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View Full Version : Am I bad?? Here is my secreat story

10-06-2005, 11:48 AM
just keep in mind that, I do love my husband very very much. No one can compare to him in term of everything. he is the best on everything. I am so lucky to marry him.

Are we calling bad? Ok here is my secreat!

I just moved to this new house quite sometimes about half year. This whole summer most of time I walk from the grocery store to my home. They are very close. Ok let's me cut this story short.

It is very usual for any guys on the street to look at me , beep beep , horn the car or scream at me. :jump:

Even though I am for 3 married, but no one knows, hehehe I think I am a very extractive lady. I am still in my 20.

Ok 2 month ago, there is this guy followed me from a Dollar store to the shopper drug mart. I was looking at this stone on the dollar store, I want to buy to decorate my room. He was asking me if this stone can put in the fish tank. I told him I don't know. may be he need to ask the cashier. This guy he looks about either my age or a bit younger or may be 1 or 2 year older. I don't know how to guess his age or anything.

After that we walked out of the store follow me on the way home. He came up to talk to me from behind.

He said,"Hi, "
I said, "Hi"
He said, "the weather is going rain, I saw you have an umbrella"
I said, "Yes, I am going to use it"
He said, "so you are living around this neighboard?"
I said "yes, and you?"
he said, "me too"
He asked,"SO what is your name?, my name is ....."
I told him my real name too.

we walk half way through. He asked,"Do you want to go for a coffee?"
I said,"No thanks"
he said,"Oh ! let's me guess, you drink tea right?"
I said, "Yes,"
he said, "Are you Chinese? I am philipino" He looked pretty good as well. I wonder why he has no girl friend or anything.
I said, "Yes I am Chinese and I don't drink coffee i only drink tea"

then I don't want him to follow me home, I don't want him to know where I live. I walk to the other street.
He said,"Oh I thought you live down there, coz I see you always walk to that area every time"
I said, "No" I don't look at his face. Look straight always.

Then the next day I walk to that store again. He came up behind me and said, "Hi....."
I said,"Hi...."
he said "check out what I bought" I looked and quiet. Then I looked away. Then he stay in the store and look at me and wait for me to pick up something. He followed me to this line to that line. Then he asked, "What are you going to do in the long weekend came up (which is July 1). I said , "I said I do not need to tell you, it is my personal life. can you stop follow me" He said, "oh sorry" then he walk out the store. After that I walk out the store I realize he was waiting for me on the same street that I usually walk. He asked me if he can drive me home. I said "NO" i said very lound. He said, " Are you mad?" I don't answer and walk away and he drive straight.

after 1 month I went to China during my trip to China. I some how think of him. Dam!!! so weird I was hating this guy so much. I was sort of like missing him or something. shame on me. After I came back from China. One day I walk at the park near my home after dinner. I always walk with my husband after dinner. I saw him. he walks toward my direction. I SORT of forgot how he looks like until he comes so close to me I realized "Oh it is that philipino guy" He stared at me and walk away coz I also forgot him. AFTER THAT I realized is him. Then now a day I walk at the park I saw him. I smile to him, but he never smile at me.

one day at my back yard, I am watering my grass, he walk at my back yard, I was in my backyard alone, I smile at him, he smile and use his hand wave at me.

but last night I saw him again on the park that I was walking with my husband. I smile at him, he pretend he doesn't see me and walk away. :mad:
then i sometimes see him walk behind my backyard and look to my house from the far view. Now he knows where I live.

now I am not hating him like the way I did before I went to China. Now I just hope that I want to talk to him like a friend and be nice to him. I just want to be friend. But I want to talk to him only when I am walking alone and my husband not with me. Now that every day I tried to walk alone to the Dollar store and Shopper Drugmart and hope to see him and talk to him . But since I came back from China, I don't see him walk in and out of the store any more. :mad: ]

so what am I thinking right now? am I thinking of flirt with him ? or just be a friend? or what? i don't know. But every day I walk to the store I hope to see him. Sometime I hope to see him when I walk on the park with my husband. BUT OF course I can not talk to him, coz my husband would be very jealouse, coz he knows that guy was follow me coz I TOLD HIM before. I think he forgot how he looks like already.

now that I hope to see him in the Dollar store and shopper drug mart store so I can talk to him alone by myself. But can not find him. Now I only see him at the park after dinner walking with my husband.

