike pack in the bushes. From about 15 on, I haven’t had a day without them except for one 30 day period that I took it serious and gave it the month I was told you needed to be cured. If there’s interest in this thread (FROM SMOKERS), I’ll be glad to openly share as we do with other parts of our personal life, here at Pixies.

10-11-2005, 01:55 AM
I was so young when I started, I'm embarrassed to say when I first took a serious puff. Suffice it to say it's been many, many moons. I think I used to like it at one time but I can't remember when that was. There are times here and there now when I truely enjoy it for a moment...but that is fleeting and few and far between.

The longest I ever quit was 2 months and Mr. Lixy will never forget it! He's a smoker too...but when we quit together it just didn't work. He cheated BTW...and still had his chew.

I'm sure I'll have more to contribute to this thread...but it's so damn early right now I can't think straight!

Nice to have a place to hang out though PF!

10-11-2005, 02:18 AM
It's a terrible thing smoking and you should quit and so should I ;)

Maybe we will one day........

I live in a city that disallows any smoking in any closed venue and even some open venues. I smoke in my home and in my car and outside. I am not anti social nor do I hamper the environment. Well at least not any more than the local industry, transportation pollution or air conditioners do....;)

I don't blow smoke in people's faces and I would never dream of smoking around a child unless outside. My family and social circle consists of mainly non smokers. Some have never smoked and some have quit. To those that have quit I admire and feel envious of, for I have quit so many times and failed that I have lost count.

I was born in the fifties and I grew up in a house with 4 smokers. My parents friends all smoked...it was the norm back then.

I started smoking at 16. It was so easy...not once did I cough or get a sore throat the first time I did it. I can only come up with one reason for this....I had been getting smoke all my life. Someone was always smoking in my house or a cigarette was burning in an ashtray. I was breathing it in right along with them and so it was natural for me physically and socially.

Neither of my kids smoke. I equate this to being educated on the bad affect it has on health, their father being a non smoking role model and the example I set time and time again not being able to quit. I also told them that one smoke is all it took for me to start and they have both told me that even though they wanted to try they were always afraid to start in case they couldn't stop.

That's enough for now! :)

10-11-2005, 03:59 AM
I was so young when I started, I'm embarrassed to say when I first took a serious puff. Suffice it to say it's been many, many moons.

I wonder if I'm an exception to the "rule" of starting young? I grew up (with my younger sister) in a house where my mum didn't work and smoked all day. (Still does, and she's 71 now). My sis and I always used to be on their backs about it, telling them it was bad for them, and for us, and the smell was horrible etc. etc. etc. Unlike most of my peers, I never even wanted to try smoking when I was at school, that's how much I hated it.

Then... I went to college. STILL didn't smoke, as such, only *ahem* 'herbal' ones. At nineteen, joined the army. THAT was it! Hooked. After I got my Medical Discharge (f*cked knee, no good for a paratrooper!!) I gave them up for the one and only time, nearly 2½ years. Started again when I worked in a golf club bar - SO quiet and boring at lunchtimes, I had to have something to do!!! STOOPID, or what?!?!?!

So, now I smoke a LOT (30+ a day :( ) and we have a smoking ban in ALL public places starting in March next year. Not just shops and such, but pubs and bars too, just like in Ireland a couple years ago. I work for the NHS here, and they part-fund my car - apparently, they will be banning smoking in all Health Board properties next year (understandable) INCLUDING lease cars when used for business, (okaaay, they pay part of it, so I can live with that - not!) BUT..... for those of my colleagues who use their own cars - bought, insured etc. by THEM, they're saying those people can't smoke in their cars either!! WTF?!?! Talk about erosion of civil liberties!

/me kicks soapbox outta the way.

Anyway, back to the topic (kinda). Do I want to quit? Yes! Can I? Nope. I read Lixy's reply in that other thread, about trying to quit. I've tried God knows how many times, never managed more'n a few days. My dad quit 5 years ago, just like that - mind you, he did have a Stroke and spent six weeks in hospital. Dr's told him any more cigs would kill him next time, and he's never lit another one. It'll probably take something like that to get ME to quit!!


I just read all that back, and it seems to ramble a bit..... but WTF, huh? :)


10-11-2005, 04:53 AM
It was such a trivial little thing. All I had to do was refuse. And I knew full well just what I was doing. Yet, I did it anyway. So began the journey.

I started smoking around the age of eleven. Like PF, by the time I was fifteen, cigarettes were a daily fixture in my life. Camels by preference although when money was tight Pall Malls would do, because they were longer.

At one point in my life I became convinced that I should and could quit. Went to my doc, and plunked my money on the table. Came away with the strongest patches that you could get even with a prescription. Better living through chemistry, doncha know? By the time that I was through, I was wearing a patch on both shoulders simultaneously and smoking twice as much as I did before. I had to quit quitting, because it damned near killed me.

10-11-2005, 04:59 AM
I smoked for 20 years, and gave it up because I'm CHEAP.

Smoke doesn't bother me socially and I feel that this anti-smoking movement is part of a bigger holier-than-thou plot.

The taxes a smoker pays for his/her indulgence would more than cover their social cost later.

10-11-2005, 06:08 AM
I started at 16 with a girl friend because we thought we were so cool of course. That was 23 years ago and I smoked everyday until three weeks ago. I even smoked while pregnant. Lived with my parents at the time and would run in my room and take a drag or two and put it out real fast so no one would catch me. One of my shining memories. rolleyes2

I have an addictive personality. Cigarettes, drugs, food, have all been a monkey on my back that I have been trying to get off for years and years. Got the drug thing taken care of a long time ago. Working on the weight *down 40 lbs in almost 6 months* and am now becoming a non smoker.

It’s so damn hard! That first week I was so sick. I swear I had every withdrawal symptom there is. Having hubby still smoke and seeing them in ashtrays and the packs on the counter have been a huge temptation. Yeah I have picked them up, I have even lit them and taken a drag or two and then put them out real fast.

I worry everyday that I will fail and start back up again. I do have some really big motivation going on in my life that I pray keeps me from caving in. I have to be a non smoker now and I’m certainly going to give it all I got.

Thanks PF for this thread :x: It is almost impossible for non smokers to understand this struggle. I wish you would all lay them down and stop. But, I certainly am not going to throw stones if you don’t. I’m too damn busy keeping my hands off them myself to worry about anyone else at the moment. :hair:

10-11-2005, 07:23 AM
My parents both smoked when I was young and one day my mom up and quit. I can't remember why she quit but she never went back. My dad on the other hand started when he was young I think 12 but can't rememeber. Back in "91" my father passed away from throat cancer, the smoking had caught up to him, he was 77.

As for me, well I tried a cig in high school once but did'nt care for it so never started at that time. It tool several years for me to start. I was managing a convenience store at age 27 and got stressed out so turned to those pretty colorfull foil packs. Somedays I think about it and can't beleive it's been 12 years already, don't seem like it. I did quit when I was pregnant, but could'nt wait until I could smoke again.

I have respect for non-smokers and someday I will quit. Congrats to those of you that have quit!! Yes I know smoking is bad for me.....but so are alot of other things. I may have not been smoking for 20 years or more but I posted to this thread anyway!!! /me sticks my tongue out at PF!!!

Hi...my name is sdls and I smoke.

10-11-2005, 09:12 AM
It was such a trivial little thing. All I ne point in my life I became convinced that I should and could quit.Went to my doc, and plunked my money on the table. Came away with the strongest patches that you could get even with a prescription. Better living through chemistry, doncha know? By the time that I was through, I was wearing a patch on both shoulders simultaneously and smoking twice as much as I did before. I had to quit quitting, because it damned near killed me.

Now if you are not proof in the pudding that smoking is an addiction and not just a "bad habit" I don't know what else would be convincing to the masses! :x:

10-11-2005, 09:20 AM
BTW.... PF....you never can tell. This thread may just inspire some to try to quit and that would be a darn good thing! ;)

10-11-2005, 09:25 AM
I started at 16 with a girl friend because we thought we were so cool of course. That was 23 years ago and I smoked everyday until three weeks ago. I even smoked while pregnant. Lived with my parents at the time and would run in my room and take a drag or two and put it out real fast so no one would catch me. One of my shining memories. rolleyes2

I have an addictive personality. Cigarettes, drugs, food, have all been a monkey on my back that I have been trying to get off for years and years. Got the drug thing taken care of a long time ago. Working on the weight *down 40 lbs in almost 6 months* and am now becoming a non smoker.

It’s so damn hard! That first week I was so sick. I swear I had every withdrawal symptom there is. Having hubby still smoke and seeing them in ashtrays and the packs on the counter have been a huge temptation. Yeah I have picked them up, I have even lit them and taken a drag or two and then put them out real fast.

I worry everyday that I will fail and start back up again. I do have some really big motivation going on in my life that I pray keeps me from caving in. I have to be a non smoker now and I’m certainly going to give it all I got.

Thanks PF for this thread :x: It is almost impossible for non smokers to understand this struggle. I wish you would all lay them down and stop. But, I certainly am not going to throw stones if you don’t. I’m too damn busy keeping my hands off them myself to worry about anyone else at the moment. :hair:

We are all behind you Tess...

Kudos to you. Only another smoker knows the hell you go through when you stop smoking......I admire the commitment that you have made to yourself! :)

10-11-2005, 09:29 AM
I got my parents to quit smoking. I had a dream when I was 10 or so and in that dream I smoked. I woke up practically crying and said, "I ruined my perfect record!"

I was at a party when I was 13 and had my first puff. Somehow, I managed to swallow the smoke. I prevailed, though ( :rolleyes2) and have now smoked for almost 20 freaking years and I'm only 31.

I haven't tried to quit since I was 17 and that was for only a day or so. I tried to cut down a couple of years ago when I was broke but that didn't last, either.

I love smoking and am not ready to quit.

10-11-2005, 10:12 AM
I just read all that back, and it seems to ramble a bit..... but WTF, huh?

That's exactly why I started this thread. Our ramblings are not something that anybody but another smoker would understand. I’m not going to say who, …but I've already gotten a note from somebody that doesn't understand why, and thinks it’s frogshit, that I want to “segregate Pixies”. ;)
It’s not about debating any of the points that we already know TOO well. I have as much insight into having a baby as a non-smoker has about an addiction. I know that I can only listen to what it is to give birth and will never KNOW what that is about. I’m only hoping to find out how alone I may be in the world that the non-smokers have made plain we don’t have a place in.

My hat is off to anybody that is wanting to get the pack out of their life and my experience with the addiction is all I have to offer here. The closest thing I’ve been able to put into words that another person could equate to the craving is one of an underwater swimmer. Anybody that has done any skin diving or even just swam underwater often, knows the feeling of running out of air. Nobody thinks they can suddenly breath water, but after you have completely used all the oxygen in your system and are going for the surface, your body says “BREATH IN!”. You get that last few seconds while you are exhaling the exhausted breath because your body says that’s part of the process. Then you have the DEMAND to ‘breath in’ in spite of any intelligence you have about the fact water is not what you need or want. People do not drown and have their lungs full of water because they are weak or believe that can breath the water. I found it much the same for me when my nicotine alarm goes off. That’s about all I can share right now, as to what the addiction has been for me.

10-11-2005, 12:24 PM
Remember what happened the last time someone told me I wasn't allowed somewhere?

click here (http://www.pixies-place.com:81/forums/showpost.php?p=1013248&postcount=38)

10-11-2005, 12:56 PM
Remember what happened the last time someone told me I wasn't allowed somewhere?

click here (http://www.pixies-place.com:81/forums/showpost.php?p=1013248&postcount=38)

I'm sure PF didn't mean you WI. :x:

10-11-2005, 01:02 PM
I'm sure PF didn't mean you WI. :x:
I don't know what he does in the 'HUT",:rolleyes2 ...... but he's got to smoke in here if I have to set him on fire. :devilish:

10-11-2005, 01:42 PM
Don't worry...I won't hijack anything, I just hate being excluded.

Maybe if each side understood the other a little better, more people would be tolerant of the cause & effects of legislature considered and passed. I like to think we're much more sensitive and understanding with each other than those who are making decisions for the faceless masses. Decisions that impact real people.

Not to in any way attempt to justify my being here, but I watched my father smoke all my youth. He smoked and he foolishly thought he was hiding it from us, while telling us "If I ever catch you smoking, I'll break your legs". A move that I always thought was completely hypocritical has now had a new light shown upon it, and I see it as an embarassed man trying to threaten his children in an attempt to protect them from something that had a tight grip on him.

He did manage to quit. One evening, about 16 years ago, he left my apartment after coming over for dinner, and went home to fall down the stairs. He was taking the dog out and going for his last smoke of the evening. His new slippers didn't have any tread, and he tumbled head first down the stairs, shattering his elbow and breaking his forearm in three places. A month in the hospital undergoing five major surgeries to install pins, needles, plates and screws really cramped his ability to smoke. He took advantage the restrictions placed upon him...and was able to shake it for good. He's 16 years without, and still has yet to admit he ever smoked.

I've learned by being able to read your posts, and was able to apply it to my own history with my father, and for that I'm grateful. I just wish I didn't have to sneak in.

10-11-2005, 01:48 PM

Allright........which one of you stole my lighter!!!!!! LOL

10-11-2005, 02:29 PM

Allright........which one of you stole my lighter!!!!!! LOL

It was WI.....he lighting candles for the ladies in the hut :rofl:

10-11-2005, 03:57 PM
Don’t get me banned from Pixies. :mad:

If you are not a smoker, or were not a smoker for at least 20 years, stay the fuck out of this thread. :mad:




I think this thread is fine. I think wanting to talk about your addiction with other smokers without non-smokers butting in is fine.

RUDELY telling me or anyone else in the Pixies' family we can not post here is NOT fine.


10-11-2005, 04:22 PM
Ok that is fine. <pause> You don't want me to be here. Because of the new law I can't be here if I am going to do that. <pause>I understand that you find it highly offensive, and it stinks, and it is a hazard to your health. <pause> Oh? It is also dirty? Yes, I agree! <pause> I really think it is awful when some people just throw their butts out a window and on the ground too. I don't do that you see. <pause> Oh? You thought that all smokers were inconsiderate? That is too bad. Do you think all people of color live on welfare too? <long pause> No? That's good because they don't. <pause> Oh, I see - smokers infringe on your right to breath fresh air. <pause> Oh.. no, I wouldn't want you to breath in second hand smoke. <pause> I agree, second hand smoke is bad for your health. <pause> Yes. You should be able to eat a meal in a resturant without having to walk though a haze. <pause> Really? You won't let your kid stay at a best friends house because a parent smokes? <pause> Oh, that parent smokes outside and not in the house. <pause> Setting a bad example? I see. <pause> Yes, death from smoking is horrible. <pause> No I didn't see the pictures <pause> The hospital bill was how much? <pause> No insurance? <pause> No, not all smokers are without adequate insurance coverage. <pause> Really? You believe that hospital rates are sky high because of smokers? <pause> No. I didn't know that you could tell if someone smokes because of the wrinkles on their face.


OH! Are you alright? (Helps back into seat) <pause>

OK. I understand. <pause> Yes it is difficult sometimes. <pause> I am afraid not. <angry pause> Well, you have passed your limit. <really angry pause> No. <sorry pause> It is alright. I will call a cab for you...........................
I am trying to quit. It is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I know the ramification of the choice I made many years ago. Not only do I have to deal with that, I am dealing with being treated like shit by those who do not understand the addiction. This is not an excuse. I would love to be able to quit "just like that". I am tired of getting "picked on". Some may say that is not so, but....that is how I feel.

And - my 2 cents (I am going to say what I feel and then I will let it go). PF mentioned in a post that he received a PM about it not being good to "segregate" those Pixies who do not smoke from posting in this thread as he wanted to create a "safe haven" so to speak for those of us who want to talk about it without feeling as if we were being ostrasized (sp) or put in a defensive mode about the addiction. He may not have said it as gently as he should have though.. :( My cig addiction isn't so intense that I HAVE to have a cigerette every 1/2 hour. There are some people who do have it that bad. Because of that addiction, they cannot go into certain resturants, can't go to a movie theater, can't go to an opera, can't go to a city park, can't go to an outdoor concert, hell - some of those people can't even live in certain cities in Iowa! In some cases smokers aren't going to be able to obtain employment with certain companies! Get what I am trying to say? So, for those of you who feel "left out" or segregated I am sorry. It is a terrible feeling isn't it?

But I still love you all... :x:

10-11-2005, 04:25 PM
..... I just wish I didn't have to sneak in.
I wish you didn’t too. :rolleyes2

You are the second of what I consider a close Pixie friend that has expressed a feeling of unfair exclusion. While I can’t say that there must be a small feeling of satisfaction in being able to go to a place without the non-smokers scourge of superiority, that truly is not my intent or desire for starting this thread. It is hard enough to accept, let alone admit to an impassioned public, something you would like to be different and is something they just CAN NOT know without going there.

I happen have a current friend for the past 11 years that I hold among the hand full of ‘close friends’ throughout my life. Five weeks ago I was in his wedding and the only white face among 300 people. We have been partners in our little DJ business for seven years and have shared many things together from work (neither of our primary jobs), cookouts, Thanksgiving dinners and the birth of his daughter. I’ve been accepted buy his friends and closer to the real "black culture” than perhaps the majority of Caucasians. The one thing I do feel certain of is that I will never know what it is to live a life as a black person.

The deepest experience I’ve had along this line was when I was about 17 and came home late and tried to sneak in the back door. I must have been doing fine until I heard my mother sobbing in the dark living room. I guess being the eldest of seven, I was the first one she felt the need to see was safely in before she could sleep. When you see your mothers teared face for the first time it leaves an impression. The panic feeling turned to confusion when she said “I’m fat!” through a chocked back sob that was more of a moan and shutter than a sound. It seems our bathroom scale only went to 250 pounds and wouldn’t answer the question for the 4’ 11” lady that cooked three meals a day for a family of 10 and two boarders.

I’m 5’ 9” tall and weigh in at 162 pounds now and knew that night there would be things and places I could not go, no matter the deepest want or desire to help and understand something outside myself.

I have stated here over the years that my personal opinion regarding the subject of abortion is something that I, nor any other male of the specie, has ANY RIGHT to EVER make a judgement about it. It is purely in that same view that I offered a corner for one place I HAVE gone and CAN understand the frustration of an addiction that brings the wrath of social swing.

I have to go now and pack up 50 years of butts that I've been saving. I have a box coming with the address of where I should send them :jump:

10-11-2005, 04:35 PM
...RUDELY telling me or anyone else in the Pixies' family we can not post here is NOT fine.

Then post away. YOU tell me what I and others smokers need to know.

10-11-2005, 04:37 PM
i'm a non smoker now,i needed the fag money for my other addiction Hi-Fi,so
i understand smokers problems,my house is non smoking unless guests smoke,ashtrays are provided,here in ontario public buildings are all non smoking,but if you want to open a bar,when you apply for the liquor license you have to agree to sell at least three brands of cigarettes,hypocrisy from our bleeding heart liberal govenment :faint:

10-11-2005, 05:10 PM
I have been a smoker all my adult life. I feel like a second class citizen and if non-smokers (or reformed smokers worse yet) have their way, those of us that do smoke will have to resort to sneaking behind the barn like we did when we were kids. The current attitude towards smoking reminds me of the period leading up to prohibition (and we all know how well that went don't we). Tax me all you want. Over-taxing a substance like tobacco in an effort to get people to stop is just another way for the socialists in our society to try and get their claws into my life. I know it is killing me, I've seen the photographs and know it was one of the chief reasons my dad passed away some years back. I am an adult though and can make my own choices. If I want to smoke I will - just don't come into my life and try to regulate it with your values. My values work just fine for me and it is one of the vices I have in my life that I enjoy. Now when I am on my death bed suffering from some lung disease you can come and laugh at me and say I told you so - but until then, please leave me and my cigarettes alone thank you very much! Hope I didn't offend anyone, but I have some pretty strong opinions on the subject as you can tell. Thanks for the thread - just what the doctor ordered!

10-11-2005, 05:25 PM
WI and Aqua seem to be the type of person that would go somewhere ie bar
for smokers,then complain that people are smoking in there

10-11-2005, 05:54 PM
I smoked for 20 years, and gave it up because I'm CHEAP

I am not cheap...YET!

I am frugal. That's why I smoke the cheap brand ;)

10-11-2005, 06:07 PM
WI and Aqua seem to be the type of person that would go somewhere ie bar
for smokers,then complain that people are smoking in there
We have a lot in common, WI and I, and if you'd actually read our posts in that thread you might realize neither of us are complaining about smoking. WI posted of his experience with his Dad's smoking and I didn't talk about smoking at all. I stated that it was not fine to be so rude in stating this was a thread for smokers.

Bottom line... you are incorrect on your assumptions concerning both of us.

10-11-2005, 06:16 PM
WI and Aqua seem to be the type of person that would go somewhere ie bar
for smokers,then complain that people are smoking in there


This thread is not about flaming anyone like that! This thread, though could turn into a venting thread, is not a place for comments like that. Aqua and WI are 2 of the many very understanding people I know here on Pixies and your comment is very unjustified!

blkcat - you don't like being pigeonholled into a certain stereotype because you smoke and those who do not smoke like it less. I, for one, would like to see you apologize to them both.

10-11-2005, 06:42 PM
Been thinking about this thread all day! I knew there'd be the ones who would be offended by being told not to come in! I KNEW some would say it's wrong to start this thread! I knew it...and I am not disappointed!

Those who feel excluded? WELCUM TO OUR WORLD!

It sucks...don't it? You have no rights or a right to make an opinion! Do you feel a bit shunned? Good! I feel that every day of my life! Does it make you angry that we "took over" and you had no say in it? GOOD! I feel that way everyday!

That said...I'll add my disclaimer here. I love everyone here at Pixies! I've never wanted to shun or deviate from you...by this thread or any other thread I started or replied in. It's just the nature of the beast! Smoking sparks segregation. I didn't spark it...I just follow the rules!

Here's my story Fats Man (<---An excerpt from the movie Weird Science)...

I was a six year old child...yes, I said six! I saw Daddy and Mommy smoking and I wanted to mimick them. I picked up their butts from the ashtray and went into the woods with my tiny friends. We all lit up. Coughed our fucking brains out and two of my friends puked. I wish (now) that I had puked. I wanted to...but held back so I could get this thing down to a science. I was six...remember?

I sucked at doing this grown-up thing...but I was determined! It wasn't till I was seven years old till I could inhale and let it out without having the "pukey feeling". Dad and Mom smoked Pall Mall®...a filterless cig...so it was that much more tough to get the hang of it. Anyone know me as a quitter? I never quit trying till I got it...then I was the coolest of the bunch!

Cigarettes cost about $.35 around then...and I could make that and more in allowance (Dad still lived with us and we still got an allowance back then). Kids could buy cigs with no questions asked...so who cared?

OK...so I was seven years old and I started inhaling. Haven't stopped but for the two months I mentioned in another thread! I am fourty seven now. Do the math!

I've quit crank (meth)! Did it intraveneously for nearly a year (coulda been longer...days blended together)...and quit it...cold turkey...no outside help...NEVER to do it again! I smoked pot. Can go years without it (though I puff every now and then...ain't opposed to it...never felt addicted to it)! I did "free" coke...cause the guys I knew thought I looked like I needed a line...and quit it...no looking back! The worst thing to quit for me was the crank. It was truely an addiction...though I didn't now it till I tried to get away. But I did it...and I can't stand it now. Mr. Lixy had a prescription anti-allergy med called Flonase® <sp?> and it smelled like he just snorted a line of crank and I nearly puked when kissing him (his nasal passages were filled with it and he agreed...it was crank like). Needless to say...he went back to O.T.C. meds so we could kiss without me running for the bathroom...lol!

I watched my brother "nod and puke" from heroin and still want more when he came down...but I never tried it because I HATED my artistic and intelligent brother go from that to a slug in a flash of my eye! I had the warning!

I NEVER had the warning when I tried to mimick my Dad and Mom!

I know the warnings NOW...but I was seven years old for shitthefuckhells sake...when I started this addiction!

Oh Gawd! Get me off this fucking soapbox!

*jumps down to light a smoke*

10-11-2005, 06:56 PM
Ok...i know i shouldn't be here...but well i am *LOL*

I was a smokers for many years(50 cigs+/day), i beat my addiction,

Do not say that i do not understand the addiction........Do not tell me i feel superior...Do not asssume i want all smoking outlawed...Do not assume that i believe smokers should be segregated....Do not assume i believe you should not be able to have smoking establishments (ie bars and pubs)....Do not tell me that i have to breathe in second hand smoke and that it wont hurt me, if i choose not to...Do not assume i believe smokers to be second class people...and definately do not assume i am worst because i am a reformed smoker!

Seems to be quite a bit of stereotyping going on here...not only by the non smokers, the reformed or yes definately the still smoking

10-12-2005, 01:16 AM
WELL!!! ………………….. Wasn’t THAT fun? :jump:

Sure surprised me by the people I upset. :D

Rattling the cage of a good friend, a couple sharp guys, and two mods (well mixed together) was not quite my original intent. :D

I don’t feel comfortable, or recommend anybody else, posting any further personal information or matters of a serious nature. :D Perhaps keeping Pixies to the intended sex and jokes associated with a web site users name is a safer way to go. :wiggles:

I’ve requested this thread be locked and allowed to sink from pedestrian view.

Fun and games will be enough for me. :jester:

10-12-2005, 03:56 AM
I did enjoy reading the points of veiw and the seriousness of it....i just didn't like being pigeonholed nor the assumptions that we reformed and non smokers cannot add anything of value

10-12-2005, 06:19 AM
*passes out breath mints* I think it's time for a big Pixie group hug :grope:

Hey who is touching my ass!! :D

10-12-2005, 06:31 AM
WI and Aqua seem to be the type of person that would go somewhere ie bar
for smokers,then complain that people are smoking in there

You obviously haven't read one single thing I've ever posted, but thanks for not letting that get in the way of judging me anyway.

PF - As I said before, I appreciated the content of this thread and was able to put it to good use. I objected to your vehement opposition to my entering. You all want to compare that to how a smoker feels? I don't think it's similar. It's more like having a family member slam the door on you when you show up for Thanksgiving Dinner.

I don't think this thread should be buried at all. I think it's a great idea and a great topic. I also think it's a useful tool.....yes lixy...I said "tool" :D. I said my piece and those who know me understand what I mean by it.

10-12-2005, 07:25 AM
Well PF you sure did start something!!
I am not surprised at the upset you caused cos its a very emotive subject. Personally I am fed up being treated as a leper by friends and family just cos I smoke.
For what its worth I think the original idea for the thread was a good one!! :x:

10-12-2005, 09:29 AM
Tingling Tess's ass!:D Now that's something I find 'SMOKEN'. :boink:

:jester: :grin: :jester:

10-12-2005, 10:07 AM
Well PF you sure did start something!!
I am not surprised at the upset you caused cos its a very emotive subject. Personally I am fed up being treated as a leper by friends and family just cos I smoke.
For what its worth I think the original idea for the thread was a good one!! :x:

I was thinking of starting a thread on a REALLY emotive subject......

..... well, weird anyway. Does anyone know if birds (avian type, for any brits here!!) fart?


10-12-2005, 12:42 PM
I only know that the non-avian type do. :dizzy:


10-12-2005, 04:40 PM
*passes out breath mints* I think it's time for a big Pixie group hug :grope:

Hey who is touching my ass!! :D

oooooooooooops :faint:

10-12-2005, 06:49 PM
Remember what happened the last time someone told me I wasn't allowed somewhere?

click here (http://www.pixies-place.com:81/forums/showpost.php?p=1013248&postcount=38)

Last I checked, he's moved from fifth to third. :D

10-13-2005, 01:55 AM
Don't bother locking the hut door. They'll just *HUFF and PUFF* and blow the house down. :rofl:


10-13-2005, 05:00 AM
Blow?? Did you say blow?

10-13-2005, 12:12 PM
Oh where do they go,those smoke rings I blow each night? Puff,puff puff your cares away.....The Mills Brothers

10-13-2005, 06:10 PM
*passes out breath mints* I think it's time for a big Pixie group hug :grope:

Hey who is touching my ass!! :D

Sorry - that was me I think....

10-14-2005, 10:31 PM
Oh where do they go,those smoke rings I blow each night? Puff,puff puff your cares away.....The Mills Brothers

LMAO...The Mills Brothers

How smooth those guys were....

10-15-2005, 12:31 AM
One thing I will say about the smoking bans in bars -- I'm smoking less. I went out for a coupla beers tonight and noticed a bunch of people were coming out to smoke the second half of a cigarette. I do the same thing now. If we were smoking in the bar, we'd be smoking waaaaaay more than half a smoke every beer or so. The ashtrays would be overflowing.

That being said, I'll probably drink less in bars in the cold weather and that'll affect many bar owners in the 'hood.

10-16-2005, 12:49 PM
WI? You also said "piece"! :D I get ya hun! :x:

Wasn't gonna post here anymore cause it really is a topic that get's my panties in a bunch (<---waiting...waiting...I know I won't be disappointed with that expression expressed)...!

Anyway...as to what WI said about the feeling of going to family member's home on Thanksgiving and getting the door slammed in his face...I HAVE to disagree with the analogy *ducks the wrath*.

It's really nothing like that with smokers WI. Least where I am anyway. Firstly, even if someone tells me I can smoke in their house...unless everyone is smoking I just don't do it! I go to an appropriate or designated area, ie: outside or in a garage or smoking area. I am more concerned for, what may be, the minority of non-smoker's around and I can just as easily go outside to smoke. My decision...even if I have permission to light up. I do it at my in-laws all the time. My father-in-law smokes and my mother-in-law doesn't and she insists she doesn't mind if we smoke inside. Matter of fact she yells at me when I get up to go out to the garage. Every now and then I hear this cough she has, that she swears isn't from second hand smoke...just that her throat is dry. I believe she thinks that...but I will not contribute to it's intensity. But that's not the only reason why. My father-in-law smokes inside but you wouldn't know it for how clean the house is and the air smells. I don't want to make their home yucky! Myself and Mr. Lixy smoke in our home and I see what the smoke does to the walls and curtains etc. It takes me twice as long as a non-smoker to clean my house thoroughly and I have to do it more often (a really intense cleaning) than a non-smoker would too! Another aspect/residual effect of smoking I hate with a purple passion!

But secondly...and more to the point...

When I go out to a public venue and am told I can't smoke...I either chose to go in or not. That's MY choice! That there are places/counties/whole cities that are smoke-free zones now...even outside, in the open air...on a council board's mandatory ban that you or I had no say in...well...where does it end? How much would you take of someone telling you that you CANNOT do something you have done for years (let's take masturbating for example :rofl: I'd call that an addiction...no?), even if you are alone and in your own backyard or bedroom...away from anyone who would be offended by it? Maybe that doesn't compare to smoking...but you get my gist about the infliction of an authoritative rule that shouldn't even apply to you if you aren't harming anyone, don't you?

I can't find an example of something that would hit home to those opposed if they've never had someone tell them that they have no say over something they've always done and now are slowly being shunned and treated childlike, with no option but to bend to the rules till they get so ridiculous and infringe on your rights far beyond what any authority has a right to impose! (<---whew! I'm outta breath!...<---little smoker's joke there...lmfao)!

I can take the rules! I can follow them to a tee! I can choose to go in or choose to stay out. I am polite about my addiction and I don't impose it on anyone else! I am a mature adult and I know what is proper and what isn't.

You've gone too far if you start telling me that I cannot smoke within 1 mile of your establishment! Hey! Merck, the drug company, has that rule in place...don't doubt it! Who the fuck is it hurting if I am 3/4 miles away from your freakin building, in my car, no one else on the road, and I am smoking? It's getting regodamndiculous I tell you!

My biggest objections to all those who are making the rules are...WHO DIED AND MADE YOU BOSS OF THE WORLD? How far are you going to push us? OK...if we all stopped smoking today...where will you make up for the lack of revenue that you'll be missing when the "sin taxes" aren't there anymore?
And where does it all end? How far into my personal life is still keeping within my right to privacy? And who the fuck voted for you anyway? (<---had to add that cause I never voted for any of these assholes who are standing on their holier than thou ground).

In essence...PF putting that moniker on the front door didn't keep anyone out who chose to peek in out of curiousity. You have that right! That you spoke up and got smashed down...well...now you know how we (smoker's) feel. And the more you (non-smoker's) try to sway our view and impose more and more ludicrous rules...the madder we get and the more we try to fight back. Know when enough is enough! Trust that we already know smoking isn't all that healthy! HELP us to find an absolute way to quit! Don't keep slapping us on the fanny and putting us in the corner and making us pay through the nose for something that truely isn't our fault (those who started smoking BEFORE all the warnings and disclosure of man-made addiction inflicted by the cigarette companies themselves).

For those of you who start smoking in this day and age of all the warnings...SHAME ON YOU!!!!! :spank: Don't do it! Your life will suck fore it and sooner or later you'll be buying cigs from the black market due to prohibition! Look up the days of alcohol prohibition and see what I mean.

*wonders if that was enough words for the day while jumping off the soapbox*


10-16-2005, 01:07 PM
I read something briefly about Vancouver banning smoking OUTSIDE! :mad:

10-16-2005, 01:27 PM
In essence...PF putting that moniker on the front door didn't keep anyone out who chose to peek in out of curiousity. You have that right! That you spoke up and got smashed down...well...now you know how we (smoker's) feel. And the more you (non-smoker's) try to sway our view and impose more and more ludicrous rules...the madder we get and the more we try to fight back. Know when enough is enough! Trust that we already know smoking isn't all that healthy! HELP us to find an absolute way to quit!
Smashed down...but why did we?

We are not the enemy the addiction/habit is

You think smoking is the only thing in this world that makes people feel like they are on the outer? Blah Toad Turds.....I deal with prejudice every day...and every day i tell myself they are only trying to help (and yep i get pissed too...but)....Isnt that what you yourself said you wanted?

The thing is and the sooner you learn it...We cannot help you quit!....You have to do it! And don't be telling me i dont know what i'm talking about either....as i said earlier....i beat my addiction/habit....and every other smoker can too...if they want to....and i mean REALLY REALLY want to

10-16-2005, 02:16 PM
Smashed down...but why did we?

We are not the enemy the addiction/habit is

You think smoking is the only thing in this world that makes people feel like they are on the outer? Blah Toad Turds.....I deal with prejudice every day...and every day i tell myself they are only trying to help (and yep i get pissed too...but)....Isnt that what you yourself said you wanted?

The thing is and the sooner you learn it...We cannot help you quit!....You have to do it! And don't be telling me i dont know what i'm talking about either....as i said earlier....i beat my addiction/habit....and every other smoker can too...if they want to....and i mean REALLY REALLY want to
What I meant by "smashed down" was that everyone in the thread who smoked got their back hairs up when anyone who didn't smoke came in here anyway and made a remark, even though they were told they shouldn't by the notice on the thread's title and it's initial content. In other words...it was in comparison to a smoker going into an establishment and lighting up and getting called on it, even though there was full notice upon entry that it was a non-smoking establishment. Ya know what I mean?

I know there are ex-smoker's who have done it successfully and with lots of effort and willpower! I know that you, Alassë, are one of those proud peeps (amoung many here at Pixies and in the world)...and I give you a standing ovation for that accomplishment!

I'm one of those peeps that hasn't been able to tackle that addiction though i have tried MANY times!

Contrary to your statement that "you" (meaning anyone aside from myself) cannot help me quit? Not true! The American Heart Association has hotlines and pamphlets, etc. set up to do just that...HELP! And...I've heard that the drug companies have in the making a pill that will help smoker's quit without the withdrawl symptons and weight gain usually associated with quitting! I'm hoping (in my weakness) that this is true and is coming soon!

I think to say that you can't help...it's been done before by many...is just a way of saying that you've done it the "hard way" and every smoker should have to feel your pain to appreciate the value (my opinion). I am of the thought that if I don't have to go through the agony of those who went before me...I would rather not! Same principal as natural vs. anesthetic child birth. I can't imagine why (unless medically suggested and necessary due to allergic reactions or something of that sort) a woman would want to choose natural childbirth if the drugs used are safe and guarantee a virtually pain free birthing process! Gimme the drugs!

So yes...I might be weaker than you in quitting. Ever think that maybe my reactions to withdrawl might be different and/or more severe than those who have actually been able to overcome? No two people are quite the same.

And ya know what? I never said I couldn't quit! I did say I suck at quitting and I haven't been able to make it stick! Oh hun...I quit real good, with every intention of really, really wanting to! If I could stay that way and never want to do it again...I'd have this beat...right? Lucky you for being one of the peeps that could!

10-16-2005, 02:41 PM
Smokers are people.
Smoking is a behavior.
That's why the signs say "no smoking" instead of "no smokers" as opposed to this thread. The idea usually being to discourage the behavior while still welcoming all people. Again as opposed to this thread.

10-16-2005, 03:26 PM
Smokers are people.
Smoking is a behavior.
That's why the signs say "no smoking" instead of "no smokers" as opposed to this thread. The idea usually being to discourage the behavior while still welcoming all people. Again as opposed to this thread.
Oh, I don't know Lil. People who smoke are still people...yet those who impose the rules push us further away with a non-smoking ban in a mandatory dimensional area...ie: Merck's ruling of a mile distance...or an area so far removed from an establishment that we have to brave the elements and risk our health further, such as a designated areas across the parking lot at the furthest side of said establishment...or, better yet, no consideration at all...no cans to outen the cigs, no area to go to so as not offend.

I think it's all semantics! I see a sign that says, "No Smoking" and I feel unwelcomed...but I will bite the bullet if all who I am with really want to go in. If I ever saw a sign that said, "No Smoker's", I would still have a choice and I'd still feel unwelcomed! The signs I usually see say, This is a non-smoking establishment. Smoking is prohibited and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law". Most of these places...yes, MOST of them...never supply a place to put out your butt before entering and/or a place to smoke that will not offend (ie: a lean-to, outside and away from the building) That to me says...WE DO NOT WELCOME SMOKERS!

It's semantics, I tell you!

What if you were suddenly told that peeing was only acceptable in a public establishment's bathrooms if you were drinking their beer or liquor along with eating their food (in other words...abiding by their house rules). What if you had always pee'd there before and it was your most favorite place to frequent. OK...so you have the choice to quit going there if you don't drink alcohol...or you can get a drink and hope they don't see you NOT drinking it if you really didn't want it...or you can get sloshed and pee to your hearts content. But, this particular place has set it up so that there is no alternative place to pee...like an outhouse. Don't you think it cuts off their nose to spite their face to not let you pee SOMEWHERE?

On the flip side...Moe's Place, down the road, has the same rules with the exception of an alternative place to pee. He has a "Spot-a-Pot" for men and women who don't drink just outside his back entrance...not too troublesome to get to, but far enough away to not offend those customers who have paid good money for a drink.

Who gets the better business?

It's semantics I tell ya!

10-16-2005, 03:46 PM
It might be semantics ... but last I checked the act of urinating in a public restroom didn't infringe upon the health of others.

I know I'm not supposed to be allowed here.

I'm sorry Lixy, I know you are defending yourself heart and soul, but I think you are missing the point of so many posts that are here. It appears you have already decided that those of us that don't smoke are pushing big brother's thumb down on your shoulder.

Taking two steps back to WI's reference of doors slamming in your face on Thanksgiving at a family's place. I understood his point to be the way in which PF presented this thread specifically stating that those of us who made the choice not to smoke are not allowed. Many have spoken of the pixies family (not in this thread necessarily) and to create a thread in which the very first post very pointedly, and in an angered tone tells us we are not welcome is like having your family suddenly slam a door in your face.

That I believe is the point Lil was trying to further iterate - in this thread we, non-smoking people, were told we were not allowed. No one has told you that you, a smoking person, can not go anywhere. Only that you are told you can't perform the act of smoking in certain places. You then make the choice to be offended and shunned and attach it as a judgement on you as a person. I don't interpret such signs in that manner.

I honestly don't see a resolution to this issue - as much as either side feels they are being empathetic and listening the other side is always willing to say, but you just don't know how it feels to be in my shoes.

10-16-2005, 06:22 PM
What I meant by "smashed down" was that everyone in the thread who smoked got their back hairs up when anyone who didn't smoke came in here anyway and made a remark, even though they were told they shouldn't by the notice on the thread's title and it's initial content

Backs were up before we (reformed/non smokers) even got there

Don’t get me banned from Pixies. :mad:

If you are not a smoker, or were not a smoker for at least 20 years, stay the fuck out of this thread. :mad:




If you do, ……..I’ll be on you like a flying monkey with the screaming shits in banana harvest season, and then Lilith will get all pissed with me again and won’t believe I gave you warning. :hair:

Now for the societal lepers this thread IS intended for. I want a place where we can speak openly without having to dodge rocks of the righteous.

That's exactly why I started this thread. Our ramblings are not something that anybody but another smoker would understand. I’m not going to say who, …but I've already gotten a note from somebody that doesn't understand why, and thinks it’s frogshit, that I want to “segregate Pixies”. ;) ..........

.............I’m only hoping to find out how alone I may be in the world that the non-smokers have made plain we don’t have a place in. ...........

Contrary to your statement that "you" (meaning anyone aside from myself) cannot help me quit? Not true! The American Heart Association has hotlines and pamphlets, etc. set up to do just that...HELP! And...I've heard that the drug companies have in the making a pill that will help smoker's quit without the withdrawl symptons and weight gain usually associated with quitting! I'm hoping (in my weakness) that this is true and is coming soon!

Regardless of all the aids available to assist giving up....YOU are still ultimately the one that needs to want to do it and need to have the will to see it through...No-one else can do that for you...Sitting there making excuses will not help you succeed (i know been there done that too)

I think to say that you can't help...it's been done before by many...is just a way of saying that you've done it the "hard way" and every smoker should have to feel your pain to appreciate the value (my opinion). I am of the thought that if I don't have to go through the agony of those who went before me...I would rather not!

Then you think wrong!

If there is a way you can do it without the mood swings and crap i went through...then i wish you all the luck in the world

Just remember

Everytime we Non smokers/Reformed attempt to help all we get for our trouble is the *you dont understand your picking on us* crap or the your a reformed smoker and you're the worst

If smokers honestly want help...then it is up to them to reach for it and make the most of what IS available to them

10-16-2005, 08:49 PM
OK, I didn't read the last few well-reasoned posts but I'm just posting now to give props to Lixy. It's tough to be a smoker & she gave up stuff & I gave up some stuff & we can't stop smoking.

Again, props to Lix.

10-17-2005, 01:25 AM
There is a part from the first post of this thread that has NOT been highlighted and quoted, that stated…

Now for the societal lepers this thread IS intended for. I want a place where we can speak openly without having to dodge rocks of the righteous. I especially would like the Pixies that have posted their current wrestling with the beast, to be able to come here without fear of laughter or scorn. For us to talk before the Pharisees is like a dog talking to a fish, and not going to let us know what we each are finding in our personal dealings with the addiction.

That has not been an option, choice, consideration or remotely possible. The intent of the thread was refocused, kidnapped and raped before being gutted with authority and dispatch. As the originator, I have made THREE OFFICIAL REQUESTS that it be locked. Perhaps when the boot feels satisfactory admonishment has been stomped into the infidel, this thread will be allowed to die.

10-17-2005, 03:32 AM
This thread did not require locking....i've only seen one flame...and ya should go check who cast it....I certainly did not cast rocks nor laugh nor scorn nor use a bloody boot....I fought the damn beast too!!...What because i didnt smoke for 20 damn years i'm not as able as you to post here...absolute Toad Turds

You obviously are not the person who i thought you to be....thanx mate

Never mind.....be happy with your addiction....i wont bother you again

Teddy Bear
10-21-2005, 04:14 AM
You obviously are not the person who i thought you to be....thanx mate

Never mind.....be happy with your addiction....i wont bother you again

OMG! I can't remember when something made me as sad as those words did.

As a non-smoker (I puffed a few in high school just to see what it was like but lucky for me never got hooked) when I first saw the title of PF's thread I felt my fur had been rubbed the wrong way and I thought about charging in and saying something. But the next thread (some sex topic or other) caught my attention and I went there and forgot about this one.

Until tonight......... Some one asked if I'd been following PF's smoking thread and said it was pretty hot. (pun intended)

So I just read it start to finish....... I sat here at the end just wanting to cry. The over all feeling in this thread is not one normally felt at Pixies. What happened to supporting each other no matter what? Wheres the family that excepts you know matter what? And I mean both the smokers and non-smokers in this thread. So much anger, finger pointing, you don't understand statements, I did/you can, I've tryed/I can't !

The same person who asked if I'd read this thread stated..... 'Where there's smoke there's fire'. Well damn it Pixie people, put out the fire your holding onto, be it for or against smoking or smokers or whatever your all burning upset about. We're family and for all our many habits, oddness, uniqueness, handicaps and weird traits, we love each other. And you're going to let smoking cause tension and bad feeling among us?!!? You all need to cool down, take a time out or whatever.

Geezzz...... just re-read what I wrote and it doesn't nearly express what I'm thinking, feeling or wanted to say.

Would ya'all just kiss and make up already!

((((((( Pixies... ALL of 'em!! )))))))

10-21-2005, 04:32 AM
Well Teddy, I think that the fact that this hadn't been posted to or bumped back up to the top in 4 days meant people were trying to take a time out from it.

10-21-2005, 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by Alassë
You obviously are not the person who i thought you to be....thanx mate

Never mind.....be happy with your addiction....i wont bother you again

OMG! I can't remember when something made me as sad as those words did.

Me too. :(