View Full Version : If once was good, twice will be...

Teddy Bear
10-09-2005, 06:29 AM
Quoting Kaelynn from the first ChatIn thread:
"Well I can't wait to have another one scheduled..."

OK... :thumb:

Sunday, Oct 9, 11:00pm in the US, EST

Thats Monday, Oct 10:
3:00am in Casablanca
4:00am in the UK
5:00am in Germany
7:00am in Moscow City
11:00am in Hong Kong
1:00pm in Brisbane, Queenland, Australia


"I hate going in there and being all alone... I wish there was away to grab people and make them join you."

Send PM's to who ever you'd like to have in chat. :corn:


Cum one, cum all to the RocknTeddyChatIn...

It doesn't matter if you can only stay a few minutes or if you spend the night/day. Stop in and say hi.

Hope to see YOU there!! :line:

Sunday, Oct 9, 11:00pm in the US, EST

10-09-2005, 09:12 AM
I'm sorry I missed the last one. I will try to get there this time. :)

10-09-2005, 09:58 AM
I'm really going to try to make the next one, too!

10-09-2005, 10:00 AM
Well Teddy we all waited for you and Rock last nite!! Was quite a few peeps in there.

10-09-2005, 10:29 AM
I will have to catch the next ChatIn.:(
I must attend my Sunday Services (http://www.pbs.org/tvschedules/tvschedulessearch_results.html?station=WVIZ&keywordPBS=red+green&channel=-1) to become enlightened and strengthened with the insights that enable us all to continue dealing with the challenges of life. :)

10-09-2005, 11:38 AM
Now what time is that in Chicago time zone :rofl:

10-09-2005, 11:54 AM
I will try to make it this time....really I will. :)

10-09-2005, 01:14 PM
Oh peeps...I sooooooooooooo wanna cum amd chat at you all! 11PM is too late for me! I have to get up at 2:30AM cause the people I work for are trying their damndest to kill me (physically and spititually)! It's starting to come to fruition too...I am so dog tired come 11PM (if, for some crazy reason, I am still up)...I wouldn't know what to type!!!!!!

^^^^Imagine that!

10-09-2005, 01:20 PM
Crap...your Sunday makes it my Monday....i don't finish work til 1:30pm today

Oh well i drop in about 2pm and see if anyones still around *sigh*

Teddy Bear
10-09-2005, 02:14 PM
Tess & Steph... Hope to see you! :)

Soda... Dunno where he was, I fell asleep (on meds still), sorry. Glad to hear lots where there!

PF... Join us after church. ;)

Scarecrow... What time zone is that? hmmm.... it'll either be 11pm or 10pm

osuche... Hope to see you for a little while anyway!

Lixy... What time is it you go to chat and only Jup is there? Maybe we can get some peeps in there then. :)

Alasse... We'll make sure somebody stays til you get there! *looks for a big lock for chat room door to keep 'em in there.) :D

Back when I first joined Pixies it seemed there was always somebody in chat. We're just hoping to get it back to being a fun gathering spot again. Of course we need all of YOU to do that. :)

10-09-2005, 02:45 PM
Hmmmmm...hadn't tried chat for a while but I did try earlier today (I think it was today...my days seem to be blending together lately...it could be verified if I had the energy to go back a few posts and find out...but I don't so, so I won't...lol!) and there I was...me and Jupe...eyeball to eyeball...and not a "hello" from either of us. Me, cause I'm skeered of it...It, cause it's rude! LMFAO!

I'll pop in when I can Teddy! I got there earlier from the link PF layed out for us dummies! Hoping I can find it again when I have the energy to stay up and chat at ya'll (<---I'm drinking today and so my southern accent comes to the top...lol!).

(((((((((((Everyone))))))))))))...and have fun!

10-09-2005, 03:08 PM
Scarecrow... What time zone is that? hmmm.... it'll either be 11pm or 10pm

Central time or 10pm :devilish:

10-09-2005, 10:09 PM
the game is a foot rock showed up late but what is new

10-09-2005, 10:34 PM
yeah, boog, i was late because i thought that way u might already be gone...but nooooooo! :D