10-06-2005, 12:15 PM
if you love your husband, you need to tell the guy you see next time that you never want to speak with him again and avoid seeing him...go to a different store or area if you can for a little while, put some distance up....right now you are in for a recipe for disaster.

Also, if you are looking for something else than you husband, there must be something you want which he is not supplying you. Think about what that might be.

10-06-2005, 12:19 PM
thanks for reply.

I just want to be friend with him. that is all. I'll never ever want to sleep with this guy. never.

if you love your husband, you need to tell the guy you see next time that you never want to speak with him again and avoid seeing him...go to a different store or area if you can for a little while, put some distance up....right now you are in for a recipe for disaster.

Also, if you are looking for something else than you husband, there must be something you want which he is not supplying you. Think about what that might be.

10-06-2005, 12:23 PM
You chased him away and now are running after him?

I swear...this whole Mars/Venus thing gets more confusing every day!

10-06-2005, 02:18 PM
I believe you are like most people and enjoy attention of opposite sex. That is all. Yes, you are sending confused messages for a man to understand. You know we are horny animals by nature. If we believe there is interest, we want to automatically fuck you. LOL Even when we would not do it, we want to. :lust: For the basic animal mind of a man, you have to only make clear that your interest is not to sleep with us. Just be honest and tell him you are happy married woman. If he does not know this, he may think you are available and try to win you from a ‘boyfriend’.

As for changing where you shop or how and when you walk to the store, I say BULLSHIT!:mad: You should never have to change your life for somebody that is not important in your life. Do not let anybody intimidate where you go or what you do.:whack: If necessary, change your walking stick to a baseball bat and go YOUR route. :nuts:

10-06-2005, 04:40 PM
Scares me a little CP! Don't let me frighten you unnecessarily...cause if you are comfortable with this guy knowing nearly every move you make, I'd say I trust your judgement. But I have to say that not only in this post but in a few of your other posts in other forums I've found you to be a bit naive and a bit too trusting of folks and their intentions.

It's not quite normal for this guy to know the timing of all your outings! It really strikes me as odd that he knows when you'll be at the stores you frequent. It's almost like he's following you, from afar, from your home to where you are going.

Please tell us if you go to these stores at the same time everytime you go to them? <---This is VERY important for us to know!

If so, he has your "pattern" down pat. If not, he's stalking you and is watching you from your home to the stores...where he coincidently shows up!!!!

If the timing is different from day to day...DO NOT BEFRIEND THIS GUY! It's NOT a coincidence that he is where you are ever single time you go to the stores if you go at different times all the time. It's stalking! He could be ( I say "could be" cause I have been wrong ONCE before!) checking out all the things that could go wrong before he makes his pounce (sorry Aqua...I know you love to pounce us...but in this instance I was lacking a better word).

It's eerie that he would lie when you took another road and he said he thought you lived on your real road (when you said you avoided your real road cause you didn't want him to know where you live). It's even more eerie that he suddenly found out where you lived and started walking by!

Be careful hun...PLEASE! Trust me...it seems just a little left of right (not good) that he doesn't wave to you while you are in your husband's presence!

If you are ever home alone...make sure your doors are locked! If he knocks on the door and asks to come in...DON'T OPEN THE DOOR...but instead tell him (if you insist you want a new friend) that you will only meet him at the stores you "met" him at (to be around lots of other people) till you get to know him MUCH, MUCH better and can trust his intentions wholeheartidly! Never be alone with him till you have a better knowledge of the kind of person he is!



10-06-2005, 04:47 PM
And take an accredited handgun course. ;)

10-06-2005, 04:58 PM
And take an accredited handgun course. ;)Will you knock it off! :nuts: I'm trying to help CP...NOT get her arrested!

And PF? It doesn't happen often because I usually respect and/or agree with your advice...but I don't agree with you in this instance. It's pretty weird...the scenario that CP spelled out for us to analyze (<---I said anal :rofl: ) Please try and admit you could be wrong in your advice!!!???

Oh shit! Where's my "down on my knees in the submissive position...begging you to tell CP I (Lixy) could be right and to listen to the smart chick" emoticon?

10-06-2005, 05:05 PM
It sounds to me like this guy thought CP was interested initially, attempted to fan the embers, and ended up getting his feelings hurt. Now, he's gunshy and confused by the mixed messages.

10-06-2005, 05:10 PM
It sounds to me like this guy thought CP was interested initially, attempted to fan the embers, and ended up getting his feelings hurt. Now, he's gunshy and confused by the mixed messages.
Yes WI...I agree to a point. But when it so happened that he suddenly "found" her house and walks by...that's f'in weird! How'd he "find" her house if she didn't show him it?

And..what about his ignoring her except for eye contact when she was with her hubby?

It sends up red flags for me!

But then...I am a bit of a paranoid...eh? But I did say I could be wrong. I'll leave it at...


10-06-2005, 08:38 PM
.....but I don't agree with you in this instance. It's pretty weird.....Oh shit! Where's my "down on my knees in the submissive position...begging you to tell CP I (Lixy) could be right and to listen to the smart chick" emoticon?
LISTEN TO LIXY!!! :jump:
I'll do whatever you say when you are on your knees darling. :lust:

I’m TOTALLY with you and just as paranoid. We ALL know the world is not always a friendly place. I could well be wrong as I usually am, but I didn’t know we were disagreeing. :confused:

If I was reading her story correctly (subject to MUCH error), it seems to be a very small neighborhood with a lot of foot traffic, especially in the summer. I understood that he walked PAST her back yard, as if there were an ally or thoroughfare of some sort and he was keeping his distance since seeing her with her husband/boyfriend (in his mind).
This whole summer most of time I walk from the grocery store to my home. They are very close….

…one day at my back yard, I am watering my grass, he walk at my back yard,…

…then i sometimes see him walk behind my backyard and look to my house from the far view. …

I wasn’t kidding when I said I would be getting mixed messages too, but it seems he figured it out himself.
...now that I hope to see him in the Dollar store and shopper drug mart store so I can talk to him alone by myself. But can not find him. Now I only see him at the park after dinner walking with my husband.

The only place I take a different approach is in letting a ‘possible’ menus change MY life. I’m with you 100% about keeping your eyes open, but it should not make us scurry away from OUR world and let them take it over.:mad:

[Some day I’ll share the story of taking the family downtown on a week night in winter to see (and participate with) Blackstone the magician, who’s slight of had tricks became flustered when he ran across personal protection I happened to be carrying. ;) ]

10-07-2005, 10:14 AM
LixyChick :x:

Thank you so much for your long advice. I am so appreciated your long advices. Yup! you are right. I should much becareful, because just like PantyFanatic said, "We ALL know the world is not always a friendly place. " Thanks for reminding me. :)

Just want to let you know that, my backyard is connect with the whold big community park. That is why a lot of people ae joking and walking pass my back yard. I have a fan that seperate that back yard with the park. So people walk by the park I can see them through the fan. I am living close by down town area. That is why pretty much people. I am living in the Jewish community. A lot of very nice Jewish people around, and there are tone of Philipino nanies around as well. But this guy I know, I think he grew up here and he seem like a nice person (but who know what is in his mind right?) But I wonder why he doesn't have a girlfriend or something. Because my friend saw him, and they think he is pretty good looking and why he is still single. :hair:

Anyway I think I should be very becareful and let watch out this guy first. I should not be friend with him since I don't know anything about him. Let's slow thing down and see what will happend. I think he knows that I do have a partner. Coz he saw me walk with my hubby a lot of time after dinner.

if he is a nice guy not a prevert or anything, it wouldn't hurt to be friend with but again I don't know anything about him. So I must step back and defend myself first.


"The Mars/Venus thing gets more confusing every day!" You are right. I have no idea about how to explain either :hair:

Yeah I do know I enjoy attention of opposite sex. :jump: I am so bad!! I always enjoy this type of attention of the street or at the mall. heheheheheh

For now I listen to LixyChick :x: becareful and watch out this guy. :yikes: